Assessment examples of cases with solutions for salespeople. Assessment center for managers: we train employees with the potential of competent managers

This article was created after several requests to us by employees and candidates of companies with a request to help us through the assessment procedures. And in it we decided to highlight a few basic questions:

  • What's happened ?
  • Is it possible to prepare for the assessment center?
  • What is the process of preparing for passing the assessment center, and how long can something be done?

Experts (HR directors, HR managers, etc.) may also be interested ...

Learn to pass an assessment: is it possible?

IN Lately we receive requests that fit into two simple formulations: “Are you preparing for the assessment center? Is it possible to prepare for the assessment center?

Questions, of course, individuals, in whose companies it is planned to implement the assessment. Or those who have to go through this procedure again. People, as a rule, in such cases have a distant idea of ​​​​what it is. Or they feel fear. It seems to applicants that it is enough to know the correct answers in order to pass the assessment and get high results. Figuratively, they turn to us for “correct answers”.

In some companies (and I must say, quite large ones), the result of the assessment center is one of the components for making personnel management decisions, along with the assessment of the manager and the performance of the employee's unit.

We believe that it is possible and sometimes necessary to prepare for an assessment. But what does it mean to “prepare for an assessment”? This means:

  1. know how the procedure will go;
  2. be able to demonstrate the required skills at the proper level.

What is an assessment center (assessment center)?

First you need to understand why and how the assessment center is conducted. Such procedures are aimed at assessing the level of development of skills, i.e. the ability to act in a certain way in real time. Managers and HR-specialists of the company receive information that can be used for personnel decisions.

Conducting an assessment allows the organization to spend less resources: on promotion and training of employees. In most cases, the company is interested in the work of professionals, therefore, after the assessment, a collective or individual plan for the development of employees is formed.

What categories of employees?

Most often, such a capacious and multifaceted procedure is carried out to assess the qualities of the managerial staff, the personnel reserve. Less often - employees and specialists. In our practice, there were several projects when we helped with the evaluation of candidates for vacant positions and conducted an assessment center.

How is the assessment center?

The assessment center is a sequence of cases, exercises and activities aimed at identifying skills, abilities and attitudes. During the day, participants play various situations, solve problems, pass interviews, and perform test tasks.

The assessment for managers, as a rule, is aimed at studying the level of leadership and management (planning, motivation, control, decision making, etc.) competencies.

The assessment conducted for specialists is aimed at determining professional qualities and efficient installations. For example, for sales managers it is necessary to have developed communication skills, empathy, the ability to see a partner in a client.

Assessment center report

After the assessment center (AC) is conducted, the observers form a report that reflects the degree of development of the assessed competencies of the participants. The report also provides recommendations for their development.

Feedback on the results of competency assessment

Usually, according to the results of the assessment, the participant is given Feedback: the consultant comments on the assessments and talks about directions and ways to develop "sinking" skills and abilities. This procedure lasts about 1 hour.

Development of an Individual Development Plan (IDP)

In the ideal case, the continuation of the feedback becomes an IDP (Individual Development Plan), which describes the goal, objectives, methods and ways of developing competencies. Also indicative calendar plan implementation of the planned activities: trainings, individual sessions with a coach, reading literature..

The implementation of the development plan may be accompanied by regular meetings with a coach or development consultant.

As you can see from the description, the assessment center is not something that should cause concern. Thus, to prepare for an assessment means to remove possible anxiety about the procedure and its results. And also to master certain skills enshrined in the company's competency model.

How to develop competencies

The duration of development depends on the reason for the “sinking” of competence. But first, a little about how we consider the structure of competence.

Competence, in our opinion, contains three components:

  • behavioral skill (algorithm or technology of behavior);
  • installation;
  • natural ability.

Consider the example of the competence "Execution Management"

This managerial competence, which consists of a behavioral skill or algorithm - the ability to set a task, exercise control or check understanding. And this is a reproduction of a certain technology, which, by the way, can change.

This is followed by attitudes regarding this activity - his attitude (unconscious readiness to act in a certain way in a certain situation). For example, the manager considers this technology unimportant, believing that the subordinate can guess what he needs to do in most situations.

