Label: new year. Test new year Test what do you know about the new year

Do not judge strictly. This is my first insertion test. 1. What will you write for your opening speech? (write like this, for example: Hello, Santa Claus!) 2. What will you write next? (write like this: for example: I behaved well. I got an excellent mark.) ...

  • A cool New Year's test, which, however, can be taken at any time of the year.1. Where do you like to meet New Year? at a camp site in the mountains in peace and quiet at a party, with friends2. Who would you like to celebrate the New Year with? alone with myself...

  • The remnants of my New Year's mood, I share it with those who read this. 1. Cold winter evening. It is snowing outside. It has long been dark, only bright lanterns shine. What do you choose to keep warm? Some hot orange drink. Bright citrus notes will brighten up my evening. Tea....

  • The holidays are over, but I still want to return to that moment!!! Of course, I won’t be able to do this, but today you will find out how much percent you believe in Santa Claus and maybe you can return to that atmosphere.1. Do you like New Years at all?

  • Hello) This is my first test, so do not judge strictly please! I really tried hard and whole year dreamed of doing tests here. I hope you appreciate!1. What tree to put up? Artificial Live I don't even know. I'll think more 2. What kind of sandwiches will you make on...

  • the beginning of the time of what is happening: January 1, 1946 12:10 the main character at this moment is 4 years old. Dedicated to the time after the Great Patriotic War. 1. The first of January. It seems like a new year, but almost no one is in a festive mood. Only small children have fun on ...

  • 2020 is already ticking around in the yard ... Such a time when being a classic Snow Maiden in a long coat, kokoshnik and with a scythe to the waist, somehow ... Not fashionable. Not at all modern! Let's leave the Snow Maidens in fairy tales, a new generation of Snow Maidens bursts into the world! P.S The test was created specifically for ...

  • I will start my 2020 on this site with a simple test enlightened this year. Not always a good test should consist of a large number of questions, the same number of answers and many results. Sometimes it’s enough to present information beautifully, arrange it well and interest💙 [When...

  • Let's find out who you could be in this universe!1. Do you have a big family? Mom, dad and me Parents, older brother/sister Parents, younger brother/sister Too many relatives, too many to list2. Choose the Christmas tree of your dreams 3. What Kevin are you today? 4....

  • Test mission "teacher's riddle" part 1 and all its parts I moved to 2020. It is not known exactly when I will do it. Hello! You must have already forgotten all my tests that have gained popularity about the girl Alya, who was scratched by an old cat and thus turned the girl into a cat. Helped her...

  • Have you already checked out Tricky's sticker dolls on the Forum? Did you like it? Do you use? Here you can see this doll in charming, festive outfits! Our modern Tricky is still a fashionista;) All the outfits are homemade, and therefore not perfect. Please forgive the shortcomings :) Dressing models ...

  • Hello. In this test, you will find out how much you believe in Santa Claus. Let's get started! 1. What will you ask for in a letter to Santa Claus? All kinds of gadgets Candies Plush toys Any gifts2. Do you believe in Santa Claus? Yes, of course Nah Brad is an old Ne...

  • A little test prediction. I already wrote one such test, but this test is slightly different.1. What color will be the color of 2020? Blue Pink Green Orange/yellow Blue Purple Red2. Choose your talisman for 2020. Rat Earrings Rat Portrait of a Rat Pendant...

  • Test New Year- find out what awaits you in the new year, what surprises are in store for you.

    Each of us in New Year waiting for gifts, the fulfillment of cherished desires or the accomplishment of a miracle. Any adult with the approach of the New Year, returns a little to his childhood, at his best time, when he was little, dressed up the Christmas tree with his parents, waited for the clock to strike 12 strokes and Santa Claus would give a gift.

    We invite you to plunge into that time to remember the best moments of your life. Pass new year test, and you will learn a lot of new things and maybe even include something in your New Year's Eve program.

    Also given test new year will be useful for your children who love this holiday very much. Any child, in any country knows the holiday New Year, as it is fraught with some kind of mystery, mystery, brings happiness and kindness to every home.

    celebration New Year January 1 was established by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. This day was dedicated to the god of choice, who had the name Janus, and the month of January, the first month of the year, also has its name in his honor.

    Initially in Russia since 1492, New Year was celebrated on September 1, in 1700 by decree of Peter 1 New Year began to celebrate on January 1, most likely he adopted this tradition from Europe, where, as you know, he liked to visit.

