Contests for Mother's Day for a holiday at school and kindergarten - scenarios of funny contests for mothers and children. Mother's Day Event Contests Mother's Day Contests for Moms at Home

Surprise contests "Mother's Day" in elementary school

Event goals

1. Contribute to the upbringing in each child of love and respect for his mother and her work.

2. Contribute to the strengthening of friendship, mutual understanding between mother and child through joint gaming activities.

3. To develop the creative abilities of students.


1. Creation of a “Bank of Ideas” by children.

2. Compilation by the class teacher, based on the ideas proposed by the students, of the script for the competitions.

3. Design of an exhibition of crafts made jointly by mothers and children.

4. Preparation by schoolchildren and the class teacher of amateur art performances.

5. Making postcards and souvenirs for mothers at labor lessons.

6. Acquisition by parents of everything necessary for tea drinking.

7. Determination of the composition of the jury.

Students of the 1st, 3rd and 4th grades who study in the same age group, their mothers, class teacher and guests participate.

On the table of the class teacher there is a tape recorder, a disk with the soundtrack of the song "Hello, moms!". Clothing sets were prepared according to the number of competing couples (hats, jackets, scarves, gloves), hair bands; plates of porridge, spoons; sheets of white paper, felt-tip pens; shreds of fabric, needles, scissors, threads, buttons; blindfold scarves; toys; animal name cards.

The course of the holiday

Classroom teacher. Today we have gathered to honor the greatest, kindest, wisest and most patient woman - a woman-mother.

Noise and rush off any trouble,

Like springtime rumbling thunder,

If she is with you, if she is always near

She may be 33 or 73.

No matter how old she is, age has nothing to do with it -

In anxiety, affairs from dawn to dusk

The person who holds the house.

Her husband is a general, an astronaut or a poet,

Can be a tractor driver, a driver, a doctor.

She is the most important of all, there is no doubt about that -

The person who holds the house.

Very rare, but still sick.

And then everything around somersault, upside down.

Because she, because she

The person who holds the house.

And no matter what spring comes,

We go to work or to kindergarten,

She always treats us like children,

The person who holds the house.

We are being carried away by the rapid age.

In the hustle and bustle, we sometimes forget that

That she is not a foundation, she is a person.

The person who holds the house.

So that it is light in the heart and in the house,

Repay her kindness with kindness.

May you always feel love and warmth

The person who holds the house.

Dear mothers, children have prepared a surprise for you.

1st student

Hello, kindest ones,

Smart and beautiful

The most wonderful -

Our beloved mothers!

2nd student

congratulations now

Happy holiday this wonderful

And we believe that our evening will be for you

Pleasant and interesting.

3rd student

Believe me, we are very sad,

If we upset you.

Listen to you, always help

We all make promises.

4th student

Moms! We love you very much

We adore you.

For affection, love, for sleepless nights

We thank you

And we give you a song as a gift.

Students sing the song "Hello Mom!" (lyrics by K. Ibryaev, music by Yu. Chichkov).

Classroom teacher. All our mothers are very busy people. How many worries and troubles they have! What are they busy with?

The children answer.

Yes, our mothers work, run the household, and raise children. And very rarely you can spend the whole day with them so that nothing interferes and does not distract you from each other.

And today you can not only chat, but also play with your mom. And today we will try to spend a day with mom. We invite each couple (mother and child) to create a team and take part in competitions. The competitions will be judged by an independent jury. So let's start.

The first competition "Dress me". Each couple receives a set of clothes (hat, jacket, scarf, gloves). Mothers should dress their child as soon as possible.

After the competition, the girls perform a dance for their mothers.

The second competition "Mom-hairdresser". Moms are given hair bands. The mother who manages to tie as many "tails" to her child in a certain time will win.

The third competition "Breakfast". Teams receive bowls of porridge. A blindfolded mother has to feed her child. The winner is the pair that will cope with the task more accurately and faster than the rest.

Children as a gift to mothers perform comic ditties.


We are funny friends

We dance and sing.

And now we'll tell you

How we live with mothers.

Our mothers sew, wash

And they cook delicious food.

We must learn from them

Make everything great.

And I try mommy

Never upset.