And the last component of competence is natural ability. In our case, how much a person is predisposed to a particular activity. Or what is given to him by nature))) For example, recent studies have confirmed the presence in the genome of a combination responsible for the manifestation of leadership qualities.

Thus, returning to the issue of the duration of the development of a particular competence, we dare to assert that competences develop quickly and easily, where it is simply necessary to master the technology, develop a skill (a way to act in a certain way). At the same time, a person has a predisposition, and he wants it (considers it important to develop this skill). In this case, most often a person needs several sessions similar in format to the training. Further, it is only necessary to actively and systematically consolidate the acquired skill in one's activity.

Preparing for an assessment means developing your skills!

All of the above should be kept in mind if you are aware of your declining competencies and are planning to develop them for the upcoming assessment center in your company.

Preparation for the assessment center

If you want to prepare for the upcoming assessment center, we recommend:

  1. To study corporate competencies (as a rule, this is open information in companies);
  2. Conduct a self-assessment - "try on" the competencies for yourself - evaluate yourself in relation to the target level of manifestation of each competency for the level of your specialist. Try to give yourself two or three examples from your professional activity that confirm the manifestation of indicators of this competence. If you don't understand the indicators or the competency statement, ask your HR team for clarification. They should help you.

Don't be fooled by high self-esteem scores. As a rule, they are overestimated by 10-20%.

Further development can occur either independently or with the help of a manager or an HR specialist. Or with the involvement of third-party consultants.

Algorithm for preparing for the assessment center

As mentioned above, the algorithm of such a project will fit into several stages:

  1. individual assessment center;
  2. receiving reports and feedback from consultants;
  3. drawing up an IPR;
  4. development sessions: trainings, coaching meetings, etc.

How to behave during an assessment

An assessment is not an exam. Attempts to "please" observers and presenters, as a rule, are easily read. But they don't always count in a positive direction. Therefore, we recommend that you do not distort facts about yourself, do not try to appear better and much more active than in life. We advise you to relax and direct all your energy to solving the tasks set by the leader, to interacting with other participants.

Benefit for the company

When we first carried out such a project, we thought about the ethical side of the issue. To what extent will this affect the purity of the subsequent assessment carried out in the company, and the reliability of the result? Can we provide such a service?

For ourselves, we answered this question in the affirmative. If an employee has increased a skill as a result of such a project, then he has the right to demonstrate this increase in a corporate assessment. For the company, the assessment preparation project has an additional benefit - the employee is motivated for self-development and is ready to invest his own funds in this development.

Subsequent experience has also shown that some companies even recommend that their employees undergo an individual assessment and develop the competencies necessary for the job. But this happens when companies do not plan to evaluate their employees in the near future.

Thus, we are for development! Develop, gentlemen! Develop!

You have been invited to an Assessment. Congratulations: it means that you are already in the final and the employer wants to evaluate you "in action". What will be required of you? About 5 ways to evaluate your competencies and 4 steps that will allow you to prepare for them, told CEO LLC "TiesEm" Tamara Shiukati.

Assessment- the procedure is quite common today, but no less exciting for candidates. According to our statistics, now the number of selection stages in the company has seriously increased: line specialists go through 4-5 stages, and managers go through up to 7 stages.

What is an assessment or assessment center - this is an assessment of the knowledge, skills and competencies of candidates through business games and tasks, where experts carefully observe the real behavior of the participant and evaluate his answers.

The competition for one good vacancy reaches about 10 specialists, and the employer wants to approach the selection process as carefully as possible and, as a result, tries to apply everything, in his opinion, effective methods assessments in order to minimize their risks. That's why they're gaining so much popularity. additional tools estimates.

And now such an assessment is carried out not when the interview is not enough, but in the case when the company has chosen 2-3 finalists and wants to evaluate them "in action".

Popular assessment methods:

1. Tests- very different: from IQ assessment to specialized professional ones. Especially like to torment accountants different levels, and no matter what area of ​​work you are applying for - the test can be so comprehensive, as if it includes "the basics accounting". This method of assessing knowledge and competencies is now rather fading into the background and is mainly used only for vacancies, where candidates need to assess the ability to think analytically, work with a large amount of information, and respond quickly in a stressful situation.

