Will you be rich test? Pass the ancient Tibetan wealth test

Fortune telling online for wealth determines in what area and in what way you will receive or earn money, which will help you get rich and become a multimillionaire.

Request for this Tarot layout: I want to be rich, but I don’t know how. Where is the best place to invest money and effort? Which area will bring me wealth? Can I become a millionaire? Is there a business acumen and in what?

Have a nice session!

1. Your business acumen: whether you have the ability to make money. 2. Partnership and ability to cooperate. The impact of people on your finances. 3. Work and attitude to work: will you make money at work. 4. Family and its impact on your financial growth. Possibility of inheritance. 5. Force majeure: where to lay straws. 6. Your investment: where to invest energy and money. 7. Creativity. How creative are you. Money from art. 8. Personal business: opportunities in this area. 9. Personal values, from spiritual to material: 10. What is your wealth, and how can you earn capital:

  • Your business acumen: whether you have the ability to make money.
  • Partnership and collaboration. The impact of people on your finances.
  • Work and attitude to work: will you make money at work.
  • Family and its impact on your financial growth. Possibility of inheritance.
  • Force majeure: where to lay straws.
  • Your investment: where to invest energy and money.
  • Creation. How creative are you. Money from art.
  • Personal business: opportunities in this area.
  • Personal values, from spiritual to material.
  • What is your wealth, and what can you earn capital on.

Click on the cards to complete the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning


How to read the layout

This amazing layout is made in the form of a money bag. By clicking on the cards inside the program, you fill it with new, sometimes unexpected Tarot interpretations for you - hints about your inner and outer wealth.

Ten cards - they will show and tell in which areas of your life there will be happy material changes, and what you need to make sure. Which areas of your life most influence your financial situation - and here you will have the opportunity to make an in-depth analysis of your approach to finance.

The results may be unexpected. For example, once, interpreting this layout, in position 6 (investments where it is worth investing energy and money) - advice was received "to rest and have a good time."

As it turned out, the questioner really needed rest and did not allow himself to relax for 7-8 years - as a result, working for wear and tear, he was on the verge of depression and exhaustion. What is it about wealth?

Pay close attention to all positions: the influence of the family, the opportunity to get money from the business (suddenly you did not dare to start your own business), money from art and creativity, etc.

Tarot fortune-telling questions for wealth are designed so that you get the most information about your chances of getting rich. This creative diagnostic of your financial chances helps you consider your hidden potential, and also develops your intuition in terms of money: how and where to get them.

Point 10 of the alignment is a kind of summary and advice for the future. By the way, it is not necessary to guess for life. You can set more effective time frames, for example, for a month, three months, a year - and you will receive more detailed instructions for your enrichment.

Guessing wealth online is not difficult, it is important to learn the main principles that underlie your life abundance, and what they are, judge by the arcana that has fallen out, especially if some of them are repeated very often. No wonder Tarot cards are called codes of life: seize the moment, because now they are open just for you!

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This wealth test will help you objectively evaluate your prospects and understand if wealth awaits you in the near future!

Wealth test!

Answer yourself honestly a few questions of the test without looking back.

1. Are you paid more than other employees?

2. Do you plan a family budget? Tracking income and expenses?

3. Do you double-check item weight and change in store?

4. You are planning to purchase expensive thing which is now unaffordable?

5. Could you live on both a small and a large salary?

6. Do you feel tension at the sight of money?

7. Do you have a habit of haggling in the market?

8. Does your image match your income (or do you strive to look more presentable)?

9. Do you think your life could be better?

10. Do you know how you would spend money if you got a million?

Wealth Test Results!

A positive answer to questions 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 is worth one point, and one point should be added for a negative answer to questions 1, 2, 6, and 10.

If you typed from 8 to 10 points - you love money immensely, and this is mutual. It is safe to say that your prosperity will continue to improve as you look after your future. Do not forget about the principle of tithing, give part of the funds to charity and help loved ones.

If your result test for wealth does not exceed 4-7 points, then we can say that you have not yet figured out yourself and have not determined how much money you need, and whether you need it at all. You are not satisfied with your standard of living, but you are not yet ready to achieve more.

