How to create a new life. How to start a new life

How many times have you put off your plans, telling yourself and others that you will definitely try to do it later when the time comes. How often did it come, and when is the “time”? ... How can you outgrow it? How to learn to make decisions and implement them? How to open yourself to the world of new opportunities?

In order to open ourselves to new opportunities, we must be prepared for the fact that these opportunities will be unexpected for us, that they will make us completely different. New opportunities arise only outside the old ideas about yourself. We are too attached to who we are now. More precisely, what we seem to ourselves, because in fact we are any. And in order to discover our new possibilities, we must abandon the old ideas about ourselves. We need to create a new project ourselves. And learn to change ourselves as we need to. The mind will not help here, for the mind is completely a product of the past. More important are such qualities as spontaneity, willingness to take risks and experience discomfort, because any step up, unlike a step down, requires effort. An effort where all hope is for a dream and passion, because only big goals and values ​​​​will take you to new orbits.

The growth and development of personality is its movement forward. These are actions, big and small. This may include: dousing with ice water, exercising, quitting smoking, changing jobs, you can keep a diary, stop feeling like a Victim and take offense, learn to accept life as it is. And love her.

Decide on the main thing - do you WANT to Move and Grow. Do not ask yourself if you have the strength and ability to do this. Whoever started thinking about it has already given up.

Make a decision. And as soon as you have accepted it - move, start moving immediately. You can't "try", you can't "promise" yourself, because it means postponing the movement into the future, but there is no future. There is only the present, which you betray every second if you don't use it. The world exists now, not in the future. It is pointless to wait for the future - later it will also become the present. You should always start now. Then it's always too late.

You have to start doing. Start doing NOW. You cannot think - thinking will always prove to you that it is too difficult for you. "I cant. My circumstances don't allow me to. I have such a character. I had such a childhood. I live in such a country. I can't" are all absolute truths and great excuses to stay the same. There are no circumstances that would make a person a Victim of circumstances - unless the person himself recognizes them. A HUMAN IS ALWAYS FREE AND ALWAYS IS FREE TO MAKE A CHOICE. His only doom is to be free and choose.

However, almost the first choice people usually give up this freedom and move on to a comfortable vegetative existence.

A MAN IS WHAT HE BELIEVE IN. And his traditional self-image makes him weak, passive and unchangeable. As long as he believes that his future is determined by his past, he never finds himself in the future, but only reproduces his past over and over again. Only when a person accepts that it is not the past and circumstances that are responsible for himself, his life and actions, but he himself - he begins to live a different life, free and responsible.

To the question “Should I go with the flow or against it?” there is only one correct answer: "You have to swim where you need to." But since the current always carries away, one must learn to swim against the current. Learn to act regardless of the circumstances and in defiance of them.

Therefore, in order to have a future, and not just a repetition of the past, one must break away from the past. And this is done only with a jerk, through the Decision and the Word, and later - the justification of the Word. The future of a free person is born where a person has made a choice and said to himself: “I will do it!” - and began to do.

So that the fuse of the “new life” does not quickly come to naught, it is best to sit down at the very beginning of the courage to change and cheerfully write down far-reaching plans.

Feel free to write in a big way: 10, 20, 50 years ahead! Plan for something that will give you goosebumps and take your breath away. Dream, dare, write down in the form of results that you want to achieve in your own life. And if the picture turns out to be alluring, it will feed you for many weeks, months and years later. And on the basis of this picture, you will just make plans for the coming days, focusing on the "beautiful far away."

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Remember: so that everyday life does not get stuck and everyday life is not trampled, you need to oppose them with brighter plans for the future, which you will be happy to implement. And these will not be plans in the style of “tomorrow I will start running to become no worse than others”, but plans in the style of “tomorrow I will start running, because I want to find my most beautiful soul mate with an amazing body and health and together with this person ... (then think for yourself).

Not to decide - it is impossible. Even when we do Nothing, we are always doing something. What? When we do not decide on the Future, we decide on the reproduction of the past. Do you always see it? And what will be your decision?