Such testing can last up to 6 hours, when the candidate, being in a small meeting room, tries to answer hundreds of diverse questions ... this is not very comfortable.

2. Cases and business games at an interview, when you may be asked to sell something, discuss a discount and other "difficult" terms of the contract as part of the conversation.

This method of assessment is gaining popularity, because the interviewer here and now can evaluate your creativity, wit or ability to carry yourself in difficult and stressful negotiations, defending the position of the company.

3. Homework, especially popular for IT professionals. Even before the interview, you are asked to complete the task, you send the result and wait for a decision.

Here you have the opportunity to solve the task quite calmly at home, the result will also be evaluated online, and either you will be invited for an interview, or you will be politely refused.

4. Presentation. In this case, you get a serious case for a decision, for example, "The company's product development strategy" or "visit our stores and present your ideas on ..." You carefully study the product, read a lot of information about the company, visit their stores. After that, prepare a presentation at home, and then speak live in front of a panel, which usually consists of HR specialists and senior management.

The speech lasts about 40 minutes, then you are asked various questions. Moreover, the presentation can take place both in Russian and in English. This method is very popular for evaluating salespeople, Key account, Brand and Product managers.

5. And, of course, Assessment Centers when within one business game specialists can evaluate several candidates at once, and for different vacancies. You just come at the appointed time and, together with other candidates (3-6 people), participate in business activities.

This event lasts from 3 to 6 hours. At the same time, 2-3 experts evaluate your behavior, and a professional trainer conducts the event itself. According to the feedback of the participants, a rather exhausting procedure.

All these assessment tools are actively used among the important stages in the selection of candidates for Western companies and increasingly active in Russian. Therefore, if you want to get a Job Offer, you need to prepare for such events very carefully and with all responsibility.

Many candidates refuse, for example, a case presentation, as they believe that the employer simply wants to "remove" ideas from the market. My experience shows that serious companies, Russian or Western, do not do this. There is only one task - to see you in action, evaluate your ideas, the ability to communicate, respond to difficult situations and, if you are a really excellent specialist, invite you to work.

A few tips for those preparing to take the assessment:

1. Prepare responsibly for the assessment and don't let things take their course. Even if the task itself is not known to you in advance. Rely on the important competencies for this position, on what is most interesting for the employer to assess and "play out" all possible situations. Speaking of tests, rehearse on those that are available on the Internet, train your brain.

2. Try not to plan anything for this day in order to pass the assessment without rushing anywhere, giving it required amount time.

3. Be respectful of all participants: both those who evaluate you and those who in this case are your competitors. Employers always like it - endurance and the ability to hold on in stressful situations.

4. Be sure to get enough sleep, drink a cup of invigorating coffee and smile. This will definitely help!

Good luck to you!

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The term "assessment" has firmly entered into use - it is used by financiers, lawyers, doctors, and developers of technical systems. In the broadest sense, the concept of "assessment" is synonymous with the word "assessment". In a narrower sense, it means testing or evaluation, the results of which are presented in quantitative terms, as well as evaluation carried out during a meeting. The procedure for assessing the competencies of personnel by the assessment method is a useful but expensive tool. In what cases can you do without it? When is it better to use other methods?

Quite a variety of assessment methods are used in personnel services, therefore, when they talk about assessment, they most often mean the “assessment center” technology. It was developed to assess the potential of a person and was originally used at the stage of selecting candidates for responsible positions (whether it be managing people or managing complex technical systems). The main distinguishing features of this assessment technology are the following: several people are evaluated at the same time, the assessors themselves and there are also several assessment methods. The procedure usually takes a full day (the classic version is one or two days).

Is it possible to evaluate narrowly professional knowledge and skills with the help of an assessment? Can. But not all assessment specialists do this. The assessment center is valuable in that it gives accurate estimates and forecasts. Having a large statistics of assessments for middle and top management of different companies, testing specialists polish the tools for assessing communicative, managerial and so-called leadership competencies (which often do not differ from ordinary managerial ones, but the term is in fashion now). The rest of the qualities that are important for certain positions are no longer called competencies, but competencies ... and they are assessed by industry qualification commissions, which we still practically do not have (see Fig. 1).

What is an assessment for?