I love to sew, knit, cook

And "five" to receive.

I'm proud of my mom

And she me too.

I try to be in everything

Looks like her.

My mom is cheerful

And I have fun too.

Even if it breaks

I'm not angry with her.

Our dear mothers,

Do not scold us for laziness.

We will learn lessons

On the "five" every day.

Classroom teacher. Our next contest is called "Artist's Workshop". At the same time, holding on to the felt-tip pen, the couple should draw a little man. Speed ​​and similarity are evaluated.

The fourth competition "Cook". The contestants must come up with the names of dishes starting with one letter (for example: jelly, compote, kurnik, kulebyaka, loaf, etc.). The couple with the longest list wins.

Boys and girls sing the song "Pie for Mom".

Classroom teacher. Do our teams know how to put a patch, sew on a button? This will be shown to us by the next Atelier competition. Holding hands, the couple should thread the needle and sew on the button. Speed ​​and quality are valued.

Fifth competition "General cleaning". Blindfolded children must pick up toys scattered on the floor. Moms can give kids clues about where the toy is. The couple with the most toys wins.

Classroom teacher. Evening comes, and then night. Mothers usually tell fairy tales to their children. And today we will do the opposite. I propose a competition called "Pantomime".

Each team receives a card with the name of an animal (fox, cat, hare, cow, etc.). With the help of facial expressions and gestures, children must show the animal, and mothers must guess.

Our day with mom was amicable and fun. And for you, dear mothers, children will read poetry.


Thank you all for participating

Thanks for the jokes and laughter

Let the holiday, like a drop of happiness,

It will remain in everyone's heart.


Mom will smile now

I stand very worried.

A gift, like a drop of the sun

I give to my beloved mother.

Children give their mothers postcards and handmade souvenirs.

Summing up the results of competitions. All participants-couples are awarded in the following nominations:

- "The most dexterous";

— "Skillful hands";

- "The most accurate";

- "The most erudite";

- "Best Artists";

- "Best Actor";

- "The best viewer";

- "The most resourceful";

- "The most friendly"

- "The funniest."

The class teacher invites mothers and children to put a flower in that vase, the name of which corresponds to their mood after the competitions (cheerful, sad, calm).

The competitions end with a tour of the exhibition of handicrafts "We do it ourselves" and tea drinking.


Yarovaya L.H. etc. Extra-curricular activities. Grade 2 M., 2004.

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to Mother's Day "My mother is my sun!" for elementary school students

Screensaver. Music.
- Good afternoon, dear guys! We would very much like today's meeting to bring you joy, so that you feel how much the word "MAMA" means to each of us.
Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
Mom is the first friend
Not only children love mothers,
Love all around.
If anything happens
If suddenly trouble
Mom will come to the rescue
Will always help out.
- And now our students will read the verses that they have prepared.
Children read poetry.
And, indeed, there is no one better than mothers in the world.
The words mother, mother are among the most ancient on Earth and sound almost the same in the languages ​​of all peoples. This suggests that all people revere and love their mothers. The mother also refers to her Motherland as a word to emphasize that she has a maternal attitude towards her children - the peoples inhabiting it.
All our mothers love flowers at any time of the year. Flowers give people joy. And today our children will prepare flowers with their own hands.
To the music.
1. Compliment for mommy competition.
3 participants per team are invited to participate. On a piece of paper, they need to write compliments for their mother. Whoever writes the most and fastest wins.
The most charming
Most Attractive
most caring
The most beautiful eyes
Most charming smile
The very kindest
The most affectionate
The most economic
The most generous heart
The most charming.
To the music.
2. Competition "Collect a proverb."
2 participants per team are invited to participate. There are words on the table, from which you need to collect proverbs.
There is no better friend than your own mother.
When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.
The bird rejoices in spring, and the baby of the mother.
You can buy everything, but you can't buy your mother's father.
Often we offend our mothers. How not to offend moms? Remember the magic words. I won’t say that it’s easy, but the culture of communication will sooner or later still have to be learned.
Even an ice block will melt from the word of a warm thank you.
The old stump will turn green when it hears a good day.
If you can’t eat anymore, we say thank you to mom.
When scolded for pranks, we say, forgive me, please.
And in France and Denmark, they say goodbye at parting.
With the help of magic words, even a very sad and offended mother can cheer up and return a good mood.
3.Competition "Cleaning".
2 boys (3 girls) are invited to participate. Blindfolded children should put things in order in 1 minute: remove the cubes scattered on the floor. The one who collects the most cubes in a bag wins.
4. Competition "Cook".
To participate in the competition, we call two teams of 3 people.
The task for the first team is to cook pilaf, and for the second - borscht. To do this, the first participants run to the table, on which there are cards with the names of the products, choose the product for their dish and, returning to their place, put it in the pan. Then the next players run. The team that chooses the right ingredients for the dish wins.
5. Competition "Breakfast".
The guys must feed each other, but on the condition that one of them will be blindfolded, and the children will keep their hands behind their backs. The first couple to eat the apple wins.
6. Competition of riddles.
1. There is a riddle in our school that is so tricky.
Whoever guesses the riddle will become a scientist.
The cold will drive away, smile brightly,
The warmest and kindest! (Mum).

