Upgrade food facilities. Reconstruction and modernization of food

Food production in Russia annually shows stable growth. To remain a leader in a highly competitive market, companies are investing millions of rubles in the purchase of new equipment and expanding the range. However, there are inexpensive ways to make food production profitable and consistent in terms of product quality.

Russkaya Trapeza has been a leader in the food industry equipment market for many years. It is possible to remain among the leading manufacturers thanks to the development of new pieces of equipment: Russkaya Trapeza regularly introduces novelties in the field of equipment for the food industry to the market.

For example, in the last year alone, the company has produced several machines - a modernized packaging machine Sbi-260-Sf with an adjustable tilt angle for packaging fragile products such as “Kurabiye” cookies, a universal packaging machine RT-UM-36, a modernized screw dispenser, a vegetable tamper etc.

Technological leadership is maintained through individual approach to each customer. Customers can order fully automated lines, taking into account the specifics of production. This significantly reduces the company's personnel costs. For example, in June, the Russian Trapeza holding launched a high-speed line for packaging glazed bars. Engineers had to develop a mechanism for feeding the product directly from the production line. As a result, Russian Trapeza provided the customer with a continuous automated production and packaging process.

The company is not going to stop at these developments. So, in May, the engineers of the Russian Trapeza company launched a project to create a new filling and packaging line for dosing dryers and bagels. And by autumn, the company will release a new faucet bulk products RT-TS350S.

A distinctive feature of the developments of the "Russian Meal" is that they are all aimed at improving production processes food enterprises, their simplification and full or partial automation. One of these developments is a specialized software Recipe Manager. Russian enterprises have already evaluated the effectiveness of the system, which allows to reduce production costs.

The secret of efficiency - "Recipe Manager"

The stability of the product in production is a necessary component of any successful enterprise. If today the buyer receives a quality product, and tomorrow he receives a spoiled product, then this will definitely play against the manufacturer. The Recipe Manager system ensures quality stability. In addition, it optimizes production processes due to ease of operation, a clear interface, and a clear work algorithm.
"Recipe Manager" is suitable for small, medium and big business specializing in the manufacture of bakery products and other food products.

The advantage of the system is that, like many developments of the Russkaya Trapeza company, it can be integrated with equipment and an enterprise planning system. In addition, due to the correct calculation of products and compliance with the recipe, the manufacturer gets the opportunity to save money without losing the quality of the product.
"Recipe Manager" is an intelligent system designed to optimize dough kneading in food production.

The development of "Russian Meal" partially automates and structures the preparation of components for loading into a dough mixer. In other words, the screen displays step by step: what components, in what quantity and order - you need to load the test driver according to a given recipe.

The algorithm of the "recipe manager" is as follows:

At the first stage, the technologist forms the production task in the form of recipes. The task specifies the proportions of components, weight, etc. This task is loaded into the control system.

At the second stage, the operator panel displays a list of products that need to be produced during the shift. The tester selects the desired product from the list and the recipe for the selected product is displayed on the screen, after which the specialist begins to dose the components according to the recipe, in the specified order.

The display sequentially shows the component of the recipe and its weight. The tester independently weighs the desired product on the scales connected to the control system. After confirming the weight, the product is loaded into the mixer and the dough machine moves on to the next part of the recipe. Weighing of each subsequent component is possible only if the specified mass of the previous one is confirmed.

The system also provides for the possibility of automatic dosing of the main bulk and liquid components. In this case, existing systems for dosing flour and liquid components are connected to the “recipe manager” system, the operator gives a command for automatic dosing of raw materials, and the system then proceeds to the next component. As noted in Russian Trapeza, this development makes the quality of finished products consistently stable, significantly increases the efficiency of a food production enterprise.

If earlier the tester was guided by a recipe written on paper or even from memory, which led to errors in the batch, now the possibility of errors is minimized. According to Mikhail Poperechny, Lead Design Engineer of the Department of Electronic Control Systems at Russian Trapeza, measuring the weight of a product inaccurately, forgetting any component or putting it in twice is no longer possible, the technologist can fully rely on the system. The convenience of the program also lies in the fact that at any time the technologist can see the progress of the technological operation and the history of the work of the tester, get data on the consumption of raw materials.

“The program cannot skip a component if it is in the recipe, cannot forget, relatively speaking, about salt, or allow inaccurate weighing. As a result, the quality and stability of each batch increases,” the specialist notes. The innovation of the "Recipe Manager" lies in the possibility of full integration with the production planning system and accounting for the movement of raw materials at the enterprise.

“The responsible technologist, based on the application for production received from the sales department or some other source, by pressing a few buttons, forms a task for a shift for test operators. At the same time, recipes are taken from a single 1C database or another source, batches are automatically broken down into the required amount, based on the capabilities (capacity) of the equipment, ”explains Mikhail Poperechny.

Thus, the intelligent solutions of "Russian Trapeza" in the field of production allow optimizing the work of the enterprise. Russian companies immediately appreciated this development. For example, the Tyumen confectionery company Biscuit Dvor needed to modernize the enterprise and minimize manual labor. To solve the problem, the company turned to Russian Trapeza. RT specialists installed a system for sifting, transporting and dosing flour with a 3-ton raw material stock bunker. But main feature was the introduction of a management system with a software module "recipe manager". She significantly reduced the cost of production of confectionery. “Increased productivity and technological discipline, personnel control is facilitated,” says Poperechny.