An assessment is needed to identify the potential capabilities of a person necessary for his high-quality work, primarily in new positions for him. Therefore, using this technology, it is extremely useful to evaluate candidates for new positions.

What about employees who have already taken certain positions? Also useful. But the results of their real activities speak for themselves?... Undoubtedly. However, why this person has such results and whether he will be able to achieve even greater ones over time, assessment can help to understand.

A good certification procedure may also include a comprehensive assessment of the employee: both the results of his activities and competencies - properties that are necessary with appropriate motivation to achieve the goals. However, it is rather difficult to get closer to a more or less comprehensive and objective assessment of the presence and degree of development of the necessary competencies among employees without using the “360 degrees” procedure, and even then with a serious adjustment for the image that the employee has in this organization and known, including external clients...

If we focus on the maximum possible accuracy and objectivity of assessing a person’s potential, we can get it only through the use of a set of methods called an assessment center (see Fig. 2).

So, in what cases is it worth spending time and money on a special assessment procedure? We list the possible options:

1. When making decisions on appointment to high responsible positions, when the strongest should be chosen from several potentially interesting candidates.

2. When forming a strategic and operational personnel reserve, again for managerial positions. For what? In order to seriously and qualitatively develop the most qualified candidates, instead of including in the personnel reserve a list of “all citizens of the country who have equal opportunities ...”, moreover, they are not purposefully prepared for anything.

3. When planning the budget for staff training. This is where the main savings lies. Are you familiar with the situation when all salespeople are sent to the same training or sales training cycles - and so with a frequency of once every three months? Sometimes sales go up dramatically after that, sometimes the performance of individual employees improves... But on a global scale, the return always seems to be less than the costs incurred.

And if we also take into account that some employees are not at all eager to undergo training ... Therefore, it is necessary to build individual development programs, focusing on the characteristics of each. The idea is not new, but the "accuracy of the hit" often leaves much to be desired, as does the accuracy of the subsequent assessment of the effectiveness of the development program. Therefore, in addition to the “assessment center” technology (Assessment Centre) created technology "development center" (Development Centre). It is used not only before the start, but also at the end of each stage of the program. individual development.

4. When personnel planning. If the assessment showed that the majority of the assessed employees lack some of the most important competencies for the business, then, of course, it is necessary to build a development program for those. But it is also possible and even necessary to look for ready-made "carriers" of these valuable qualities!

5. When evaluating the competencies of the management team as a whole. Most consultants specialize in individual assessment. It is usually thought that it is enough to evaluate the competencies of individual team members in order to sum up all the components and obtain its total properties. However, the management team as a whole has competencies that are developed more or less than what is necessary for the success of the entire company. In joint work, specific people may or may not, for some reason, show behavior that is effective for managing the organization. In our company, we use special methods for assessing the competencies of the top management team or the management teams of its individual divisions, carrying out this work as part of the assessment of the individual competencies of managers. Sometimes you can go the other way - start with diagnosing only team competencies.

For assessment to bring real benefits

The assessment is not carried out so that the head of the company can “better understand people” or assess what each of them is really worth. Managers who want to “see through their employees” make sense to fear that the staff will lose respect and loyalty to them. Strong specialists, even having received a promotion, may leave or will not work at full strength; the weak are likely to remain. But is it possible to win the competition under such circumstances? Therefore, it is possible and necessary to extract positive from the assessment technology.

The main thing is to find the key success factors for your business. Among the many competitive advantage the company should play an important role in the behavior of the staff (from managers to rank-and-file specialists), which make the company really strong. Some companies find a solution in the affirmation of corporate values, others in the development of corporate competencies, and still others in job profiling. But if there is neither one nor the other, nor the third, it is not time to start the assessment. What should be assessed if the factors necessary for success are not yet known? Sometimes consultants are only asked to compare "the best and the worst": "You know how a strong leader or businessman should be different." But those who have their own unique strengths still win in the market. First of all, they should be evaluated and developed in specific people.

      What to do if there are no values ​​or competency models yet? You can start developing them yourself, postponing the assessment for later. Or you can invite assessment specialists right now - they often start with the relevant types of work.