2. Do you want to try on these balls on a thread?
For all your tastes in my mother's box...
(ysub - read from right to left) - beads

3. In my mother's ears sparkle,
They play with the colors of the rainbow.
Silver drops crumbs
(ikzheres) "earrings

4. The edge is called fields,
The top is decorated with flowers.
Mystery headdress -
Our mother has...
(akpyalsh) hat

5. Dust will find and instantly swallow
Cleanliness for us.
Long hose, like a trunk-nose,
Carpet cleaning...
(soselyp) vacuum cleaner

6.Irons dresses and shirts,
Iron our pockets.
He is a true friend in the household -
His name is...
(gyutu) iron

7. He has water in his belly
She churned with warmth.
Like an angry boss
Boils fast...
(kinyach) kettle

8. This food is for everyone
Mom will cook for dinner.
And the ladle is right there -
Pour into bowls...
(pus) soup

9.Here is a cap on the bulb
Separates light and darkness.
Along the edges of his openwork -
This is a marvelous...
(ruzhaba) lampshade

10. Mom's striped beast
The saucer will beg for sour cream.
And after eating a little
Ours is murmuring...
(akshok) cat
- Girls and boys
Let's go with you
thank you grandma
Thank you mom.
Our holiday has come to an end.
Goodbye! See you soon!

Goals and objectives: to cultivate love and respect for the mother, her work, the ability to appreciate her care for loved ones, the upbringing of the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, the feeling of compassion and love for a woman, to create conditions for each child to contribute to the festive congratulations of mothers on the holiday.

Leading. Who said that there are no angels on Earth? It's just that sometimes they don't have wings, and then we call them moms. There is probably not a single country where Mother's Day is not celebrated. In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently. Established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin No. 120 "On Mother's Day" dated January 30, 1998, it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, paying tribute to maternal labor and their selfless sacrifice for the benefit of their children.
Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent.
Today we will say words of gratitude to our mothers, grandmothers, who give us love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

The most beautiful word on earth is mother. It is the first word a person utters.

Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the most kind and gentle hands that can do everything.
1 student. What do you need to tell the birds?
2 student. The sun, the sky, the greenery of the garden.
3 student. And for the sea?
4 student. Shores.
5 student. And for skis?
6 student. For skis - snow.
7 student. Well, and to us, we will say directly
Together: To be with us mom!

1 student. Mom means tenderness
2 student. This is kindness, kindness,
3 student. Mom is serenity
4 student. This is joy, beauty!
5 student. Mom is a bedtime story
6 student. It's morning dawn
7 student. Mom - a hint in difficult times,
8 student. This is wisdom and advice!
9 student. Mom is the green of summer
10 student. It's snow, autumn leaf,
All: Mom is a ray of light,
Mom means LIFE!

children read poems. Presentation with photos of mothers to a beautiful melody.

1.Childhood is a golden time.
How wonderful to know what's wrong with me
Mom is like an angel of kindness
My friend is the best, dear.

2. Beloved mother, I congratulate you,
On Mother's Day, I wish you happiness and health.
You are in my heart, even if apart,
I always remember your tender hands.

