How to flash Sony PRS-T1. detailed instructions

A new book Sony, on the one hand, is similar to the old models, but, in fact, is the ancestor of a new direction. It's strange, but there are no other readers on the American website of the company (we are talking about the PRS series), only T1 in different variations. Actually, they call the Reader Wi-Fi model, apparently, they decided to make life easier for users. This good practice. And the book itself evokes extremely positive emotions, if you do not take into account some of the roughness inherent in Sony books, first of all, this concerns formats.

Design, construction

Behind Lately more than a dozen books have already passed through my hands, you can find reviews on the site. I said and continue to say, if you like good things, then you should choose Amazon and Sony readers, everything else can support a bunch of formats, work longer and be better than Kindle or PRS in all respects. But you will not get the feeling of a thing in your hands. This is a harsh market reality, the design of readers is mostly absent as a class, the same gray crafts. In principle, an e-book has long been a household tool, and you are unlikely to think about the appearance of a microwave - but the reader is probably in your hands more often. Accordingly, I personally would choose the best that is on the market, and appearance including.

The book in question comes in a very compact package, literally not a single extra millimeter. No big boxes. Everything you need is included, unfortunately, there is no AC adapter, no cover. But there is a stylus, although when working with the screen it is quite possible to do without it. The first thing you pay attention to is that the book is very small, it can easily fit in a jacket pocket. Winter is coming soon, and everyone in Russia will be wearing outerwear. When the reader is in sleep mode, the cover of the book you are reading is displayed on the screen. The body is made of glossy black plastic, the back is velvety material, it is very pleasant to hold the gadget in your hands. Under the display there is a metal insert, the case does not creak when compressed. On the bottom end there is a microUSB connector, a minijack, on the left end there is a slot for a microSD memory card, covered with a flap.

I want to praise the Sony designers, on the one hand, there are similarities with the old models. On the other hand, oddly enough, the PRS-T1 has its own face, the book is unlike anything else, it is pleasant to hold it in your hands. The thing is as it is. Not so thin, it's more of a visual effect due to beveled edges, but even the buttons here are made wisely, even the PRS-T1 somehow resembles Sony Ericsson smartphones.

Dimensions 111 x 172 x 9 mm, weight 168 grams. The screen is made flush with the body, the glossy plastic around, of course, gets dirty, but it's not very noticeable. Apparently, they decided to strengthen the area under the display with metal, since there are buttons there. In addition to the black book, there is also a red, white, white with rhinestones. There are several branded accessories on the official website, these are illuminated cases, chargers, gift cards.


The diagonal of the display (Pearl is used here) is six inches, the resolution is 600 x 800 pixels, 16 shades of gray, Clear Touch Infrared Technology is supported. What is it and why is it necessary. For example, already familiar gestures for zooming in are supported, it is enough to “push” the page with your fingers. True, there is a pitfall here, in the lower right corner there is a page symbol, an increase icon, and to get rid of this, you need to press the menu button. You can also “tap” and hold your finger on a word, a link to a dictionary with a transcript will appear at the bottom of the screen, plus a search menu in “Wikipedia” or Google, add a note, highlight.

In my opinion, the screen is close to ideal. Not big and not small, contrasting, there is a wide choice of font size and type. For example, if in old books with sizes everything was military, one or two and ready, then there are already eight “divisions”. At the same time, by playing with the types of fonts, you can easily achieve the perfect display for your loved one.


At the bottom there is a power button and a Reset hidden in the case. Under the screen there are buttons for scrolling, switching to the main menu, going back, calling the menu for a particular program. There are no volume buttons. The screen is very convenient to use, handwriting is supported, here you will need a stylus from the kit. You can type site addresses on the keyboard with your finger without any problems, the delays are minimal. In general, the impression is created as from working with a smartphone. Interesting experience.

But for a book, the convenience of flipping when you hold the gadget with one hand is more important. Not everything is obvious here. For example, if you hold the PRS-T1 in your right hand, it is more convenient to navigate from page to page by swiping your finger across the display. The pages turn very quickly, it is difficult to make a mistake, so everything is fine. But if you hold the book in your left hand, then it will be more convenient to use the buttons, I really liked the precise, soft move. It can be seen that they pored over the buttons and over the pressing force.