Naturally, such serious choices are not always easy to make alone, often we need help, support and, of course, someone else's example. At good trainings, in a group of like-minded people, these steps are easier to do. I recommend the Sinton Center and.

A person is faced with the need to change everything, how to start new life? What compels him? Parting or loss, illness or disappointment. At one “wonderful” moment, it suddenly becomes clear: “ If I don't change my life, I'm done».

Feeling as if there is a wall in front of you, behind which a new life is hidden. Maybe it's brick. Or from cardboard. Push her? Bypass? Find a passage on the side? I can't decide on anything. I just stand, stare at this wall, and do nothing.

In which direction to change - options are quickly found. It can be like this, it can be like that. And a mirage is already looming in the distance - " This is how I will live...»

And then the wall. And misunderstanding: Why can't I take a step? What binds me? What binds me?

There are several options. Choose yours.

  • Fear

« What if I can't? What is waiting for me there? Is this a self-deception?»

  • Impotence

« I want to go there, I want to break through. But I can not. We need to focus and take a step, a breakthrough. And my whole body was paralyzed. I can't bring myself to do anything. Too much energy already wasted. Minutes go by and I just can't»

  • Doubt

« What if this is just an illusion, and nothing awaits me ahead? I will believe, I will make a breakthrough, but in front - everything is the same? Or maybe even worse.»

  • Cargo

There will always be those who say: Wait, where are you going?"They will pull back with words, looks, actions.

Things to be completed before the wall can be destroyed. One thing. Two. Three. Then - a lot! What a breakthrough here, if it turns out only to back down.

  • Guilt.

« How dare I wish a better life? It's my own fault that there is a wall in front of me. I must not poison the beautiful world of the oasis with my presence.»

  • self-flagellation

« I didn't deserve anything else. Pulling my strap - that's my destiny. Only a strong, brave, bright person could break through the barrier, could deserve happiness. I do not have that for which life gives a reward»

A way to start a new life, how to win the fight with yourself?

In this fight, you will always be both a winner and a loser. In any case, you have to lose something. Habitual way of life, old habits, friends. But the reward can also be significant: peace, joy, hope for the future, for some even the whole open world.

But in order for the battle to take place, for the wall to be passed, one must study oneself well. After all, in addition to the psychologist, you yourself are your ally. The enemy, no matter how insulting, is you too.

The beginning of a new life. What are you?

Impetuous or unhurried? Rational or reckless? Logical or intuitive? Sociable or reserved? Focused on the inner world or appreciating the external manifestations of processes?

The choice of weapons of victory will depend on the answers to these questions.

Let's move from lyrics to practice.

Perhaps you know the answers to all these questions. Then - congratulations, the task has been simplified. But if you do not understand what is about you and what is not about you?

The easiest way to understand yourself is to get to know yourself as if you were a stranger. A drawing or photograph will help to do this.

How to get to know yourself?

Personally, I like the patterned version. It is more creative, which means it involves the soul, the psyche, the unconscious more.

The picture should show you. Portrait resemblance is not important. It is necessary that you personally understand: It's me!» It is best to draw a figure on A4 sheet that has some resemblance to you. Perhaps the similarity will be in clothes, hairstyle, eye color, favorite position. Image size - whatever you want.

If you don't like to draw, take your favorite photo where you like yourself. Where are you happy and satisfied.

Sitting quietly, without being distracted by the fuss, get to know the depicted hero. You - ask questions, you - give answers from the position of the hero.

Questions to your hero

Here are the main questions, the answers to which are important for you:

-What do you value in yourself? Name at least three traits of character or appearance.

- What do you do to prevent yourself from becoming happy? Name at least three habits, or character traits, or external manifestations.

- What do you want to find behind the "wall"?

- What do you want to leave here?

I very much count on your ability for independent analysis. If something doesn't work, I'm ready to help.

Got answers? Be able to draw conclusions from it in order to choose your own path to overcome the obstacle.

Here are the options that I know of. Again, I invite you to choose.

How can I destroy the wall?

I will name the main approaches, among them is yours.

  1. Wait and see.

The most difficult way, suitable only for deeply intuitive people who know how to “feel the moment”.