Typical problems include holding an assessment center for “solid” candidates. Young people can be gathered into a group, stating that only those who will be selected based on the results of the assessment will be invited to work. But it is very difficult to apply such an approach to specialists and managers with great experience and high status, and for many it seems ethically unacceptable.

If the company has thousands of employees, it sometimes trains its own specialists to implement an ongoing assessment system. However, we know largest enterprise on which the money spent on training specialists and the creation of such a center does not bring returns. In particular, because the training and development of personnel are planned without any connection with the results of the assessment activities.

Companies conducting assessments on permanent basis, as well as those who use separate methods for diagnosing competencies, have every opportunity to check the reliability of their forecasts and adjust the method, but the vast majority do not try to polish their tools. But this part of the technology is no less important than the assessment itself (see Fig. 3).

Mistakes You Shouldn't Make

Sometimes companies try to “kill two birds with one stone” by instructing the coach in the process of regular training to “evaluate” each participant at the same time. As a result, neither one nor the other task is performed qualitatively. Participants in the training do not train at full strength, afraid to experiment, even if the request for their assessment was made "top secret". And the coach, instead of developing the strengths of each participant, tries to create situations for identifying weaknesses ... And he passes off his impressions as an objective assessment.

Another mistake is also related to trainings - when it seems to the leader that during the assessment it is enough to repeat any group training exercise and evaluate each of the participants based on it. These assignments for assessment are worked out for a long time and carefully, so that they can be guaranteed to see and unambiguously assess the degree of development of each competence of each participant in the assessment center.

Managers cannot be judged in the same group as their subordinates. The only exceptions are the first persons of companies who do not want to separate from the integral team of top managers.

A serious mistake is the insufficient motivation of the participants of the assessment center and their forced referral to "psychological testing", as this procedure is sometimes called.

It is dangerous to associate the results of an assessment with a change in the size of wages. Moving up the corporate ladder is another matter.

It is not worth publicly announcing the results, even good ones, since there is no benefit from this, and even those who this year showed results that are much better than everyone else can feel “undressed”.

It is not very logical not to tell people their personal results and not to use the data obtained in such a complex way in the future.

Tips for beginners

Understand how the results are going to be used by those who initiate or approve the assessment procedure.

Start not with an assessment per se, but with the development of competencies necessary for the success of the company.

Consult with professional practitioners working on this technology.

Create a desire among the company's employees to participate in the assessment to obtain information about the priority areas of their development.

Do not reduce personnel management to decision-making only on the basis of an assessment (see Figure 4).

Case Study

Three years ago OAO Irkutskenergo decided to systematically apply the Assessment Center technology in its work with management personnel. To do this, a tender was held, the appropriate company was selected, specializing in working with top management and work began...

      The top management of the company thinks strategically. Therefore, everything possible is done so that the potential of employees is identified, developed and used for the benefit of the company and the specialist himself. But who to develop? Who to raise?

Obviously someone who does a good job in their current position. But in positions of higher levels, such qualities of a person will be needed that may not be in demand enough and, accordingly, are not visible at lower levels. Therefore, special methods are needed to reveal these hidden possibilities.

Irkutskenergo also takes care of improving the efficiency of all types of work and the company's manageability. Some time ago this was expressed, in particular, in the enlargement branch network, serving the territory of the far from small Irkutsk region and Buryatia. And for this it was necessary to choose from all successful directors branches of those who could potentially cope with new ones, much more challenging tasks. And also develop individual training programs for all directors of branches, so that each of them spends time developing those new competencies that he needs, and not just recommended for the category “middle or senior manager” (in best case with the addition "in the energy industry").

Based on the results of the assessment, those branch directors were selected, on whom the management assigned more complex responsibilities - to merge several branches into new territorial formations (“bushes”) and begin work on building a management system for these large associations. Two years after the implementation of this decision, the company's management confirmed to us that all 17 consolidated branches are operating efficiently, in to a large extent and thanks to the good choice of the appropriate directors.

“Another goal of the assessment - the implementation of an individual development program, has so far been achieved only partially, HR Director Vladimir Kornev told us. — The company has a well-developed system of personnel training and development; There are both remote and individual formats for advanced training. However, to carry out on an ongoing basis is indeed individual approach and the constant development of leaders of this level is top notch! And so far we do not believe that we have fully used all the opportunities available to us. Nevertheless, it is already valuable that the program of individual development, developed on the basis of the results of the assessment, was accepted by the directors with a bang and took a serious part in setting requirements for themselves and implementing the program of necessary improvement.