There is a miniature light indicator next to the power button, it does not hurt the eyes, and in general it is practically not noticeable.

Browser and WiFi

The book has Wi-Fi and, accordingly, there is a browser. Not only is there a browser, but this browser is quite possible to use. It quickly scales sites, loading does not require a moment of silence with a cigarette and coffee, information is displayed correctly, thanks to multitouch support, it is easy to “spread” the page to look at something more carefully. The book quickly detects access points, remembers passwords, automatically connects to a familiar network when it is in the access zone. In principle, Wi-Fi support is needed, it seems, in order to go and buy books in the proprietary Reader Store, for Russia this is not particularly relevant. But there are links to public libraries, Google Books.

Additional features

The book has a player, covers are displayed, everything is like the old Sony readers, typical functionality. I do not think that the owners will constantly listen to music. Also note-taking, a program for drawing or writing any plans to take over the world - writing is best with a stylus. Dictionary, image viewer, everything like the old books.

The menu has links to purchased periodicals and books, the covers of books and the last opened book are displayed on the desktop, at the top there are indicators of battery charge, Wi-Fi turned on, it's a pity that the time is not displayed. When reading, the indicators are not visible at all, which is strange. If you want to read the instructions for using the book, then look for the manual right among the books, it is not included in the kit.

Formats and books

I got an American sample without the Russian language, I think the craftsmen will soon take care of it. The virtual keyboard is English, and so on. ePub, PDF, TXT formats are supported, I tried uploading some ePub books downloaded from the net. As you can see, covers and titles in Russian are displayed correctly, and there are no problems with reading. The formatting, as is always the case with Sony's readers, is a bit odd when it comes to displaying content. In short, everything is fine. You can do without conversion - of course, only if you do not have a huge library in FB2. I also tried loading a PDF into memory, a large instruction for Casio watches. The size is small, as you can see, in the menu you can switch the view to landscape, then the instructions are much more convenient to read. Only it is difficult to read something, drawing is not to say that it is very fast, it takes time. There is no position sensor in space, which is not very good. After drawing, you can read small letters, but then suddenly you can’t return to horizontal mode. And this applies only to PDF, with ordinary books in ePub everything is in order. In my opinion, T1 is not ideal for PDF, especially if you are interested in reading and using various documentation.


About 1.3 GB of memory is available for the user, microSD cards up to 32 GB are supported. In my opinion, for most users, the built-in storage will be enough for the entire time of using the book, especially if you do not clog the memory with music.

Working hours

They promise a month of “life”, in my opinion, this is a good indicator - moreover, it is quite close to reality. The menu has an option to completely turn off the book, there is also a sleep mode when the cover is displayed on the screen.


Book settings are simple, there is nothing special. On average, a book in Moscow costs about nine thousand rubles. In the USA about 150 dollars. While we have a typical overpayment for a new product, then prices will settle down.

The most main part review, summarizing. I enjoyed the book very much and am impressed with the work done at Sony. One of the few devices where everything is very smooth, smooth, fast and pleasant. Let's look at the pros:

  • original design, good materials, assembly. The book fits easily into a jacket pocket, at least mine does.
  • Great display, multitouch supported
  • Long battery life
  • For the first time I see a normal browser in a book - moreover, it is not difficult to download a book from the network and open it in the “reader”. Wonderful
  • The book is “high-speed”, this applies to turning over, and working with the menu, and everything else - delays are imperceptible
  • Everything is in order with the controls, you can scroll using the buttons, and using the capabilities of the touch screen
  • Handwriting is implemented well, it is quite possible to write short notes, notes, draw up action plans
  • Read files in ePub format possible without conversion, Russian language is supported

There are also cons:

  • Time is not displayed in the indicator line, the battery charge indicator is not visible during reading
  • Reading PDF is not implemented very well
  • Not all are supported book formats
  • The package does not include a power adapter, a case
  • Still, the plastic (both front and rear) is easily soiled, keep in mind

It is with great pleasure that I recommend this book to you and I want to say one thing, Sony was able to collect all their many years of experience in one device. Simple menu, convenient format, cool design, great paper, the PRS-T1 is a pleasure to use. This little book is likely to give you a fresh look at eReaders, especially if you've used any Inchi and other inexpensive similar devices before.

