Find a job as a nurse without intermediaries. Salary depending on the experience of the applicant

We always have a large number of fresh current vacancies on our website. Use filters to quickly search by parameters.

For successful employment, it is desirable to have a specialized education, as well as possess the necessary qualities and work skills. First of all, you need to carefully study the requirements of employers in the chosen specialty, then start writing a resume.

You should not send your resume to all companies at the same time. Choose suitable vacancies, focusing on your qualifications and work experience. We list the most significant skills for employers that you need to successfully work as a nurse in Moscow:

Top 7 Key Skills You Need to Get a Job

Also quite often in vacancies there are the following requirements: responsibility, sociability and a nurse.

When preparing for an interview, use this information as a checklist. This will help you not only to please the recruiter, but also to get the desired job!

Analysis of vacancies in Moscow

According to the results of the analysis of vacancies published on our website, the indicated starting salary, on average, is - 38,842. The average maximum income level (specified "salary to") is 47,114. Keep in mind that these figures are statistics. The actual salary during employment can vary greatly depending on many factors:
  • Your previous work experience, education
  • Type of employment, work schedule
  • Company size, industry, brand, etc.

Salary depending on the experience of the applicant

Work as a nurse without intermediaries Jobs as a nurse without intermediaries in Moscow. Jobs as a nurse without intermediaries from a direct employer in Moscow job ads as a nurse without intermediaries Moscow, vacancies from recruitment agencies in Moscow, looking for a job as a nurse without intermediaries through recruitment agencies and from direct employers, vacancies as a nurse without intermediaries with work experience and without work experience. The site of announcements about part-time work and work Avito Moscow job vacancies nurse without intermediaries from direct employers.

Work in Moscow nurse without intermediaries

Site work Avito Moscow work fresh vacancies nurse without intermediaries. On our site you can find a highly paid job as a nurse without intermediaries. Look for a job as a nurse without intermediaries in Moscow, view vacancies on our job site - a job aggregator in Moscow.

Avito jobs Moscow

Work as a nurse without intermediaries on the site in Moscow, vacancies as a nurse without intermediaries from direct employers Moscow. Vacancies in Moscow without work experience and highly paid with work experience. Vacancies nurse without intermediaries for women.

This profession is far from new, but has been in demand for decades and even centuries. The vacancy of nurses for the sick has not lost its relevance even today, during the rapid technological progress. Many people mistakenly think that this work for an elderly or sick person is very simple. What is required of you here? Feed, wash, change clothes - and all business. However, everything turns out to be much more difficult in reality. A highly qualified specialist must guess the desires of his client from a half-word and fulfill all his whims. Let them be unreasonable or even impossible. Do not assume that the professions of servants and nurses are the same. After all, the servant does the housework and keeps the house clean.

The bar chart below shows the change in the level of average wages in Moscow for the year:

Most often, employers for nurses are wealthy families of citizens who do not have enough time (or do not want to spend it) to care for sick and / or elderly relatives. As a rule, the applicant is required to have a medical education, because it is often necessary to care for seriously ill patients who need to provide specific living conditions.

In the labor market today you can find women for this job with or without accommodation, daily, hourly. Also, this profession can be divided into two qualifications: a nurse-nurse (if necessary, she must provide first aid, perform procedures, give an injection, etc.) and a companion nurse (here, a greater bias goes to the so-called entertainment functions: take a walk with the patient, do interesting things, talk).

Searching for a job as a nurse in Moscow with the Trud portal will not take you much time

The online portal "Trud" will help those who need this worker. You will find a lot of up-to-date resumes in our database, which are left by highly qualified applicants and candidates without experience. And also you can independently (and, moreover, absolutely free of charge) leave your vacancy, indicating in it all the duties of the employee, as well as a list of requirements, payment terms, and your contact information. Specify if you need a woman with accommodation or overnight.

We, in turn, can offer applicants for this position at home a lot of fresh ads that have not lost their relevance, as well as the opportunity to post your resume. Many employers looking for a live-in or live-in nanny are reluctant to post their own ad, but choose candidates from those who have already posted their resume. So we advise job seekers to look for work in two directions: contact employers, finding their vacancies, and also wait for calls after posting a resume.