3. May your every day be filled with light,
Be warmed by the love of your relatives, like the sun.
I'm sorry, sometimes I upset you
Trust me, it's unintentional. I scold myself.

4. We are our mothers, dear mothers
Hearts and lives will be given without words.
For us they are truly holy,
It doesn't matter that there are no halos at the heads.

5. Dear Mommy, Mommy
Dear dear person
We love hard and kiss
Be happy all your life.

6. Anyone who lives in this world,
To love who can, think and breathe,
On our blue planet
There is no dearer word than mother.

7. She is with you in joy and in sorrow
She is with you, even if you are far away.
And how much is hidden in her gaze -
Heartfelt, maternal warmth.

8.Hurry to her through the years and separation.
To comfort and hug her.
Kiss your hands reverently.
That woman whose name is Mother!

Leading. Dear mothers, grandmothers! Dear students! In order to make our event more interesting and more fun, I have prepared a competitive program for you.

Competition number 1 for children.

"Affectionate Contest". Competition conditions: you need to choose as affectionate and tender words about your mother as possible.

Competition number 2.

I save my mother's work,
I help as much as I can.
Today mom for lunch
Cooked cutlets.
And she said, "Listen,
Help out, eat!”
I ate a little
Isn't it help?

The next competition, and in this competition, children will have to help their mothers out and remember their early childhood, when mothers fed you with a spoon, but today you will not feed your children with porridge, I suggest feeding them delicious fruit.

(3 mothers with children)

Mothers must feed their children bananas, but on the condition that mothers are blindfolded and the children keep their hands behind their backs. The first couple to eat the banana wins.

Competition number 3.

Mom, like the sun, has warm hands,

So gently they know how to caress,

Heal the pain, relieve the boredom

Ready to hug at any moment.

Competition "Mother's hands". Competition conditions: the child must guess the hands of his mother.

Competition No. 4 for girls and mothers.

In the next contest, we will find out if it is still easy to be a mother? Girls should tie bows for their mother, then take their mother by the hands and take them to school (to the chair). Whoever does it faster will win.

(2 mothers, 2 children)

Leading. And now, dear mothers and grandmothers, a gift for you. Our young talents will perform perky ditties for you. Meet! (Girls in Russian sundresses, boys in caps with a flower).

1. Our dear mothers,
We will sing ditties to you.
Congratulations on the holiday
And hello big helmet to you.

2. Here is a clean once a year

I decided the frying pan
And then 4 days
Couldn't wash me!

3. Burnt soup and porridge

Salt poured into compote
When mom came home from work
She had a lot of trouble.

4. I found a broom in the kitchen

And swept the whole apartment,
But what's left of him
Three straws in total.

5. Dad solved the problem for me,

Helped with math
We then decided with mom
That he couldn't decide.

6. Mom in the morning our Mila
Gave me two candies
I barely had time to give
And then she ate them herself.

7. We sang to you as best we could,
We are only children
But we know, our mothers -
The best in the world.

8. Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers.
We are for everything, for everything, dear,
We say "Thank you!"

Competition number 5.

Dear mothers, and now I invite you to participate in the next competition " Fun quiz.

  1. A bakery product is the name of a Russian folk tale ("Gingerbread Man").

    Cake named after the famous commander ("Napoleon").

    A vegetable of unprecedented size, which grew up with one grandfather in the garden (“Turnip”).

    What thing did housewives “borrow” from the ancient pharaohs? (Apron).

    One egg is boiled for 4 minutes. How many minutes does it take to boil 5 eggs? (4 minutes).

    A delicacy of zucchini (caviar).

    A dish prepared with the participation of a cow and a chicken (omelet).

    Apricot on a dry hunger strike (dried apricots).

    Soft-boiled potatoes (mashed potatoes).

    Favorite food of Chung-chang residents (coconuts and bananas).

    A fruit that boxers love (pear).

    The product that the crow was going to have breakfast (cheese).

    Alluring berry (raspberry).

    Fruit boiled in water (compote).

    "Discordant" fruit (apple).

Competition number 6.

Everyone loves the game "Crocodile" Let's play it too. (2 children, 2 mothers). Tasks: there is some familiar animal on the screen, first the mothers guess, and the children show them, then vice versa.