Sergey Kuzmin ()

Sony is ready to offer people a lot of e-books. However, it should be borne in mind that both old models and new devices are on the market. They differ in parameters. The operating system they use is the Android series.

The keys are most often located on the sidebar. However, there are modifications with buttons under the display. On average, the battery capacity does not exceed 800 mAh. A high-quality e-book will cost the reader around 10 thousand rubles.

Characteristics of the PRS-T2 model

EBook Sony PRS T2 gets good reviews mainly from consumers. Many praise her for the wide screen. In this case, changing the font is quite simple. Also, the manufacturer provides many styles. Unfortunately, this e-book does not support video files. It is also important to note that the battery capacity is 650 mAh.

According to the owners, it takes about 25 minutes to charge. The keys in the presented modification are located on the side panel. This e-book does not have a speaker. The resolution of the specified device is 820 by 450 pixels. The processor itself is set to 2.2 MHz. You can buy the specified e-book in stores at a price of 12 thousand rubles.

Book Reviews PRS-T1

The Sony PRS T1 e-book has recently been in great demand. First of all, it is important to mention the presence of an organizer. If necessary, you can use the accelerometer. The device also has a large dictionary. In terms of functionality, this e-book is significantly superior to other models. First of all, the user has the ability to select text. The model also has a drawing function. You can buy a device for 15 thousand rubles.

Description of the device PRS-950

The Sony 950 e-book receives only positive feedback from buyers. A headphone jack is provided. It is also important to note that the device supports Wi-Fi. If necessary, the text style can be easily changed. Russifier in this case is not required.

The model does not have an accelerometer. It is also important to note that the model lacks the drawing function. However, the user is able to make notes in the text. If necessary, you can buy new books through the store. The user is able to purchase the presented e-book at a price of 13 thousand rubles.

Parameters of PRS-900

This e-book is produced with a resolution of 800 by 620 pixels. If you believe the owners, then turning pages is fast. Also, many buyers note the interesting design of the device. However, the model still has shortcomings. First of all, it is important to mention the lack of an underscore feature.

Another specified model is not able to boast of a good battery. The screen in the device is used with a diagonal of 6 inches. If necessary, the accelerometer can be turned on. Also, the model uses an FM receiver. Headphones are allowed to connect to the e-book. This model does not have a speaker. It is also important to mention a good dictionary. Also, the e-book has a large store where you can buy many new interesting books. This device is sold at a price of 9 thousand rubles.

Characteristics of the PRS-303 model

Many buyers like this e-book. However, it only has a 5.5-inch display. In turn, the resolution parameter is 560 by 400 pixels. This e-book does not have an accelerometer. Also noteworthy is a quality organizer. If desired, the FM receiver can be used.

This model also has many games. However, the book reading system is not provided. All major text formats e-book supports. The matrix in the device is installed in the Pearl series. The operating system used is "Android". If you believe the owners, then turning pages is fast. Also, the model rarely has problems with Wi-Fi. This e-book costs about 15 thousand rubles.

Book Reviews PRS-T5

The specified e-book is in demand. She has many functions. It is also important to note that the device has a large number of styles for text. The user can also change the font and size of the letters. FM receiver in the device, unfortunately, is not provided. However, the organizer is installed.

Also, the e-book has several games. Headphones can be connected if necessary. The presented modification does not have a reading aloud system. The dictionary uses the base dictionary, but it can be updated if necessary. In our time, this e-book costs about 12 thousand rubles.

Description of the device PRS-350

Model Sony 350 (electronic book) has very good parameters. The display is provided by the manufacturer at 6 inches. The resolution of the specified e-book is 820 by 650 pixels. The matrix in the device is used by the Pearl series. If you believe the owners, then the batteries in the model included in the kit are good. The owners also speak positively about the design of the device. It does not have a speaker. It is also important to note that the e-reader does not have an accelerometer.