If you can't get to the "other" side, then you're not ready yet. A lot of things have accumulated in your soul that require inner awareness. Or you don't feel ready to start a new life. Then - mature, relying on your intuition. In one truly wonderful moment, you will easily take a step forward and the wall will collapse by itself.

Secret: know that change is inevitable. Be 100% sure that you will take a step forward. The feeling of certainty does not come from somewhere outside, but from within you. If you are intuitive, then you understand well what I am talking about. People like you have the phrase in their vocabulary “I felt that it couldn’t be otherwise”

2. Small business

How to start a new life - start small, but cardinal. Women often intuitively do just that.

Went in and got a new haircut. Bought a new blouse. Called and made an appointment. Deleted an unnecessary contact from the notebook. Bought a plane ticket.

Well, the point of no return has been passed. The main thing is not to look back.

It does not require global moral or physical efforts. In standby mode - hop! - and that's it. Without hesitation. An option for those who rely on the outside world and the 5 human senses.

Secret: to feel that the world has inevitably changed. That is, yesterday, before your act, it was like this, but now it’s different. Even if the difference in fact is only in the color of your hair, but it feels like everything is different! You are different. This means that the new "I" can destroy any wall.

3. Salvation Army

If you are ready, enlist the help of loved ones. Delegate tasks. Let you, lethargic and

helpless trusted persons move to the beginning of a new life. And you will be able to thank when you are able!

This method is suitable for those who live in communication. In whose house the doors never close, who has a “support group” - sisters, brothers, friends, buddies with whom you can not only talk, but also be silent.

Women's Mistakes in Marriage This book is now available at special conditions. I do consultations every day. Read more about consultations on the page

The essence of this plan is simple - to create a list of goals, desires, ideas and craziest dreams that you would like to fulfill and experiences that you would be interested in experiencing during the time allotted on Earth.

Why do you need a list

Think about the last few years of your life. A good friend of mine once rightly pointed out that we identify with our place of work and increasingly say WE“We bought a quarry in South America”, “we bought 5 helicopters and 10 Mercedes”, “we increased revenue by $100 million” and so on. But when you go deeper, you understand that no one went further than Ukraine, I saw a helicopter only in the air, and the maximum amount of money that I held in my hands was 1000 salary dollars.

It's time to understand what is "I" who wants to jump with a parachute, travel around the globe and do a dozen different stupid things that are embarrassing to tell children about. Think of yourself tired but happy when you accomplished something important. You experience the bright moments of your life in your head hundreds of hundreds of times. Now imagine that you have a LIST of 100 items and you have made a commitment to yourself to implement about 3-5 items from this list every year. Just think how much happier you will become, how much new you will learn, how the psychological situation in the family will change. It will be just cool!

What to do in life

Everything is extremely simple and takes no more than 10-15 minutes for one brainstorming session. Personally, I created a document on my computer desktop in which I write down my dreams and desires at regular intervals. I try to understand what I want and how much this or that activity will make me happier.

In order to simplify the task of creating your list, I recommend that you answer the following questions:

  • What would happen if you passed away tomorrow? What is the most important thing you would like to do in this case today?
  • What would you do if you had unlimited time, money and resources?
  • What countries and places would you like to visit?
  • What feelings would you like to experience?
  • What moments would you like to witness?
  • What is the most important thing on your personal scale of values ​​you would like to achieve?
  • What craft would you like to learn?
  • Who would you like to meet personally?
  • What would you like to achieve in different areas of your life (social, family, physical, spiritual)?

Refer to these questions as many times as you need to build your personal wish list. Take as much time as you need for this. Read the list below for further inspiration.