The company made a difficult decision - to develop profiles and evaluate all specialists by assessment methods, not only in terms of general corporate and managerial competencies corresponding to their positions, but also in terms of narrow professional and job knowledge, skills and abilities. However, following the results of the first year, we decided to focus on maximizing the opportunities for developing competencies that are universal for all positions in the company.

“These competencies are not only managerial. Among them there are those that are related to the specifics of the activities of employees of our enterprises”,- says V. Kornev. — At the beginning of the project, together with consultants, group and individual tasks were developed, aimed at assessing important competencies, taking into account the real features of the work. Thanks to the accumulated statistics of the behavior of employees when performing these tasks, we have someone to compare each next with. This contributes to the accuracy and objectivity of the assessment procedure. The program for the formation and tracking of the individual development of the personnel reserve is based on the use of assessment technology. Now there is a competition to identify business leaders, which is also being held in the format of an assessment center.

At the same time, we conduct an annual assessment of personnel based on the results of activities (we have had a system for about five years key indicators efficiency) and according to the results of the 360 ​​degree procedure.

Are there any difficulties? Yes, it is difficult to make sure that for each manager the competency model turns from a theoretical model into a tool that is used every day. Gotta learn to accept management decisions taking into account this corporate standard, referring to it already at the stage of hiring an employee.

What do you remember now as a result of the first six months of work? V. Kornev continues: “Specialists of the personnel management service have mastered the assessment technology and tools based on the company's corporate competencies. The procedure for assessing candidates for the personnel reserve using the technology of the assessment center was modified.

When asked what seems to be the main result at the moment, the HR Director of OAO Irkutskenergo answered as follows: “Assessment has turned from an unknown Western technology into a standard procedure for the company, which today solves the problem of building a development program for managers at various levels of management.”

1 The “360 degrees” procedure is a technique for obtaining ideas about the activities, or rather, the behavioral manifestations of the competencies of one or another official"from all sides". “Above” is an assessment from the side of the manager, “bottom” is the average assessment from the side of subordinates (if any), “left” is from colleagues, “right” is from internal or external clients. At the same time, “in the middle” is self-esteem. Sometimes, with a reduction in the number of interviewed parties, the technique is called "270 degrees" or "180 degrees".

Assessment Center

Assessment Center(assessment) - one of the methods of comprehensive personnel assessment, based on the use of complementary techniques, focused on assessing the real qualities of employees, their psychological and professional features, compliance with the requirements of job positions, as well as identifying the potential of specialists. To date, the assessment center is the most reliable method for assessing the competencies of employees (more reliable - only long-term observations of a person in real work).

Participants are evaluated by observing their real behavior in business games. Outwardly, the method is similar to training: participants are offered business games and tasks, but their goal is not to develop skills and abilities, but equal opportunities for everyone to show their strengths and weak sides. In each task, an expert is assigned to each participant. He records in detail the behavior of his mentee, which relates to the observed competence.

The composition of the assessment center procedures:

  • an interview with an expert, during which data is collected about the knowledge and experience of the employee;
  • psychological, professional and general tests;
  • a brief presentation of the participant to experts and other participants;
  • business game (under the guidance of an observer, a group of employees or candidates plays a business situation according to a pre-prepared scenario);
  • biographical survey;
  • description of professional achievements;
  • individual analysis of specific situations (business examples) - the participant is invited to choose a specific strategy and tactics of action in the proposed situation;
  • expert supervision, the results of which are recommendations for each employee.

The method originated in the West during the Second World War. In the UK it was used to recruit junior officers, and in the US it was used to recruit scouts. Subsequently, it was adopted by business organizations, and at present in the West, almost every big company applies this method to staff appraisal. In Russia, the method has been used since the early 1990s.