The course will help you change your money consciousness and tune in to wealth and prosperity.

If on a wealth test you did not score more than 3 points, this allows you to conclude that money is not the main thing for you.

The amount of money in your wallet only reflects your true attitude towards wealth and money.

Your inner beliefs, embedded in the subconscious, either miss the monetary energy or not.

Monetary Research Continued

Write down on paper the answers to the following questions:

  • What is money for you?
  • What place do they occupy in your life?
  • Are you satisfied with your standard of living?
  • Do you think about money during the day (how many minutes)?
  • What do you think about money - how to make money, or that there is none?
  • How do you feel about money?
  • Are you comfortable with big money?
  • What do you think when you don't have a penny in your pocket?
  • What income are you ready for?
  • What will you spend big money on?
  • How do you feel when you have to part with money?
  • What do you think about when you have to borrow?
  • When do you lend?
  • What does it feel like to be deceived?
  • And when do you cheat for your own benefit?
  • Are you good at managing money?

If you sincerely answer all of these questions, you may be able to bring out some of your beliefs about money that you may not have thought about before.

Why do some people live in luxury, while others have to go to work and still lack money?

Because most are hindered by negative money beliefs (money blocks).

  • internally do not believe that you can easily get a lot of money,
  • Do you think money is hard to come by?
  • inside there are thoughts that you are not given to become rich ...

It is worth working out your worldview¹. This is essential if you really want to live richly.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Worldview - a system of views, assessments and figurative ideas about the world and a person's place in it, the general attitude of a person to the surrounding reality and to himself, as well as the main vital positions of people, their beliefs, ideals, principles of knowledge and activity, determined by these views, value orientations (

People who want to learn about fate resort to such a science as palmistry, and this is especially true for the brightest moments. life path. Based on rich experience, first of all, resorting to the services of palmists, a person asks questions about life expectancy, health, happiness in love, and of course, the main question, will there be money? What is palmistry, wealth line and others banknotes, let's take a closer look.

Who would not say anything, but a happy life is partly related to financial well-being. with the slogan about happy life, only wise men or people who have nothing to lose can live without prosperity. A normal person dreams of living a full life, since we are responsible not only for ourselves, but also for our loved ones.

With the help of such a non-tricky science as palmistry, everyone can find out their financial situation. What is palmistry, the line of wealth on the hand, what banknotes you should pay attention to, we will consider below.

Note. There is no specific trait that is responsible for monetary well-being. Such symbolism is read thanks to the individual lines that create it. There are certain signs that need special attention.

Is the money line a myth or a reality?

If there is no special thread responsible for finances, we will consider the location of other roads in order to understand and study our palm.

First of all, 4 main features are considered:

  1. Life road.
  2. Fateful thread.
  3. Mental road.
  4. Heart line.

These main lines will determine the signs of wealth on the hand (palmistry).

How to determine wealth by life thread?

First, let's turn to the main line in the palm of your hand - life. If a long and deep line is observed, this indicates a person who has the potential to achieve success or has already definitely achieved something. In any case, the owner knows exactly what he wants.

I can tell about the numerous successes of a person with small dashes extending upwards. If such symbols are found on the initial life stage, then you have an extremely confident person in front of you.

Note. If such symbolism is supplemented by the fact that the life line goes independently of the mental line and has a distance of several millimeters, then you have a successful person. Such people know how to make money and 100% of their life proceeds in abundance.

What can be learned from the line of fate?

The fateful trait plays an important role in the vision of financial potential. But this feature is not predictable, throughout life it can disappear and reappear.

Many people do not have it at all, but if its presence is nevertheless detected, then this may mean the following:

  1. Fateful events are observed in your life.
  2. If the line is clear and straight, then you are a purposeful person and are trying to achieve your goals. It is this quality that determines successful people who are trying to live comfortably.

Note. For successful people, this road is located at a certain distance from the life line and goes straight and clearly to the index or middle finger.