101 things you can consider in creating your list of tasks for life

1. Travel around the globe

  • Visit all countries of the world
  • Visit all the wonders of the world
  • 1001 places to see before you die

2. Learn a new language

3. Try it new profession in a completely unfamiliar area for you

4. Get to your ideal weight

5. Run a marathon

6. Take part in a triathlon

7. Take up some new sport. Here are some examples:

  • Technical sports: archery, golf, bowling, skating, figure skating
  • Water sports: kayaking, rafting, wakeboarding, diving, yachting, swimming

8. Go to the mountains and go skiing

9. Learn to ride

10. Quit the Job You Hate

11. Follow your dreams

12. Mind your own business doing what you love

13. Achieve financial independence through your passion

14. Contact teachers from your past life(school, institute) and thank them for the fact that they greatly influenced your life

15. Find out who inspired you the most and thank him/her for it.

16. Become a mentor to someone in need.

17. Learn to play a strategy game on the computer

18. Try yourself in an extreme sport - jumping from a bridge, skydiving, skydiving, etc.

19. Climb the mountain

20. Make a big surprise for someone

21. Do something significant and important in someone's life.

22. Do good things for 5 strangers without expecting or receiving anything in return.

23. Write a book about something important to you.

24. Travel on hot-air balloon

25. Sing your favorite song to a large audience

26. Try yourself in a volunteer program

27. Befriend at least 5 strangers on the street

28. Meet the dawn

29. Meet the Sunset

30. See the Northern Lights

31. Witness a solar eclipse

32. Sleep on the grass during the starfall

33. Plant your own tree and watch it grow

34. Get yourself a pet

35. Give a speech to a large audience

36. Write a letter to your closest friends and tell them how important they are to you.

37. Make a mega party

38. Completely change your style (hair, clothes, makeup)

39. Learn to appreciate the taste of wine

40. Take an etiquette course

41. Become a matchmaker - introduce friends and acquaintances to each other

42. Go on a blind date

43. Go to college and radically change your specialty

44. Learn to play a musical instrument (piano, violin, guitar)

45. Win an argument for money

46. ​​Attend dance classes (tango, ballroom, salsa)

47. Get into creating art

48. Hitchhike

49. Backpack for several weeks in unfamiliar places and cities

50. Pack your bags and go to an unknown destination for a couple of days.

51. Swim with dolphins

52. Live in another country for a few months

53. Make a movie

54. Take part in some project on TV

55. Tie a scarf

56. Create your dream home

57. Cook the most Tasty food in your life for your family

58. Bake a cake for someone special

59. Live a few days in the forest

60. Visit the desert

61. Live 4 seasons in 4 different countries

62. Read a book on a topic you've never been interested in

63. Volunteer at a hospital or nursing home

64. Fly a kite

65. Sleep in a haystack

66. Call the support service (internet, water delivery, taxi) and thank them for their work

67. Try being a vegetarian for a month

68. Try being a vegan

69. Try a raw food diet

70. Make some origami figurines and give them to strangers

71. Curb Your Biggest Fear

72. Travel by sea

73. Tell your 10 friends and acquaintances about your list and encourage them to create the same

75. Experience the power of meditation

76. Take part in some socially important movement

77. Visit Japan During Cherry Blossom

78. Bury the hatchet with all those with whom you have quarreled in the past.

79. Organize a picnic

80. Do something totally crazy and different from you.

81. Travel First Class

82. Hit the top ten with a dart in darts

83. Visit a volcano

84. Fly in a helicopter

85. Dine with someone you only dreamed of being together with.

86. Tell your parents that you love them.

87. Go on a cruise

88. Try being a waiter for a month

89. Fall in love (more than once is better)

90. Be in love for a long time

91. Organize the most romantic date of your dreams

92. Visit a castle in Scotland

93. Change the world

94. Help someone in need

95. Learn Sign Language

96. See the Mona Lisa in the Louvre

97. Participate in a costume party

98. Win some competition

99. Learn to wake up at 5 am

100. Have at least three children

In moments when you are bored and you are drawn into the routine - do something from your list and you will fill your life with vivid impressions and remind yourself that "I" is much more important than "WE".

About the author:
He worked for several years in large Western corporations (KPMG, ADIDAS, WEATHERFORD). At the moment I am engaged in several projects online (the main direction is the creation and promotion online games). By my example, I try to show that anyone can become a profitable entrepreneur.