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    The personnel assessment system is a set of several instrumental systems that are firmly connected with the main functions of personnel management: Recruitment and placement of personnel Motivation, compensation and benefits Training and development Work with personnel reserve... Wikipedia

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  • Organizational psychology. Man and Organization, D. Gebert, L. von Rosenstiel. The book by the German scholars Dieter Gebert and Lutz von Rosenstiel is a complete modern textbook on organizational psychology. The authors consider in detail the motivation and assessment of personnel, ...
  • Personel assessment. Textbook and workshop, Anna Romanovna Sardaryan. disclosed in the textbook theoretical basis personnel assessment: the concept and essence of personnel assessment, its role in personnel management, technology of evaluation procedures. Special attention…

Assessment Center - its own examination committee. Not a single incompetent employee will seep into the walls of the company.

To the accompaniment of talk of a new crisis, this prospect seems all the more tempting. How to organize your own assessment center? How costly is it? The experts shared step by step instructions and example assignments.

“Assessment center is a personnel assessment method based on modeling the key points of the activity of the person being assessed in order to identify the professional skills he has. significant qualities”, - gives the definition of the assessment center of the St. Petersburg Center for Psychological Support Ilgiz Valinurov, President of Business Connection Corporation.

For the first time in the foreseeable past, this method of assessment was used by the British army: in the 40s of the 20th century, young officers were offered to demonstrate their management skills in a situation simulating military operations. A few years later, the US Central Intelligence Agency borrowed a new method.

Therefore, perhaps it is to the scouts that we owe the fact that now the assessment center is used to assess personnel in thousands of companies. Who knows: were American Telephone and Telegraph employees retired CIA agents? One way or another, it was AT&T who introduced the "army" method into business practice. For these purposes, the company even built a separate building called "The Assessment Centre". Since then, this phrase has entered the lexicon of personnel specialists.

A Valuable Appraisal Method

“At present, more and more companies are turning to the issue of personnel assessment, as the issue of employee performance is very acute,” says Irina Kandaurova, managing partner of the HR-studio "Time of People". It is the assessment center that allows you to comprehensively evaluate a candidate or employee, that is, to weigh all his skills and abilities necessary to work in this position.

According to experts, the assessment center has a number of advantages over other methods. "For decades this method proved to be the most effective," says Irina Kandaurova.

Moreover, according to Ilgiz Valinurov, the assessment center is a universal method that helps in all aspects of personnel management. The expert gives the following list: “The assessment center can be used to:

1. recruitment;
2. learning and development;
3. promotion of employees;
4. career management and mentoring;
5. motivating employees, getting feedback from them.

Proving the value of an assessment center, President of Business Connection Corporation refers to Scientific research: “How valid are the assessment results? Researchers from the British Psychological Society provide data on the validity of personnel assessment methods. They claim that the personnel assessment center (the reliability of the results is 65-70%) allows you to evaluate the candidate with greater accuracy than behavioral interview(48-61%), simulation of the work situation (54%) and even more traditional interview (5-19%)”.

The effectiveness of the assessment center in the practice of talent management and motivation is confirmed by Irina Kandaurova. According to her, the use of this technology makes it possible to form an individual development plan for each employee, taking into account his strengths and weaknesses.

“The developmental assessment center contributes to the formation of employee motivation for self-development and learning, which significantly increases the effectiveness of further training and development activities for company employees,” the expert continues.

Dear Commission

Who should be on the examination committee? According to Ilgiz Valinurova As a rule, assessments are carried out by external experts: HR consultants. Their qualifications and experience increase the speed of preparing, conducting and processing the results of the assessment. Also, managers of the customer company are necessarily involved in the assessment.

Thus, the composition of the corporate "examination committee" includes: consultants in personnel management, a representative of the company's management team and the direct supervisor of the examinees or a leading specialist in this field.