    For the new year, it is customary to install a Christmas tree in the house and decorate it with various decorations - Christmas tree decorations, garlands, tinsel. Few people know when the first Christmas decoration was made? It was officially invented in the 16th century in Sweden (Saxony). With the advent Christmas decorations, the New Year holiday has become even more beautiful and solemn.

    In the New Year, all children and adults sing a song. A Christmas tree was born in the forest. We owe the appearance of this song to Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva and Leonid Karlovich Beckman. This song was born in 1902-1904. This song is included in the TOP-30 most popular songs in our country and in the post-Soviet space. Every child without exception knows and loves this song.

    But not in all countries meet New Year 1st of January. Do you know when they meet New Year in Muslims? In Muslim countries, the new year is celebrated on March 21, on the day of the vernal equinox, and this holiday is called the new day.

    In many countries, there are various customs and rituals for celebrating the new year. For example, in Italy, on New Year's Eve, old things are thrown out of the house.

    Greece also has its own customs, which are produced on New Year's Eve. For example, when the time comes, the head of the family takes the fruit of the gragata, goes out into the street and breaks it against the wall of his house.

    And in Tibet, the customs that are customary to perform in New Year related to cooking. In this country, pies are baked on New Year's Eve and distributed to all passers-by.

    On New Year in all countries it is customary to send greeting cards to all your relatives, relatives and friends. Do you know where the first one was printed? New Year card? There is a lot of controversy on this topic, but the official version is that the New Year's card was printed in London.

    New Year always accompanied by beautiful illumination. All the central streets of cities, as well as Christmas trees located in the squares and in the apartments of residents, are decorated with multi-colored light bulbs that fascinate with their color overflows, which are called garlands. And where did the first garland appear? There is also a lot of controversy on this answer, but most are inclined to believe that the garland appeared in the White House, in the USA.

    New Year is perhaps the most favorite holiday for many. And we expect pleasant surprises from him. Answer the questions of the New Year's test and you will get to know yourself better, and you will also be able to understand how you better celebrate the New Year.

    Choose one of the suggested answers:

    1. Where do you like to celebrate the New Year?

    a) at home - 2 points;
    b) at a camp site in the mountains - 2;
    c) in a restaurant - 3.

    2. In which company would you like to be on New Year's Eve?

    a) with family and close relatives - 3 points;
    b) in an unfamiliar big company - 4.

    3. What kind of music do you prefer?

    a) the one that is offered in a restaurant, at a camp site - 1 point;
    b) listen to your records or records - 2;
    c) you sing yourself, play musical instruments - 3.

    4. What are your gastronomic tastes?

    a) there should be plenty of everything on the table, almost “bird's milk” - 4 points;
    b) everything should be within reasonable limits - 2;
    c) despite the holiday, everything should be modest, but in accordance with the tastes of those present - 1.

    5. Do you watch the New Year TV program?

    a) from start to finish - 1 point;
    b) only the most interesting - 2;
    c) I don’t watch at all - 1.

    6. Do you send greeting cards?

    a) all acquaintances - 3 points;
    b) only the closest - 2;
    c) do not send to anyone - 1.

    7. Do you make Christmas gifts?

    a) do not do - 1 point;
    b) according to tradition to all relatives - 3;
    c) only to his family - 2.

    Test results:

    Up to 10 points

    You are modest, shy. You have enough practicality, and you do not like big, noisy companies. You are more comfortable with a close circle of friends. You are prudent and frugal, do not make unnecessary expenses. In the new year, try to find time and courage for cardinal changes - a change in appearance (hairstyle, hair color), work, place of residence - everything will go well - the Black Dragon loves the brave and daring!

    11 to 19 points

    Your character can be attributed to the "golden mean". In any case, you avoid extremes. You are unpretentious, a good conversationalist, quite sociable, you know how to have fun. However, you are doing all this wisely. New 2013 is a time of stability and prosperity, a time to save for the future, start a family, think about children. Success will bring long term plans and investments.

    Over 20 points

    You are welcome in any company. You easily get along with people, love music, you are witty, there is something “bohemian” in your character. You do not act with calculation, easily and even unreasonably spend money. You are kind to the point of impracticality, cordial, sincere to the extreme. Your character is beautiful for others, but not for yourself. You are rightfully considered the soul of the company. The year 2013 is good for new ideas, bold undertakings, creativity. You can safely rush headlong into a new hobby, hobby - the brighter and more unusual it is, the more pleasure you will get!