It is with such features that the line of wealth in the palm of your hand or success indicates a person’s inner potential and achievement. financial results. Such people know what they want and have a fairly high level in social status.

Talented people can be identified by a double or even triple fateful trait. If 2 or 3 traits depart simultaneously with life, then all achievements and success will come to a person only thanks to his own efforts and life position. If the line ends with a fork, then the fortuneteller will have a prosperous and well-fed old age.

Note. If at some point you discovered the disappearance of a fateful feature, then the goal and cash flows will be lost.

Related material:

A few more signs of wealth on the thread of fate

Money is indicated by small processes and lines of wealth on the hand, from the line of success towards the little finger and index finger, as in the photo. The deeper and clearer these lines, the more cash flows will come into your life.

If the branch goes to the middle finger, then cash only comes with a lot of hard work.

Wealth line, palmistry according to the signs of the mental road

Some signs of wealth are also displayed on the thread line, let's note them.

These three lines clearly reflect wealth and success. Even if one line is observed, this also portends the achievement of the goal and financial success.

Note. If you see that the branch goes to the little finger, the person is practicing risky financial transactions, and this also speaks of a commercial vein.

Additional material on the topic:

"Golden signs" on the line of the soul

A fork extending to an index sign indicates a high social status. People with such symbols, by definition, cannot have a poor life.

Also, if there are dashes going up on the line, then they are an indicator that affects wealth.

Palmistry, the line of success and wealth, how to find it on your hand?

Our brain acts as an artist who paints his canvas on his hands. The main lines, as a rule, are not corrected, but you have to take care of the secondary threads and signs. They are gradually adjusted throughout life, depending on the circumstances. How to determine success and wealth on your own hands?

  1. We are looking for all the lines and signs related to financial potential.
  2. We analyze their location to each other and the main lines.
  3. We draw conclusions.

Note. It is impossible to know from the lines how much money you will have and at what exact moment a stable financial position will be achieved. But it is quite possible to get information about the potential opportunity and what way it is possible to come to such stability.

Divination by hand, wealth by signs and dashes

A line from the thumb to the index finger is found and a symbol in the form of a five-pointed star is obtained. The owner simply has a gift from God to make money out of thin air. For such people, nothing is impossible and there are always simple ways for financial transactions.

The combination in the photo with a continuous line to the little finger portends the owner of unexpected wealth. Such happiness literally falls from the sky (inheritance or winning the lottery).

A line running across the palm to the middle finger. The owner will get rich through his efforts and natural gift. Success will come from creating own business or career growth.

An additional feature that crosses the line of mind and fate. It is also a great signal of financial success. Monetary achievement will come thanks to your own goals and ideas, their implementation. Such people do not rely on "Lady Luck", but rely only on their quick wits and brainstorming.

Note. All of the above signs point to signs of wealth. Palmistry provides for other monetary signs.

Other money signs

If the hand is completely dotted with deep short lines and dashes, then this is a fairly favorable sign, indicating financial potential from birth.

Such people know how money is made, but help from other sources is not ruled out.

The line of the sun or Apollo and its possibilities

If a direct and clear thread of Apollo is discovered, then fame and money will enter life at the same time.

The thread is uneven and winding, this indicates the instability of the fortuneteller (ups and downs). Owners of such a symbol are not recommended to do business.

If a star is observed on the basis of the trait, then this indicates not only a successful rise in business, but also the ability to resist competitors. Such people perfectly maneuver in critical situations and make the right decision.

The line is missing, interrupted or very faintly visible on the hand, “alas”, financial luck is not on your side. But this does not mean that there will be no money at all. The owners of such a palm are simply hardworking, they will have to work hard, but relying on luck and easy money is not worth it.

Note. Remember that your fate is in your hands, even if you do not have banknotes. It is important to make every effort and the path will not be as easy as the lucky ones.

What will the famous money triangle tell us?

Surely, many people know or have heard what palmistry is, the triangle of wealth in the palm of your hand. This is the most powerful symbolism in determining financial well-being.

Note. The favorite place of the "golden sign" in the very center of the palm. The formation of a banknote occurs due to the intersection of the main lines (mind and fate), and the 3rd additional line closes it.