TO strengths should include a quality dictionary. This modification weighs exactly 180 g. The built-in memory in the device has 2 GB, of which only 1.7 GB is available. Quirty keyboard is not provided in it. Another excellent bookstore deserves attention. The device has a reading aloud system. The Sony PRS 350 e-book costs about 9 thousand rubles.

Parameters of PRS-120

The specified e-book is produced with support for bluetooth. Thus, you can quickly share information with friends. Problems with opening test documents are rare. If you believe the buyers, then the FM receiver is a good one. The e-book also uses an accelerometer. If necessary, the text from the display can be highlighted. It is also allowed to make small notes in books. This model costs only 10 thousand rubles.

Characteristics of the PRS-360 model

This Sony e-reader is in high demand and boasts of its versatility. In this case, the display resolution is 600 by 450 pixels. At this time, the processor frequency is at around 2.1 MHz. This model does not have a speaker. It is also important to note that the device does not provide games. However, there is a large vocabulary. The model has an underline function. There is no additional screen for the e-book. It costs today about 15 thousand rubles.

Book Reviews PRS-T3

The Sony T3 (e-book) model receives different reviews from users. First of all, the owners point to the interesting design of the device. They also mark good scroll buttons. The drawing function of the model is provided. The e-book organizer deserves special attention. If necessary, you can use the accelerometer. To connect the device to a computer, a USB connector is located at the bottom of the case. The Sony PRS T3 e-reader is not equipped with a Quirty keyboard.

The dictionary in the device is used large, and if desired, the user is able to update it. The operating system in the e-book is set to "Android" as standard. The rechargeable battery is included as standard. According to the owners, it takes about 25 minutes to charge. The matrix in the device is used in the Pearl series. If we talk about the parameters of the e-book, then the resolution is 700 by 540 pixels. The headphone jack is located near the buttons. The case of this model is not erased and is made quite durable. Of the shortcomings, it is important to mention the lack of an FM receiver. Also, the model does not have games. The Sony PRS T3 e-book costs about 8500 rubles.

Description of the device PRS-910

This Sony e-reader has everything you need for a comfortable pastime. If desired, the user can purchase a new book through the store. The processor of the model is used at 2.2 MHz, and the operating system is installed "Android". The keys in this case are located only on the sidebar. Image specified e-book supports.

It is also important to note that the model has a text selection feature. However, notes cannot be taken. The device has an extensive dictionary. The e-book does not have a system for reading aloud. The device supports TXT and Adobe text files. There are no games in this case. You can buy the presented e-book at a price of 12,500 rubles.

Parameters PRS-355

This Sony e-book allows you to turn pages very quickly. According to the owners, there are no problems with highlighting text. The keys in the specified device are located on the side panel. The batteries of the e-book are of the lithium-ion type, and their capacity is 700 mAh. The presented copy weighs exactly 172 g.

The model does not have an additional screen. It is also important to mention the presence of Wi-Fi, but the manufacturer does not provide bluetooth. There is no speaker in this case. The operating system of the e-book is used by the Android series. You can buy this model in our time for 13 thousand rubles.

Characteristics of the PRS-400 model

This Sony e-reader boasts an FM receiver. Also, the model has various games installed. The operating system in the device is provided by the Android series. The keys in this case are on the side. The indicated e-book weighs only 192 g with batteries. It uses a 6.5-inch screen.

There is no accelerometer in the presented device. It is also important to note the presence of a system for reading aloud. Of the functionality, it is necessary to mention the underlining of the text. The user can also leave notes in the book without any problems. This device does not support bluetooth. You can buy an e-book in stores for 12 thousand rubles.

Information about the make, model, and alternative names of a particular device, if any.


Information about the dimensions and weight of the device, presented in different units of measurement. Used materials, suggested colors, certificates.


Width information refers to the horizontal side of the device in its standard orientation during use.

110 mm (millimeters)
11 cm (centimeters)
0.36 ft

Height information refers to the vertical side of the device in its standard orientation during use.

173 mm (millimeters)
17.3 cm (centimeters)
0.57 ft

Information about the thickness of the device in different units of measurement.