Hello dear readers! Today I would like to talk about a new life in the new year. How many times have each of us promised ourselves that we would start living differently next year? Lose weight, go in for sports, pay off loans, learn how to save and much more. But if you are reading this article, it means that you did not succeed. There are a lot of similar articles on the Internet. But what makes my approach different from others? What I am going to offer you I have tried on myself!

Summing up

First of all, you should look at yourself in the past. Talking about the need to be able to say goodbye to the past takes place when you understand where to actually go. While the future is still a little foggy for us, I will tell you how to get rid of the fog later, we will deal with the past with you.

Look at your life from the outside and think about what you don't like and what specific things you would like to change. Remember your mistakes, wrong decisions. At what point did you struggle because you didn't know what to do. Remember everything. Since childhood.

This, by the way, will help you decide on your favorite pastime.
When, if not in childhood, we do what we like. It is as a child that we choose the most interesting activity. Remember everything. Everything that comes to mind - write it down, otherwise you will forget. Memory is an unreliable thing.

Thus, you should have before your eyes a sheet of paper or a document in a Word, where you described your entire past self. All your pros and cons. Good and bad qualities. Your work, hobbies, unfulfilled dreams and more.

Making a list

Now it's time for the list. A list where you write down all the things you want to do in the future, what you want to be, change jobs, find a hobby, find a soul mate, get a cat or a dog. Write even the most stupid and stupid thoughts, then we will mark it all.

Your list doesn't have to follow any rules. Whatever comes to mind, write it down. Fly into space, learn to write with your left foot, learn the language of dogs. It doesn't matter how crazy the idea seems to be right now. In the future, you can fish out a wonderful lesson from it that will bring you wild pleasure.

This is where you write down what kind of person you want to become. More sociable, punctual, logical or something else. How to achieve this, do not think yet. Just write. Describe your ideal self. How would you like to see yourself at fifty?


After you finish writing the list, you need to start structuring this very list. Break all your entries into categories: personal qualities and self-development, work, hobbies and hobbies. You may end up with more categories, such as relationships with your spouse. They should also be included in a separate category.

After categorizing, you can start reviewing your entries for realism. The goal and task must be achievable, otherwise they pass into the category of fantasy. Read your list and look for such things. For example, if you have "I want to learn how to fly", then this is an unrealistic goal. But “learning to fly a paraglider” or “riding a hot air balloon” are quite realistic and feasible tasks. So go through the entire list. Of all your goals, you must formulate a specific goal. You are unlikely to succeed in becoming a real Harry Potter, but to arrange role play on the subject of Pottery quite.

Also, your goals must be achievable. Losing weight is an indefinite goal. But to lose ten kilograms, what you need. In the goal itself, the result should be clearly traced. Not just to become more sociable, but to learn how to make acquaintances, make new friends.

If you have a long-term goal, for example, to become successful, then try to paint it as much as possible. What do you mean by successful? Maybe earn a hundred thousand rubles a month or buy a business class car? Or maybe start a family and have children. Be specific. Break down into smaller goals. Set intermediate results.

Or your goal is to become beautiful. This is a completely non-specific, unattainable and unrealistic goal. Break it down into points: grow your hair and learn how to do hairstyles, go to make-up and styling courses, change your wardrobe, and so on.

Time frame

When you understand that all your goals are achievable, realistic and specific, then proceed to the next step. Setting time frames. Every goal must have its beginning, middle and end. It cannot be that the task is endless.

For example, take the goal of becoming successful. If you carefully read the previous paragraph, you already know that such a paragraph should be divided into tasks. That's just such tasks and have a time frame. If you have a point to buy a car there - set a date when you can buy such a car.

Always remember that our internal clock and real time are in different universes. A task you put off for a month can actually take six months or two days. This will be especially pronounced if you have not done this before and you have no experience.

If you've never played the guitar, but you have a point of learning how to play it, give yourself a few deadlines. Learn basic chords in a month. Learn to play simple melodies in two months. Learn all the chords in six months. In a year, learn to select music by ear.

Remember that changing the time frame later is not good. If you always think that if you fail, you can simply move the deadline forward, then the task will never be completed. You must clearly understand that you have two weeks to search for Spanish courses. And it is during these two weeks that you should find suitable courses. And not a day more!