Such a symbol should be clear, not blurry and closed with a pronounced line. The larger the size of this sign, the greater the welfare of its owner. If the symbolism can be traced on two hands, then this is 100% wealth. The fact of finding a triangle in a triangle indicates that the owner will become successful through investment.

Let's not pass by the situation, which is most often encountered in everyday life. The triangle is not complete, i.e. consists of the line of the mind and fate, and the third feature is absent or barely visible. It says that your finances are always floating somewhere away from you.

Hands of successful people with decoding

As an example, let's take a look at the hands of successful people and look at the lines in more detail how it all looks. You can compare your palm with me with the examples given.

In this example, notice how the main lines are directed and where they end. The figure shows the hand of a very rich man, lines like road signs are sent exactly where you can reach the highest monetary bar:

  1. The thread of the mind and life are significantly distant from each other, which indicates independence and freedom.
  2. The fateful line is deep, clear and correct, moving towards the index finger.
  3. The correct branch departs from the line of fate and goes to the little finger.
  4. And on the thread of the sun, a star is observed, which is located on the line of life.
  5. Further, the correct genetic line is visible.

Note. All these lines of wealth on the hand (palmistry) are clearly and vividly expressed, which clearly indicates the huge potential of the client and, first of all, his desire for financial success.

Another example with interesting signs

In this palm, wealth can be determined by the hills and points where the line of life, fate and the sun intersects.

Approximately such a plan, the hand tells us whether the person himself is interested in material values?

The thumb tells about it:

  • Paying attention to the phalanges, we determine: if the first and second are the same, then the owner has logic and willpower in equal shares.
  • If the lower part is longer than the first, then the owner talks and talks more than he acts.
  • Next, you need to pay attention to the line of the head, which is responsible for mental abilities.

Note. The last thing you should pay attention to is how reliable the money triangle is. If it is closed from 3 sides, then the financial situation will be stable.

What prevents you from becoming successful and rich? What do the signs of poor people look like?

After inspecting all the lines, analyze some of the signs that impede cash flow:

  • Crosses under the little finger or middle finger indicate difficult financial problems that a person will have to face.
  • Very flexible hands and fingers will tell about a person's wastefulness and inability to handle money.
  • The thread of the head is short with dotted lines, indicating a lack of business acumen and intuition, which is indispensable in business.
  • The hills are poorly visible, indicating a lack of energy and a lack of business acumen.

Lucky lines on the hand of wealth, who is fortune's favorite?

In a nutshell, then the billionaire's thread of Apollo on his right hand departs from the line of love and ends on the corresponding hill with a fork. Such a sign indicates that a person has had a great desire to be popular and rich all his life.

Guus Hiddink famous Russian coach. A powerful spade-shaped hand, hard fingers, indicates a strong-willed personality. Such people are able to realize any dream. Mount Jupiter speaks of clearly expressed ambitions.

The thread of the sun and Saturn starts from the vital line and passes through fate on the hill of Apollo. The owners of such symbols will achieve success in any field.

We fix the material, all banknotes in the palm of your hand

An independent free study of palmistry will allow you not only to know yourself, but also eliminate the need to turn to the services of palmists. The minimum price for the work is 2000 rubles. The services of professionals reach up to 50,000 rubles and it is not a fact that you will get an exhaustive result for yourself.

So, about monetary symbolism:

  1. Long little finger (as in photo "a"), not previously mentioned. If the little finger is higher than the fold of the ring finger, then you have a person with excellent intellectual abilities and the ability to organize commercial activities.

  1. No gaps were found between the fingers. People know how to properly manage finances, which affects well-being.

  1. The development and depth of the main lines portends success and wealth in palmistry. Developed threads will tell you in which direction you can realize yourself:
  • Thread of Mercury, realize yourself in the field of your own knowledge.
  • The line of the sun will tell you that you can realize yourself thanks to talents and a creative approach to work.