    New Year's test

    Remember New Year's parties V kindergarten? Each of us was dressed up as a character. Gray bunnies and charming snowflakes did not stand out from the crowd of kids dressed in identical costumes. But there were also those who attracted attention with an unusual outfit - firecrackers, mermaids, a cowboy or a genie. Many girls envied the one who played the role of the Snow Maiden, because she was one of the main New Year's characters. And who do you feel like in adult life? To determine your psychological type using an example fairytale heroes take our test.

    Question I: You were invited to a karaoke bar for a holiday. How will you react to this?

    Answer options:
    1. Wonderful! I love to sing! (3 points)
    2. How much do you need to drink?! (1 point)
    3. There is no Leps from me, but you can try to portray something from the Roots group. (2 points)

    Question II: Do you believe in omens?

    Answer options:
    1. Only if they are good. (3 points)
    2. It is impossible to be considered a cultured person and not believe in omens, because they are part of culture. Therefore, I believe. (2 points)
    3. I would definitely answer this question if not for one sign ... (1 point)

    Question III: What is family for you?

    Answer options:
    1. Quiet harbor. (1 point)
    2. The object of constant concern. (2 points)
    3. Favorite "madhouse"! (3 points)

    Question IV: The most valuable thing you found was equivalent in value

    Answer options:
    1. A loaf of bread. (1 point)
    2. A bottle of vintage wine. (2 points)
    3. A bottle of elite cognac. (3 points)

    Question V: What do you like to do in your free time?

    Answer options:
    1. Just lie down, as a last resort - read. (2 points)
    2. Go in for sports, go shopping, "break away" at parties. (3 points)
    3. Fishing, weaving macrame, sorting out a collection of coins - in general, do everything related to your favorite hobby. (1 point)

    Question VI: Which Steven would you like to have as your friend?

    Answer options:
    1. Kinga. (1 point)
    2. Sigala. (3 points)
    3. Spielberg. (2 points)

    Now add up your total points and decide who you are.

    0-8 points - Man from the crowd (Snowflake, Bunny)

    You have a very good character, the main features of which are responsiveness, complaisance and predictability. Your credo is a game by the rules. Making rational proposals at work, organizing original parties for friends is not your thing. Sometimes you yourself suffer from your “ordinary”, but you are not ready to stand out from the background of others and receive a certain portion of the negative that always accompanies popularity.

    9-14 points - Born leader (Father Frost, Snow Maiden)

    You are safe and fun. You are the soul of the company and the leader at all events. You like to distribute bonuses and give gifts. Friends rightly give you the palm in any business, but strangers are sometimes shocked by your craving for theatrical effects. You are a born leader, but, like all outstanding people, you are sometimes capricious and wayward.

    15-18 points - Creative personality (Clapperboard, SpongeBob)

    Since childhood, you did not like to dress like everyone else. And do what others do. Any boundaries are unacceptable to you. You turn any, even the most banal, activity into an extravaganza! Many do not understand you: why not come to a business meeting in a pink tie with skulls! But you absolutely do not care about the opinion of the majority, you live in your own world, and you are comfortable in it.

    Do you know which New Year's wizard you look like the most? How well do you remember Christmas songs? Can you guess the year from the President's congratulations?

    Test your knowledge of the country's main holiday.

    Test: In which country is it better for you to celebrate the New Year?

    Let's start with the main question that everyone asks on the eve of New Year's Eve: where and with whom to meet? By answering 10 questions, you will know the answer to it.

    7 quotes from New Year's movies. Take the test

    Wherever you find yourself on New Year's Eve, the holidays are a great excuse to rewatch Home Alone and laugh at the adventures of Macaulay Culkin's character for the hundredth time.

    6 most famous songs about the New Year. Take the test

    And the New Year's feast is unthinkable without songs that everyone knows from childhood. Can you distinguish the main hit of all children's matinees “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” from the famous “New Year is rushing towards us, everything will happen soon”?

    Quiz: Guess the President's New Year's Greetings

    The New Year is, of course, the chiming clock and the president's congratulatory speeches. Trying to distinguish them from each other is not an easy task, but it is definitely worth a try.

    Test: What kind of Santa Claus are you?

    Well, when all the songs are sung, and there is nothing left of Olivier, it's time to put on .... a goatskin coat, a silk robe or a warm sheepskin coat? To find out which country you are most like the New Year's wizard, the questions of our test will help.