Leading. And now the girls will sing the song "Dear Mom" ​​for you!

Leading. Our holiday is coming to an end, the guys have prepared gifts for you. They give gifts made with their own hands and portraits of mothers that they painted.

Host: Who came to me in the morning?
All: Mommy!
Host: Who said "It's time to get up!"
All: Mommy!
Leading: Who managed to cook porridge?
All: Mommy!
Host: Shall I pour tea into a glass?
All: Mommy!
Leading: Who narwhaled flowers in the garden?
All: Mommy!
Host: Who kissed me?
All: Mommy!
Host: Who is childish and loves laughter?
All: Mommy!
Host: Who is the best in the world?
All: Mommy!


Scenario of an entertainment program for students and their parents dedicated to Mother's Day (competitions for Mother's Day)

Classroom teacher: Dear mothers! Dear students! In order to make our evening more varied and more fun, I have prepared a competitive program for you. And we'll call it "Come on, mommy." We will have two teams of mothers, a team of fans and, of course, a highly respected jury of teachers. Now our dear mothers need to divide into two teams, which we will call: “Daughters-mothers”, it will include the mothers of our female students. “Mumuli-lapuli”, it will include the mothers of our cocky boy students.

Mother's Day Contest #1. GUESS THE EVENT!

Now in a slide show you will be shown photos that capture events. Your task is to identify the event and name those who were photographed there. And, of course, the team that guessed the most events wins. For the competition, you can use photos from the personal archives of the class, starting from elementary school.

Contest for loud fans. GENTLE MOTHER'S HANDS

For this competition, a fan is invited from each team, he is blindfolded tightly. Participants of the competition must identify their five mothers, only by the hand and blindfolded. That fan from the team who did it the fastest, brings a point to his mom team.

Mother's Day Contest #2. IF TOMORROW IS SCHOOL?!

A rather difficult competition, because mothers need to remember their child's class schedule for tomorrow and quickly write it down. The team that writes the schedule the fastest and most clearly wins.

Mother's Day Contest #3. FIND YOUR FAMILY CHILD!

From each team, one mother is invited to the stage. Now parents will have to blindfold to the touch to determine their child from five options. Whoever completes the task first wins.

Mother's Day Contest #4. YOU SHOULD KNOW THEM IN FACE

Mom competition. They must name the name, patronymic and surname of the teacher and what subject he teaches from the photo. For slides, you can use photos of the director, teachers, head teachers, and you can with interesting events, with a trip, cool evenings, etc. Whoever gave the most correct answers wins.

Competition for mother's day №5. BLITZ POLL

Each team is asked three questions. The team that did not answer the question correctly transfers the right to answer to the opponents. What time do classes start at our school? What is the name of the principal of the school? How many minutes is the lesson? What work are the guys going through now in literature? How many desks are in the class?


From each team, one mother is invited to participate in the competition. The host asks them the same questions. Please indicate the desk your child is in class. What is his grade for the fourth quarter in chemistry? In physics? What task does your child do best in class? Those mothers who know their children best of all win!

And now a competition for cheerful fans

Questions to fans from each team: Write the city where your mother was born. Write the full surnames, first names and patronymics of your mothers parents. What is your mom's favorite dish? At this time, the mothers of the answering children also write answers on pieces of paper. And whoever has more matches, that fan won, brought a point to his team. The jury is summing up. All participants are awarded prizes, chocolates and the holiday continues. Tea drinking and disco for mothers and their children.

Accept congratulations on Mother's Day, dear mothers!

You can add more positive to any holiday and diversify its scenario with the help of fun contests. This rule also works in relation to such a touching and kind holiday as Mother's Day, which in recent years has been quite actively celebrated in Russian kindergartens and schools. Mother's Day competitions are not only about entertainment - they help to unite and improve the relationship between children and mothers. In particular, if not only children, but also mothers themselves participate in such competitions. In addition to traditional competitions of drawings and poetry recitation, funny, active and intellectual competitions are no less relevant for festive events on Mother's Day. Next, you will find a selection of the most interesting and positive competitions for Mother's Day, which are suitable for both kindergarten and elementary school. And mothers, children, and entire teams will be able to take part in them.