  • The dominant line of fate will indicate that you need to use your life purpose and the reward will be provided.
  • The lines of fate and mind will tell you about the potential of the owner, which can be used for well-being.
  1. Branches from the line of life. Before interpreting vertical lines, pay attention to the very structure of the life thread. If it is deep and clear, then the time range of events can be determined from the branches, and the directions to the hills will indicate these events.

Note. That the strength of success in this case depends on the line of fate, which should be directed towards the index finger for the duration of the plan.

  1. The line of fate or good luck can tell a lot. If the thread goes up to the center of the middle finger, then the person really wants to reach financial heights. A slight shift to the index finger only enhances the desire. Outgoing branches will indicate which direction will help to get financial well-being. A fork or trident at the end will tell its owner that financial well-being will be achieved only in adulthood.

  1. A clear and deep line of mind without interruption, even if it is short, is still a good sign. These are people with excellent creative potential and quite practical, they know how to manage finances.

  1. "Golden" or money triangle. As mentioned above, this indicates well-being. Only if all sides of the triangle are present.

  1. An interesting symbolism, which was called by palmists "money wind" (in the photo at number 8). This is a set of small vertical lines located under the middle finger. Such people make money out of thin air, but they don’t earn big money.

  1. Sister lines for the life line. A clear vital trait indicates an excellent physical and psychological state. Additional roads, as it were, protect the owner of the symbolism from negative influences from outside. If such a line of wealth is on the left hand, then this is generally wonderful.

  1. Pronounced hill of Jupiter with a star. An excellent combination and indicates an imperious ambitious person.

  1. The triangle symbol on the life bar. A sign of easy money, but if the triangle is placed with a sharp side to the thumb, and one side is located on the very thread of life. This may be an inheritance or marriage to a wealthy person. What exactly, other signs and symbols will tell.

  1. Vertical dashes on a hill under the little finger. Indicates a constant small cash flow. It may also indicate the owner's predisposition to the sciences.

  1. A clear line was found between the ring finger and the little finger, portends an inheritance.
  2. On the line of the sun is a trident. Indicates the realization of talent and mainly in the field of art. The symbol is excellent, but does not always work like wealth.

  1. Rice line between the phalanges of the thumb. The deeper and longer it is, the more practical the life of a fortuneteller.

Well, in general, and all that I would like to tell you about banknotes. I hope that this article “Palmistry of the line of wealth in the palm of your hand” will help you find your banknotes on your hands, and the video will clearly help you strengthen the material.

Incredible Facts

To become rich is the desire of every person.

Admit it, well, who among us has not dreamed of getting rich and spending money right and left, not counting them and not thinking about what needs to be saved.

Becoming a multimillionaire, or at least having enough money to live carefree for the rest of your days, is the blue dream of many.

Each of us has the opportunity to dream about it, while only a certain percentage has the opportunity to really become rich. There are those to whom it is written: you will become rich and succeed in life.

What factors determine who becomes rich and who does not? There are no clear criteria for wealth.

However, thanks to numerous studies, some similarities have been revealed among the rich, some common features that clearly influenced their success:

Who will become a rich man

1. You have an attractive appearance

Beautiful people make it easier to get through life. It's sad, but it's a proven fact.

It has long been noted that unattractive men and women tend to earn less than their attractive counterparts.

Some may say that this opinion is very subjective, but if in general others find you attractive, your chances of good salary rise significantly.

Of course, good looks do not guarantee that you will become a multimillionaire, however, if you are smart enough to properly manage your finances, most likely you will have great success and a good career.

2. You start your career at a young age

As a rule, all successful people, from Warren Buffett to Mark Zuckerberg, started their careers at a fairly young age.

And it doesn't matter if you sell lemonade at a local kiosk or mow lawns, but if you started working at a fairly young age, your chances of becoming rich increase.

The earlier you start to engage in any work activity, the higher the likelihood that you will succeed in the future.

3. You motivate yourself

Individuals who typically push and motivate themselves to take action are more likely to become wealthy.

Most people tend to put up with what they have. Those who always strive for more and push themselves to achieve their goals have every chance of tremendous success in the future.

4. Your thinking is action-oriented

In order to become rich, it is important that a person looks for an opportunity and grabs it, and not just dreaming about something.