8.9 mm (millimeters)
0.89 cm (centimeters)
0.03 ft

Information about the weight of the device in different units of measurement.

164 g (grams)
0.36 lbs

Approximate volume of the device, calculated from dimensions provided by the manufacturer. Refers to devices with the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped.

169.37 cm³ (cubic centimeters)
10.29 in³ (cubic inches)

Information about the colors in which this device is offered for sale.


SoC (System on a Chip)

System on a chip (SoC) includes all the most important hardware components of a mobile device in one chip.

SoC (System on a Chip)

A system on a chip (SoC) integrates various hardware components such as a processor, graphics processor, memory, peripherals, interfaces, etc., as well as the software necessary for their operation.

Freescale i.MX508
Technological process

Information about technological process on which the chip is made. The value in nanometers measures half the distance between the elements in the processor.

65 nm (nanometers)
Processor (CPU)

The main function of the processor (CPU) of a mobile device is the interpretation and execution of instructions contained in software applications.

ARM Cortex-A8
Processor bit depth

The bit depth (bits) of a processor is determined by the size (in bits) of registers, address buses, and data buses. 64-bit processors have higher performance than 32-bit processors, which, in turn, are more productive than 16-bit processors.

32 bit
Instruction Set Architecture

Instructions are commands by which the software sets/controls the operation of the processor. Information about the instruction set (ISA) that the processor can execute.

First level cache (L1)

Cache memory is used by the processor to reduce access time to more frequently accessed data and instructions. L1 (level 1) cache is small and much faster than both system memory and other cache levels. If the processor does not find the requested data in L1, it continues to look for them in the L2 cache. With some processors, this search is performed simultaneously in L1 and L2.

32 kB + 32 kB (kilobytes)
Second level cache (L2)

L2 (level 2) cache is slower than L1, but in return it has a larger capacity, allowing more data to be cached. It, like L1, is much faster than system memory (RAM). If the processor does not find the requested data in L2, it continues to look for it in the L3 cache (if available) or RAM.

256 kB (kilobytes)
0.25 MB (megabytes)
Number of processor cores

The processor core executes program instructions. There are processors with one, two or more cores. Having more cores increases performance by allowing many instructions to be executed in parallel.

Processor clock speed

The clock speed of a processor describes its speed in terms of cycles per second. It is measured in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz).

800 MHz (megahertz)
Volume random access memory(RAM)

Random access memory (RAM) is used by the operating system and all installed applications. Data stored in RAM is lost when the device is turned off or restarted.

512 MB (megabytes)

Built-in memory

Each mobile device has a built-in (non-removable) memory with a fixed amount.

Memory cards

Memory cards are used in mobile devices to increase the storage capacity for storing data.


The screen of a mobile device is characterized by its technology, resolution, pixel density, diagonal length, color depth, etc.


One of the main characteristics of the screen is the technology by which it is made and on which the image quality of information directly depends.

E Ink Pearl

For mobile devices, the screen size is expressed in terms of its diagonal length, measured in inches.

6 in
152.4 mm (millimeters)
15.24 cm (centimeters)

Approximate Screen Width

91.44 mm (millimeters)
9.14 cm (centimeters)

Approximate Screen Height

121.92 mm (millimeters)
12.19 cm (centimeters)
Aspect Ratio

The ratio of the dimensions of the long side of the screen to its short side


Screen resolution indicates the number of pixels vertically and horizontally on the screen. Higher resolution means sharper image detail.

600 x 800 pixels
Pixel Density

Information about the number of pixels per centimeter or inch of the screen. Higher density allows information to be shown on the screen in clearer detail.

167 ppi (pixels per inch)
65 ppcm (pixels per centimeter)
Screen area

Approximate percentage of screen space on the front of the device.

58.77% (percentage)
Other characteristics

Information about other functions and features of the screen.

Screen shades - 16
Clear Infrared touchscreen


Wi-Fi is a technology that provides wireless communication for short distance data transmission between different devices.


USB (Universal Serial Bus) is an industry standard that allows different electronic devices to communicate.

Headphone jack

This is an audio connector, which is also called an audio jack. The most widely used standard in mobile devices is the 3.5mm headphone jack.