Carrot and stick

It can be very difficult at first. One of my goals was to get up earlier. And at first I just could not unstick myself from the bed. So warm and inviting. Then I came up with a punishment for myself - every day that I woke up later means plus ten minutes to get up earlier tomorrow. And soon I began to get up by myself without an alarm clock.

The motivation system is very helpful for those who can't pull themselves together. For those who do not have inner strength. But remember this: if you couldn’t do something, then this is not your goal and task. It can be anyone's, but not yours. If you still haven't found a course of English language then you don't need it. This may be necessary for your mother, boss or girlfriend, but not for you.

Those tasks and goals that we cannot do in any way, most likely do not belong to us. You must understand the difference between the words "I want" and "I need to." Your goals and objectives should come from the word "want". Then the success is more real.

Think of a reward and punishment system for yourself. Set aside fifty, a hundred or a thousand rubles for each completed task. Which then you will be happy to spend on yourself. As a punishment, you can give this money to a friend or mother. Here you know what will spur you on and scare you.

When to start?

Right today. That's what I did when I realized that I wanted to speak Spanish. I just got up the next morning and found a tutor. Here they are forty minutes of happiness, three times a week. If you have goals that you can start implementing now, then don't put them off until next year.

New Year is always considered the main Monday from which people start a new life. Forget about it. The more often you say to yourself: “That’s it, I’ll definitely start this Monday!”, The more you will save. Start doing something today.
You can choose the smallest and most pleasant task. From the implementation of which, you will enjoy. Add more and more goals and objectives, do not forget about the time frame. Thus, you will be drawn in and this process will become automatic.

Do not feel sorry for yourself and do not lament the fact that nothing works out and so on. Pull yourself together and start working hard on yourself and on achieving your goals. There is no magic pill in the world that will help you wake up as a princess or a king. This requires a hell of a job. My article will help a lot in this direction.

I am sure that you will cope with everything that you have planned for yourself. Do not listen to anyone who tells you that you are wasting time or doing this for nothing. This is your life and only you decide what to spend your precious time on. Remember that there are always a lot of envious people and ill-wishers around who want you, like everyone else, to sit on the priest evenly and not strive for anything.

Move forward and you will succeed!

There are other ways to start a new life, so Altucher urges you to listen to him with a grain of salt. This cheat sheet works for him. However, he has seen it work for several hundred other people as well. James was able to verify this by taking numerous interviews for his podcast, reading letters addressed to him, and simply living the last twenty years.

James Altucher

So, if you dream of changing your life, trying something new, then this is for you. Faktrum publishes these helpful and uncompromising tips.

1. Update never stops

Every day you rediscover yourself. You are always on the move. And every day you decide what kind of movement it is - forward or backward.

2. You start from the beginning

Every title from the past that you will defend is just vanity. Have you been a doctor? Graduated from an Ivy League university? Were you a millionaire? Did you have a family? Nobody cares about this. You have lost everything. You are zero. Don't even try to prove that you are something.

3. You need a mentor

Otherwise, you will go to the bottom. Someone has to teach you how to move and breathe. Don't worry too much about this item.

4. Here are three types of mentors

  • Direct. Someone who is close to you, who tells how he achieved everything. What is behind "everything"? More on this later. By the way, the mentor is not at all someone like an elderly Japanese man from the 1984 movie Karate Kid. Almost all mentors will hate you.
  • Indirect. These are books and films. You can get 90% of mentoring from books and other materials. 200-500 books are comparable to one good mentor. You ask: “What good book would you recommend?”. There is no answer to this question. There are 200–500 good books which should be read. Whatever your beliefs, read every day.
  • Everything around is a teacher. If you are a blank slate and strive for renewal, then everything around you becomes a metaphor for action. You see a tree, but you don't see its roots and the underground springs that feed it - it's all a metaphor for a computer program, if you put the facts together correctly. In the future, you will find connection in everything you see.