If you're just waiting for something and expecting something to happen, you're more likely that it won't happen. You must understand that it is important not to miss the opportunity and act, only in this case a bright future will shine for you.

How to become rich and successful

5. You are focused on making money.

Saving is a great option for some.

You can save money and live comfortably. However, to become rich and excel at something, you need to focus more on making that money than saving it.

Therefore, spend money wisely and invest it in something that will contribute to its multiplication.

6. You have a sense of urgency

A wealthy businessman does not wait to start his own business. He knows not best place and time than here now to start business development and start without thinking.

If you sit back and wait, then you will do yourself more harm than good.

7. You are open-minded and open minded

It is difficult to become rich with a monthly salary of $200-400.

Investing is a great option that will make you rich. You are open to various kinds of investments and do not think about whether or not to take risks.

When you see an opportunity to invest rather than save money, you choose to invest.

You should also keep your mind and heart open to different ideas. Opportunities and brilliant ideas do not come every day, so it is very important to see them in time and seize them.

An open mind and determination will help to realize all your ideas.

8. You were popular at school.

Popularity is directly related to high income. If you were popular in school, then your chances of earning good money increase significantly. In addition, studies have been conducted that confirm this statement.

Who will become a successful person

9. You spend money wisely

Your wealth also depends on how wisely you spend your money.

Think about how many really rich people drive modest cars and live in modest houses, and also use old mobile phones.

This allows them to accumulate more funds than they spend. Due to the fact that they save, the funds that come into their lives are saved, which means that the necessary accumulations occur.

10. You have a mentor

Who you look up to has a big impact on your life.

For example, if you are surrounded good people Most likely, everything will be fine with you in the future too. So if you want to become rich, surround yourself with rich people.

It's a good idea to choose your own mentor to help you meet your goals and goal of becoming rich. Such a person will also motivate you and move you forward.

11. You set goals for yourself.

The rich set long-term goals for themselves. They then develop a plan to help them achieve those goals.

If you don't win the lottery, there is simply no other way to get rich other than by making an effort.

You need to develop a plan, write it out step by step and stick to it until you reach your goal.

12. You look to the future and don't look back at the past.

Looking back at the past, you ruin your present and future.

Memories of past events will not help you become rich. Of course, it's always good to analyze your past mistakes so you don't repeat them again.

But constantly looking back at your past failures is not good; this behavior keeps you from looking to the future.

You spend a lot of energy and strength when you remember your past failures and falls, instead of looking to the future and moving on. Therefore, you need to focus your attention on the future, concentrate on it, and not live in the past.

13. You are not divorced

Divorce automatically destroys your wealth. Studies have shown that married couples double their wealth, but divorced people tend to have even less income than single people.

Of course, this is a very subjective factor, but studies have confirmed that in most cases this is indeed the case.

14. You know your strengths and weak sides

To become rich, you must know your strengths and understand how to use them to your advantage.

Try to identify your strengths in order to make the most of them for your own purposes. This does not mean that you should not pay attention to the cons.

As a rule, all great businessmen know their strengths and weaknesses equally well. They surround themselves with people who help them develop their strengths and focus on the things that really matter.

15. You are positive

Maintaining a positive attitude can work wonders.

You are much more likely to get rich if you don't point fingers or blame others for your mistakes. You don't expose yourself to too much negativity. It helps you solve problems instead of looking for a scapegoat.

Staying positive is very important positive attitude will allow you to take on any challenge while keeping a clear and fresh mind to make the right decisions.

16. "You are thick-skinned"

Having "thick" skin and so-called protective armor means you don't have to worry about others or what they might think of you.

This armor gives you the freedom to do what you think is right without worrying about what others think. It also means that you are endowed with toughness and strength, which are also wonderful qualities necessary for an entrepreneur or just a successful person.

17. You are aware of all important current events

As a rule, the richest people (businessmen, entrepreneurs) start their day by reading the newspaper and important news.

This awareness allows them to stay up to date with events happening around the world. It plays a key role in investment decision making.