Connecting devices

Information about other important connection technologies supported by the device.


A web browser is a software application for accessing and viewing information on the Internet.

Problem solved

Pros: Ease of reading and everything connected with it. Disadvantages: Today I updated the factory firmware. Rather, it updated itself, after which the Russian language disappeared. I don’t know what else has disappeared there, but the books are still there. Cosmic price for a native cover. One book is not enough, you have to stand in line, your wife doesn’t go to the toilet with her (sorry). Comment: Three months after the purchase, I described my impressions here (see anton112anton's comment). Therefore, I will not repeat anything. A year has passed. Appearance. Light scratches on the front glossy panel under the buttons and around the screen. Not critical. The buttons were as new as they were. Insert under the screen (as if made of aluminum) with a logo and icons - also in new condition. The back panel made of soft-touch plastic, of course, bulges and has an unsightly appearance. Cleaned with a slightly damp cloth. And like new again. Screen without any scratches. At what it is used not too carefully, but is worn in a case. Job. For all the time of almost intensive use, it hung only once. Fixed by pressing RESET. Fast, no data loss. she still reads fb2, so I apologize if I misled you last time. The battery lasted a month and still does. The main thing is to monitor the status of WI-FI - it must be turned off. Otherwise, for 5-6 days and charge again. I turn it off very rarely, mostly in anticipation. At first I inserted a memory card, then removed it. For books, his memory is more than enough. Overall impressions after a year of use remained as positive as after three months. Nothing more is needed from the book. I went shopping, clicked on other books (which you can) - after this, everything is garbage.


Problem solved

Pros: + clear display. Visible in any light + super sensitive sensor. You can not even touch it - it works + quality. During the year of use, it hung only once. + light. + battery. Keeps 2-3 weeks. When reading about 1 hour a day Disadvantages: - expensive accessories (cases, covers with backlight) - not "omnivorous". - no distribution of books inside by folders Comment: Previously, there was a TeXet TB-106 reader. Leave a review here. This reader was successfully returned under warranty and the money was returned after 11 months of use and three warranty button repairs. Added 1000 and op-la I am the owner of a very cool reader. My wife has a PocketBook IQ701 reader. Therefore, there is something to compare. This reader is just super, super-duper and other laudatory epithets. Satisfied with the whole year of use. My wife gave me a cover with backlight and happiness became even greater. If anyone is thinking of taking a cover, I advise you to take it with backlight, a very useful thing: you can read at night, you don’t have to look for lamps, the light doesn’t interfere with others. I especially want to note the battery. Enough for a very long time, I forget to follow her and sits down sometimes unexpectedly)). All the disadvantages described are very small and simply get around - accessories remain for gifts to neighbors - updating the firmware makes it almost omnivorous - the lack of folders can be compensated by collections in the reader, search, well, or store books in folders on your computer, and throw off only what you read in the reader. Sony is really good for this reader. If I buy the next reader, I will definitely buy Sony.

Site about e-books and tablets

How to flash Sony PRS-T1. detailed instructions.

Resources describing firmware and alternative packages, in addition to download links, usually contain instructions for installing the corresponding firmware. This applies to both Sony branded firmware updates and alternative packages from boroda, amutin and rupor. In our opinion, these instructions are quite detailed and understandable. However, judging by the questions sent by readers on e-mail or via the form hotline, as well as the content of search queries, this is not entirely true. Many readers do not understand what "run as administrator" or "disable User Account Control" (UAC) means, how to check the Reader disk for file system errors and how to fix these errors. To meet the wishes of the workers, we decided to compile the most detailed instructions for flashing the Sony PRS-T1 e-book.

Let's make some important remarks. Not all items in this guide are required. For example, if you are sure that the Reader disk of your reader does not contain file system errors (you meticulously use the device's safe disconnect function before disconnecting USB cable), then there is no need to check and fix this disk before flashing. If User Account Control is already disabled on your system, or you are using the Windows XP operating system, then you also do not need the item to disable UAC. If you always work with administrator rights, then there is no need to run programs as administrator. You can check if you are running with administrator rights as follows. Go to the "Computer Management" snap-in ("Control Panel" - "Administrative Tools" - "Computer Management"), expand the "Users and Passwords" item, right-click on the user you are currently, select "Properties" and see if this user is included in the Administrators group. Please note: if the first time you failed to flash your book, then on the second attempt, be sure to check if UAC is disabled, restart the computer, check the Reader volume for errors (even better, format the Reader disk) and run all programs as administrator.