5. Don't worry if you don't have passion for anything.

You are concerned about your health. Start with this. Small steps. You do not need a strong spiritual zeal to succeed. Do your job with love and success will follow.

6. Renewal needs 5 years

Here is a breakdown of those five years:

  • Year one: You waste your energy on a lot of useless things, read avidly and only approach the real action
  • Year two: you know with whom and why you need to communicate. Dedicate yourself to the cause every day. You finally realize that your aspirations are like a Monopoly game board.
  • Year Three: You are already good enough to start making your first money. But life is still far from ideal.
  • Year four: you live a beautiful life
  • Year five: you earn wealth.

It's easy to get frustrated in the first four years. "Why hasn't anything happened yet?" - such a question will torment you. This is fine. Just keep going. Or stop and choose a new area. After all, you are already dead, and starting a new life is a difficult thing.

7. If you're doing it faster or slower, you're doing something wrong.

Story Google illustrates this well.

8. It's not about the money. But money is a good measure

When people say "it's not about the money," they need to be sure they have another good yardstick. “What if you just do what you love?” - you ask. Keep in mind that there are many days ahead in which you will hate your job. If you are in business only out of love for him, it will take much longer than five years. Happiness is just positive impulses in our brain. Sometimes you will be unhappy. The brain is the tool we use, not who we are.

9. When can you say "I'm doing X", where X is your new career?

10. When can I start doing X?

Today. If you want to be an artist, buy your canvas and paints today, start buying the first of 500 books, and pick up your brush. If you want to learn how to write, then do three things:

  • Read
  • Write
  • Take your favorite work by your favorite author and rewrite it word for word. Ask yourself why he chose those words. Today he is your mentor.

If you want to start your own business, start thinking about a business idea. The update starts today. And it goes on every day.

11. How will I earn?

In three years, you will devote 5-7 thousand hours to the cause. This is enough to become one of the top two or three hundred in anything. The top 200 professionals in almost every field make a decent living. By the third year, you will know how to make money. By the fourth year, you will be earning enough. Some stop in the fourth year.

In the fifth year, you will be among the top 30-50 in your business and amass a fortune.

12. How do you know exactly what to do?

Everything that the soul will feel while reading 500 books. Go to the bookstore and find this. If you're still bored after three months, go back to the bookstore.

13. How do you know exactly what to do?

Being disappointed is okay. Success is better than failure, but it's after failure that we learn the most important lessons. It is very important not to rush. You will find yourself anew many times throughout your interesting life. And there will be many mistakes. Find the positives in this.

When you change your life dramatically several times, then your chronicle turns into an interesting book of stories, not a boring textbook. Many people want their life story to be a well-researched textbook. For better or worse, the Altusher book is a book of stories.

14. Your choice today will be your biography tomorrow.

Make interesting decisions and you will have an interesting biography.

15. What if I like some kind of absurdity? For example, biblical archeology or 11th century wars?

Go through all the steps above and you'll be making tons of money in your fifth year. How? No idea. Don't try to find the end of the road in the first step.

16. What if the family wants me to work as a financier?

How many years of your life did you promise your family? Ten years? All life? And then wait for the next life. The good news is that the choice is yours.

Choose freedom or family. Freedom from prejudice. Freedom from authorities. Freedom from the need to please people. Then you please yourself.

17. My mentor wants me to follow his path.

Excellent. Learn his path. And then do it your way. Sincerely. Nobody puts a gun to your head, do they?

18. My spouse is worried about who will take care of the children.

Then go about your new life after a 16-hour day as a janitor. The one who rediscovers himself will always have free time. Set aside a little time for your work. Think about it whenever possible.

19. What if my friends think I'm crazy?

What other friends?

20. What if I want to be an astronaut?

This is not a reinvention of oneself, but simply a specific work. Do you like outer space? You have a wide range of career options. Richard Branson wanted to be an astronaut and launched Virgin Galactic.

21. What if I like to hang out and drink?

Read this post in a year.

22. What if I cheat on my wife/husband or betray my partner?

Re-read this post in two or three years, when you get divorced, lose your job and no one needs you.

23. What if I have no skills at all?

Reread point 2.