If you are considering other options (besides hiring a nurse), then do not limit yourself to this selection of ads, in our many other positions for different positions. There you can also use the search for offers of direct employers and agencies.

Salary: up to 35,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Applicant requirements:

Applicant requirements:

Salary: from 45,000 to 51,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity; - Goodwill; - Understanding the specifics of caring for the elderly; - We invite you without experience.

Salary: from 40,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience in caring for the sick (both bedridden and walking); responsibility, activity, goodwill and sociability.

Applicant requirements:

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Responsible, attentive, kind person is required. Preferably with experience in caring for the elderly.

Salary: from 30,000 to 45,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Nursing experience or medical education; - Patience, diligence, love for one's profession. - honesty, responsibility, commitment.

Salary: from 39,000 to 44,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Having a medical book is welcome. Work experience of at least 1 year. Availability of a course on the program "First Aid in Emergency Situations".

Applicant requirements:

Experience in caring for patients in a hospital is preferred. Preferred experience in caring for the elderly; Absence of bad habits (alcohol!); The presence of honey books or readiness to pass honey. employment commission; Activity, kindness. Citizenship of the Russian Federation, Belarus

Salary: up to 40,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Experience: 1-3 years An experienced nurse with medical skills and 24/7 care is required. Education: The presence of any medical education The presence of Russian citizenship The presence of a foreign passport or the ability to quickly obtain it (a few foreign trips are possible). It is obligatory to have a medical book for employment with fresh test results (no more than 2-3 months ago).

Salary: from 30,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Citizenship of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus. Nursing experience preferred. Good-natured, open, responsible. Without bad habbits.

Salary: up to 30,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Work experience is welcome. Medical book. Citizenship Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Belarus.

Applicant requirements:

Knowledge of the program 1C Zup 8.3 Knowledge of tax and accounting legislation

Applicant requirements:

Work experience is required

Salary: from 135,000 to 140,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Care, wardrobe care, cooking, accompaniment to a sanatorium, on trips.

Applicant requirements:

Conscientiousness, accuracy, resistance to stress, no bad habits, Availability of a full package of documents for employment.

Salary: from 30,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Salary: from 35,000 to 50,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Courtesy, accuracy, diligence. Knowledge of nursing.

Salary: up to 20,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

work experience

Salary: from 35,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience in caring for the elderly is required (experience in a boarding house / hospital / hospice is desirable).

Salary: from 45,000 to 49,500 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Availability of a medical book; Personal qualities: patience, responsiveness, diligence, mercy

Salary: from 49,000 to 54,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Education: required medical. Work experience from 1 year. The presence of honey books. Activity, kindness. Experience in caring for the elderly is desirable. Practical skills (injections, droppers, treatment of bedsores).

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Profile education - the presence of honey. book (in its absence, it is issued upon arrival at work).

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

Work experience from 3 years, medical book. Having a medical background is welcome.

Salary: from 40550 to 49500 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Medical book Full package of documents for registration Personal qualities: patience, responsiveness, diligence, mercy

Salary: up to 45,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Clean, friendly knowledge of working with the elderly

Salary: from 19500 to 20000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Physical endurance, contact, friendliness, experience of working with the elderly.

Salary: from 25,000 to 45,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Patience. Diligence. Sensitivity. Decency and honesty. The ability to find a common language.

Salary: from 40,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Secondary specialized medical education, a valid certificate, experience in commercial clinics is welcome; Russian citizenship.

Salary: from 45,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience in caring for elderly patients from 1 year Availability of honey. books desirable Activity, goodwill

Salary: from 25,000 to 35,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Understanding the specifics of caring for the elderly, goodwill, decency.

Salary: from 30,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience in caring for the sick (both bedridden and walking); responsibility, activity, goodwill and sociability; have a valid medical certificate

Salary: from 60,000 to 65,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Medical education (required); Experience managing a boarding house/sanatorium preferred. Hospital care experience required; Confident PC user.

Salary: from 36,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience with dementia is required; Availability of recommendations; Willingness to work under cameras; Physically strong, patient, kind; The ability to use SMS, a tablet (to communicate with her daughter).

Salary: from 30,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Salary: from 35,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience with dementia is required; Availability of recommendations; Willingness to work under cameras; Physically strong, patient, kind; The ability to use SMS, a tablet (to communicate with her daughter).