Before flashing your reader with one of the alternative packages, you need to make sure that you have the latest version of the firmware installed (at the time of the last edition of this article - If this is not the case, then before sewing packages from boroda, amutin or rupor, update the firmware to version

Before flashing your book, it must be fully charged (until the red indicator goes out). Be sure to remove the memory card if it is inserted in the device. You also need to clear some space on the Reader disk where dictionaries and installation files will be copied. If you are going to install PRS-T1 Flasher minimal version 1.71 from amutin (or later), then there must be at least 300 MB of free space. For other packages, you can leave less free space.

For successful firmware, you must first disable User Accounts Control (UAC). Do not forget to only turn it back on after the firmware is successfully completed and restart the computer. You must disable UAC on Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems. Windows XP does not have UAC, and you do not need to disable it.

Windows vista. Go to "Control Panel" - "User Accounts" and click on the link "Turn User Account Control (UAC) on or off". In the window that opens, uncheck "Use User Account Control (UAC) to protect your computer", click "OK", then be sure to reboot the system:

Windows 7. Go to "Control Panel" - "User Accounts" and click on the link "Change User Account Control Settings". In the window that opens, on the left side, lower the slider to the very bottom ("Never notify"), click "OK", then be sure to reboot the system:

Connect your device to your computer using a USB cable. Use the cable supplied with e-book Sony PRS-T1. Do not use extension cords or concentrators. In the power saving settings of the computer, automatic switching to standby / hibernation mode must be disabled (or the delay before switching to these modes must be set to at least 30 minutes). If you are going to flash the device by connecting it to a laptop, power the laptop from the network.

A few seconds after connecting the device, the inscription "Data Trnsfer Mode" should appear on its screen. Tap right on this inscription.

Click on the "Start" button and select "Computer" ("My Computer" in Windows XP) or double-click on the appropriate desktop icon. The window that opens will display a list of available disks. In the "Devices with removable media" section, find the "Reader" disk and remember (better write it down on a piece of paper) what letter the operating system assigned to this disk. In the example below, the drive letter "K" has been assigned to the Reader drive:

Next, you need to check the Reader disk for file system errors and fix them. Errors could occur when the device was incorrectly disconnected from the computer (without using the Safe Disconnect Devices function). If you have ever previously turned off the device "just because", then you need to check and correct errors. To check, run the command prompt as an administrator. Click "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories". Right-click on "Command Prompt" and select "Run as administrator":

In the window that opens, type the command to check the disk - "chkdsk X: / f" (without quotes), where "X" is the letter assigned by the system to the Reader disk (earlier you looked at what letter was assigned to your Reader disk and wrote it down on a piece of paper). The "/f" option means that found errors will be fixed automatically. Press the "Enter" key. Here's what it should look like (in our case, the system assigned the drive letter "K" to the Reader drive):

At the end of the check window command line will look something like this:

Close the window with a cross in the upper right corner or type the "exit" command. Now you can start the firmware.

To update Sony proprietary firmware from one of the versions,,,, to version, you must have the previously downloaded file PRS-T1_Updater_1.0.05.111 30.exe. To update the firmware from version to, you must have the PRS-T1_UPDATER_2.0.00.14070.exe file.

Close any programs that may be accessing the Reader disk. The Reader for PC program, if you have it installed, should also be closed. Best of all, close all programs altogether. Open "Computer" ("My Computer" in Windows XP), right-click on the executable file and select "Run as administrator":

Follow the instructions that appear in the program window. The duration of the firmware is approximately 10-15 minutes. At the end of the firmware, an inscription should appear on the computer screen stating that the firmware has been successfully completed, and the indicator of your device should either be off or burn with a solid red color. Disconnect the device from the cable (in this case, you do not need to use "Safe Disconnect") and check the result by referring to "Settings - About - Device Information - Version".