24. What if I have no education or a useless degree?

Reread point 2.

25. What if I have to pay off debts or mortgages?

Reread paragraph 18.

26. Why do I always feel like an outsider?

Albert Einstein was the same. Each of us at some point feels out of place. Highest Degree creativity born out of skepticism.

Just give up.

28. What if I am too sick to upgrade?

Renewal stimulates the production of beneficial chemicals in your body: serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin. As you keep moving forward, you may not be completely healed, but you will be healthier. Don't use illness as an excuse. Finally, take care of your health. Sleep more, eat more. Go in for sports. These are the key steps to start a new life.

29. What if a past partner cheated on me and I'm still suing him?

Stop litigation and never think about him again. Half the problem was you, not him.

29. What if I go to jail?

Fabulous. Re-read point 2. Read a lot of books in prison.

30. What if I'm shy?

Turn your weaknesses into yours strengths. Introverts listen more carefully, focus better, and more effectively win people over.

31. What if I can't wait five years?

If you plan to live another five years at all, it would be good to start today.

32. What is the best way to get acquainted?

Imagine a concentric circle. You are in the center.

The next circle is friends and family.
The next one is online communities.
The next one is meetings of interest and invitations for coffee.
The next one is conferences and opinion leaders.
The next one is mentors.
The next one is customers and producers of goods.

Develop relationships through these circles.

33. What if I think I'm the best at what I do?

After 6-12 months, you will return to point 2.

34. What if I'm passionate about two things from different fields and can't choose between them?

Combine two areas and you will be the best combined.

Get started teaching with YouTube videos. Start with one student and see if the audience grows.

36. What if I want to earn money while I sleep?

In the fourth year, outsource your business.

37. How to meet mentors and opinion leaders?

When you have enough knowledge (after 100-200 books), write 10 ideas for 20 potential mentors. None of them will answer. Write 10 more ideas for 20 new potential mentors. Repeat this weekly. Make a mailing list for those who do not respond. Keep going until someone answers. Start a blog about your efforts. Build a community around what you are going to be an expert in.

39. What if I can't come up with an idea?

Keep practicing coming up with ideas. The muscles responsible for ideas atrophy over time. You must build these muscles.

It's hard to reach your toes if you don't exercise every day. To do this, you need to repeat the exercises regularly. Don't expect ideas to start coming on the first day.

After books, read websites, forums, magazines. But, by and large, there is one garbage.

41. What if I do everything you say, but it still doesn't work?

It will work. Just wait. Don't try to see the end of the road. Fog prevents you from seeing your destination. But you can see where to take the next step, and you know that each step brings you closer to the end of the road.

42. What should I do if I am depressed?

Spend an hour in silence. This is required to reconnect with the inner self. If you think this sounds stupid, don't do it. And keep sinking into depression.

43. What if all this scares me?

Sleep eight to nine hours a day and never gossip. Sleep is the key to health. But not the only key, but simply No. 1. Some say: “I only need four hours of sleep” or “in my homeland, sleep is equated with laziness.” Well, these people are waiting for failure and early death.

When it comes to gossip, our brains biologically want to be friends with 150 people. When you are alone with one of your friends, you start talking about the 149 that are left. If you don't have 150 friends, then your brain makes you read gossip magazines to create the illusion that you have those 150 friends.

Don't be as stupid as your brain.

44. What if I keep feeling that none of this will work for me?

Spend ten minutes a day practicing gratitude. Don't suppress fear. Pay attention to anger. Anger never inspires, and gratitude does a good job of it. Gratitude is the bridge between your world and the parallel universe where all creative ideas live.

45. What if I constantly have to deal with people who do not believe in me?

Find a new environment for yourself. Anyone who starts life with a clean slate faces those who incite to turn off the intended path. Biology tells the brain to keep you safe from danger, and renewal is a risk. So get ready to say goodbye to people who are trying to stop you.

And learn to say no.

46. ​​What if I am happy to sit in the office closet at my current job?

47. How can I trust you when you fail several times?

Don't trust.

48. Will you be my mentor?

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