Irina Kandaurova offers the following algorithm of actions for those who plan to create an assessment center based on their company:

1. Preparation of materials for the workshop on the development of competencies. Formation of a portfolio of competencies to determine the ideal profile of an employee.
2. Development of a profile of key competencies of an employee (at a certain position) in a group with the customer's experts and consultants (working session). In time, this stage can last from 2 weeks to 3 months.
3. Formation of an ideal profile, a description of the behavioral manifestations of a successful employee.
4. Development of evaluation procedures (it is desirable to develop evaluation procedures based on the actual activities of employees). Options.
5. Selection and training of observers (observers must have experience similar work. For a group of 7 people, 3-4 observers are needed).
6. Development of evaluation sheets.
7. Development of a schedule and coordination of the time of the assessment center. In a group of up to 10 participants, 2 observers are assigned to each.
8. Conducting an assessment center (assessment takes from 1 to 2 days, depending on the category of employees).
9. Processing and analysis of the evaluation results (processing of the results is the most time-consuming stage of work. It can take from 2 weeks to 1 month).
10. Preparation of the final report and individual expert assessments participants of the assessment center and presentation of the report to the head.
11. Individual feedback for participants based on the results of the assessment center. This stage is necessary to develop an employee development plan, as well as to form motivation for development and training.
12. Development of a training program for employees.
13. Development individual plans employee development.

What assessment methods should be chosen? “Each company forms its own set of components for conducting assessment centers, depending on its needs, as well as temporary and financial resources", - claims Ilgiz Valinurov. The expert offers the following options:

1. An interview with an expert, during which data is collected about the knowledge and experience of the employee.
2. Tests (psychological, professional, general).
3. Brief presentation participant in front of experts and other participants (sometimes audio and video recording is used).
4. Business game: under the guidance of an observer, a group of employees or candidates plays out a business situation according to a pre-prepared scenario.
5. Biographical survey.
6. Description of professional achievements.
7. Individual analysis of specific situations (case-study). The participant is invited to choose a specific strategy and tactics of action in the proposed situation.
8. Expert observation: based on its results, recommendations are made for each employee.

Initially, it was the business game that was the essence of the assessment. As we can see, now HR managers have much more opportunities at their disposal. There are other assessment methods - many of them are covered in the materials on our portal.

Visual material

The experts told what a typical check looks like in an assessment center. Irina Kandaurova shared with us the cases that are used in this procedure.

1. Task for the leader

You are the leader. A specialist Alexander works for you. He is an ambitious young man. He has been with the company for 3 years, started from scratch, but quickly grew up and is now a qualified specialist who knows the company's product well and shows consistently high results in his work. Today Alexander brought you a letter of resignation. You absolutely do not want to lose a qualified specialist. You decide to talk to Alexander. You have 5 minutes to think about what you will tell Alexander to prevent him from being fired from the company.

2. Task for the employee

You got a job at XXX 3 years ago when you were a marketing student at a prestigious university in Moscow. 2 years ago you graduated and hoped that the higher education will serve as a green signal for you to career development. You have been working as a specialist for 3 years already and show good results. But you would like career growth. You have decided to start looking for a job. Do you have job offers as a senior specialist with the prospect of moving to a managerial position after probationary period. But the salary in the new place will be slightly lower than the one you have now. Besides, corporate culture the new company is tougher than in XXX, and you doubt whether you will fit into it, but nevertheless decided to write a letter of resignation. Your manager wants to talk to you about your future.

Ilgiz Valinurov told what is included in the timing of the assessment procedure:

“A properly prepared assessment can be done in 3 hours:

Gathering of participants, tea/coffee - 15 minutes;
- welcome speech of the organizers or host about the procedure - 5 minutes;
- filling in professional or personal questionnaires - 30-60 minutes;
- presentations of participants - 30-60 minutes depending on the number of participants;
- conducting a business game: 3 minutes to explain the task, 15 minutes - individual work, 20 minutes - group work, 10 minutes for the presentation of the results, that is, approximately 50-60 minutes;
- summing up the results of the assessment and informing about further actions - 10 minutes.

That is, only 2.5-4 hours, depending on the number of participants and assessment procedures.”

long and expensive

It is obvious that the organization of an assessment center is a waste of time and resources.

Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to evaluate each candidate in this way. “It is advisable to apply this method to assess the most significant category of employees for the company. More often it is used to evaluate sales managers, purchasing managers, service personnel, management staff, ”says Irina Kandaurova. Sometimes, in order to save time, a mass assessment is used for candidates applying for the most demanded positions in the company.

Another difficulty in organizing your own assessment center is the high requirements for those who conduct it. “The assessment center is one of the most labor-intensive assessment methods that require high level competencies of the experts who carry it out,” says Irina Kandaurova

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