Next, we will tell you how to flash a device with firmware version with alternative packages from boroda, rupor and amutin (what are the differences between these firmware - read the article Comparison of firmware from amutin, boroda and rupor). In case you want to install rupor's Apps2SD package, first flash your device with one of rupor's "Minimal Root Set" alternative packages, boroda's "Minimal Root Set" or amutin's "PRS-T1 Flasher minimal" packages. Links to download pages alternative packages applications can be found in our section Firmware, application installation.

The procedure for installing firmware from different authors is practically the same. Packages from boroda are distributed in zip format, packages from rupor - in 7z (7zip) format archives. A suitable archiver, such as WinRar, must be installed on your system. After unzipping, in both cases, you must run the flash_reader.bat file. Packages from amutin are distributed in self-extracting archives (exe files). After unpacking the archive from amutin, you need to run the RunMe.exe file.

To install, for example, any package from rupor, open "Computer" ("My Computer" in Windows XP), find the file you downloaded containing the required firmware, right-click on it and select "Extract Files":

As the location where you want to extract files from the archive, specify the root of drive C (type "C:\") and click "OK":

Close any programs that may be accessing the Reader disk. The Reader for PC program, if you have it installed, should also be closed. Best of all, close all programs altogether. Open "Computer" ("My Computer" in Windows XP), find the unpacked archive on drive C: in the "rupor-minimal" folder, open the folder, right-click on the flash_reader.bat file and select "Run as administrator" :

Be patient. The duration of the firmware can be up to 15 minutes. Have lunch, watch the news on TV. During this time, your device will reboot several times. At the end of the firmware, the main page (Home) will be displayed on the device screen, and the indicator will either be constantly lit in red or will be extinguished. Disconnect the device from the computer (in this case, you do not need to use "Safe Disconnect"), check the version of the installed package ("Settings - About device - Device information - Version", section "Root & Mods") and its performance.

If you choose to install the PRS-T1 Flasher minimal package (or PRS-T1 Flasher recovery package) from amutin, follow the steps below. Open "Computer" ("My Computer" in Windows XP), find the .exe file you downloaded and double-click on it. The "WinRar Self-Extracting Archive" window will open. Specify the root of the drive C: ("C:\") as the destination folder and click "Extract":

Be sure to close any programs that may be accessing the Reader disc when unpacking is complete. Reader for PC must also be closed. Best of all, close all programs altogether. Open "Computer" ("My Computer" in Windows XP), find the unpacked archive on drive C: in the folder "PRS-T1_Flasher_minimal_1.71" (instead of "1.71" there may be other numbers, depending on the version of the package you are installing). In the case of a recovery package, the folder name will be different - "PRS-T1_Flasher_recovery_1.0.05.11130", open the folder and right-click on the RunMe.exe file. Select "Run as administrator":

The duration of the firmware can be from 10 to 20 minutes. The process lasts the longest when installing PRS-T1 Flasher minimal versions of the 1.xx family, since ColorDict dictionaries are copied into memory, which occupy a significant amount. Do not press anything on your device and on your computer until the firmware is complete. During this time, your device will reboot several times. At the end of the firmware, the main page (Home) will be displayed on the screen, and the indicator will either be constantly lit in red or turn off. Disconnect the device from the computer (you do not need to use "Safe Disconnect"), check the version of the installed package ("Settings - About device - Device information - Version" in the "Root & Mods" section) and check its performance.

After installing all the necessary packages, the folders created when unpacking to the C: drive can be deleted. You also need to restore the User Account Control settings and restart the computer.

I would like to hear the opinion of readers about this article. Is the firmware procedure described in sufficient detail? Do you understand everything? Which points should be expanded, which terms should be deciphered? Are there any errors in the description of procedures? Send us feedback by email [email protected], or use the Hotline form below this article.

Gavriil Chitalkin, 07/01/2012
Last revision: 02.12.2012

Asking a question for the first time? Read How to ask the right question. Be sure to include the model name, firmware version, application package name and version. Describe what actions led to incorrect operation of the device.