Funny competitions for Mother's Day in kindergarten - ideas

It is difficult to imagine the celebration of Mother's Day in kindergarten without funny contests. It is these funny competitions that allow both children and adults to relax, which in turn contributes to the positive atmosphere of the whole event. You need to choose ideas for funny contests for Mother's Day in kindergarten for the script based on the age of the kids. For example, group and active competitions are more suitable for a matinee in younger groups. At the same time, older children will be able to participate in games individually or with their mothers.


Despite the fact that only daughters are mentioned in the name of this game, sons and mothers can also participate in it. 4-5 pairs of participants of mothers and children are selected from the hall. The first blindfold and offer in turn to find your child by touch. To complicate the task of the children, you can disguise it a little, for example, put on scarves or hairpins for everyone. The mother who unmistakably finds her baby wins.

Mom's portrait

The children are given an “interview” in advance, in which they answer questions about their mothers. For example, what mom loves most of all, what she does, what color her eyes are. Then, according to the data received, mothers are offered to guess themselves from children's descriptions.


The host asks the children riddles about the mother's daily housework, duties and functions in relation to the baby. Children must correctly guess all the riddles and promise to help with the household.

Children's competitions for Mother's Day in elementary school, options

Funny children's competitions for Mother's Day are also relevant for a holiday in elementary school. Moreover, the age of younger schoolchildren already allows for more active and interesting competitions, including team competitions. For example, you can divide all participants into mother-child pairs or into teams of adults and children. Next, you will find several options for children's competitions for Mother's Day in elementary school, which will make the holiday brighter and more fun.

Culinary from birth

This option is perfect for a competition between child-mother pairs. All participants are given approximately the same set of simple products with a small "surprise" in the form of products that cannot be combined with other products. For example, a lot of fruits and herring or vegetables and ice cream. The task of each pair is to prepare an edible dish from this set. At the same time, the child himself should cook according to the prompts of his mother. The most creative couple wins.

Half a word, half a look...

Again couples of children and parents participate. Children are pulled a piece of paper with a word, which then they will have to show with facial expressions and gestures to their mothers. It is better to take the names of songs or films whose theme is suitable for Mother's Day. Participants speak in turn and for a while. The most resourceful couple wins.

Beauty salon for daughter

Mothers and daughters are invited to participate. The task of the first in 5 minutes to apply a complete make-up on the second. At the same time, not only speed is evaluated, but also the technique of performing the task.

Mother's Day Contest Ideas for Moms in Kindergarten and School

Mother's Day competitions for mothers in kindergarten and elementary school should be included in a separate category. Such parental competitions must certainly be funny and cheerful in order not only to diversify the scenario of the holiday, but also to cheer up everyone present. Ideas for such competitions for Mother's Day for mothers in a kindergarten or school can even be drawn from similar children's competitions. For example, hold a competition of readers or thematic drawings among mothers. And to make such competitions even more fun, you can hold them at speed or blindfolded. And to encourage the winners and cheer up the losers, you should choose interesting prizes. And it is not necessary to spend money on expensive souvenirs. Together with the children, you can come up with and make excellent memorable gifts with your own hands, which all participants will surely like. Next, you will find several interesting options for competitions and games for moms that can be used for holidays in kindergartens and schools.

Real music lovers

The participating mothers are divided into two teams. The task of each team is to remember and, importantly, to sing a popular children's song. It will be enough to reproduce just a few lines or a chorus. The opposite team must guess the name, artist or cartoon / movie where this song was played. The team with the most correct answers wins.

Dance assortment for mommy

Moms are offered to “remember their youth” and dance a little. At the same time, they will have to dance to different styles. For example, you can make a cut from the hits of the 80s and 90s, add an excerpt from a waltz or tango, a little freestyle and a couple of children's soundtracks. The most creative and plastic participant wins.

Mom of all trades

Each participant is given a sewing kit: several pieces of fabric, needles and threads, ribbons, lace. The kit also includes completely inappropriate materials, such as a plastic bottle, disposable plates or garbage bags. The task of each mother with the help of this set is to make a carnival costume for her child for the upcoming New Year's party. The creativity of the work performed is evaluated.