The equipment installed in Biscuit Yard ensured the automation of the process of sifting, transportation and dosing of flour, the automation of water dosing and the addition of additional components manually. The "Recipe Manager" management system ensured that the company adhered to recipes exactly. Now the Biscuit Yard company is confident in the quality of its cakes and pastries.

A complex approach

Automated lines of "Russian Trapeza" and other developments of the company's engineers greatly simplify the work of food production. Businesses specializing in food products save labor resources, time and money by cooperating with Russian Trapeza. The reliability of the company is confirmed by partners with whom the holding has been working for many years - many well-known Russian and foreign manufacturers effectively work on RT equipment.

"Russian Trapeza" is known for its achievements in the field of equipment for food production. Implementation individual projects allows the company to implement high-tech solutions at enterprises: these are both automated lines and “smart” control systems. Cooperation with Russian Trapeza is the key to successful food production.

Natalia Vershinina, especially for the site

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Email: [email protected]

APK news 06.02.2017 1054

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Ryazan Region

Leading food and beverage companies processing industry region, work continues on the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production.

AT LLC Agromolkombinat "Ryazansky" in 2016, an automatic filling and packaging line (Czech Republic) was installed for packing and packaging loose cottage cheese in bags with a capacity of 420 kg / h, work is underway to automate existing production, introduce modern technologies for water purification for technological purposes, modernize the boiler room, compressor room. In October 2016, the Finnish dairy company Valio placed an order for the production of ultra-pasteurized whipping cream with a fat content of 36% at the production facilities of Agromolkombinat Ryazansky LLC, which is used in the confectionery, baking industry and in public catering.

In 2016 in with. Turnovo, Shilovsky district, the construction of a new workshop for the production of long-term storage UHT milk was completed with the installation of a technological line with a capacity of 70 tons of finished product per day. Warehouses for storing finished products were expanded, a warehouse for storing supplies and packaging materials with an area of ​​720 m² was built, and capacities for engineering loads were increased.

In 2016 at the dairy in Vakinskoe Agro LLC Rybnovsky district mastered the newly introduced facilities for the production of milk and cream in a PET bottle. The technology for the production of pasteurized milk and cream was developed. Also in 2016, work was continued on the implementation of the second stage of the dairy plant's development prospects - an increase in milk processing up to 120 tons per day.

Trade and production complex "Synergy" in July 2016, the investment project “Construction of a deboning, packaging and storage facility for meat products” with a volume of 9000 tons/year of semi-finished products was implemented. As a result of the implementation of the above-mentioned project, new deboning, packing, packaging shops were created at the enterprise, an expedition-refrigerator was installed for storing meat products with different temperature regimes with a one-time storage capacity of more than 250 tons. Production workshops are equipped with high-tech equipment of imported and Russian production. The operated equipment allows to produce 50 tons of finished products per day. On the this production a new range of products has been mastered - pork and beef in cuts, as well as products in marinade.

In the first half of 2016, a slaughterhouse for IP Timakova G.A. was put into operation in the Ryazhsky district. with a capacity of 0.40 thousand tons per year.

JSC "Ryazankhleb" continued modernization with automation of production processes. The 2nd line for the production of small-piece products was put into operation. The vehicle fleet has been renewed, a methane gas filling complex (manufactured in Argentina) has been purchased. Today, the company, while maintaining the traditional recipe of basic products (Nareznoy, Borodinsky, Darnitsky long loaves), is developing its product line, focusing on the trend of shifting demand towards a variety of tastes and healthy nutrition (buckwheat buns, 8 cereals buns) .

OJSC "Novomichurinsky Khlebozavod" in 2016 increased the production of durable products by 25%.

RUDO-SOFT DRINKS LLC in 2016, a new line of non-carbonated soft drinks based on oatmeal with the addition of natural fruits, berries, and Jerusalem artichoke syrup was developed. The range of fruit and cereal desserts without sugar with the addition of Jerusalem artichoke syrup and various fillings has been expanded.

The capacities of implemented investment projects are being developed in the region LLC "ASTON Starch - Products" for the production of starch products and JSC "Ryazanzernoprodukt"- a large flour mill.

JSC "Ryazanzernoprodukt" expands the range of packaged baking flour with different quality characteristics. At the beginning of 2016, the production of 6 types of flour with a new packaging design was launched, including two types of products: special grinding flour for batter and self-rising.

Thanks to such systematic work to modernize production, food and processing industry enterprises of the region increased production and sales of their products by 1.4 billion rubles compared to 2015, reaching a final figure of 44.1 billion rubles.

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Technological equipment catering enterprises: assessment, directions of modernization

  • Introduction
  • 1. The role of catering in modern conditions
    • 1.1 Overview of the main points in the organization of catering
    • 1.2 Classification of catering establishments. Features of their activities
  • 2. Technological equipment of the restaurant-bar T.G.I. Friday "s: assessment, modernization directions
    • 2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise
    • 2.2 Organization of supply and storage facilities of the restaurant-bar
    • 2.3 The production structure of the restaurant-bar. Technical equipment of the restaurant
  • 3. Recommendations for the modernization of technological equipment in the restaurant-bar
    • 3.1 The main directions in the modernization of the production of a restaurant-bar and their implementation
    • 3.2 Evaluation of the effectiveness of modernized projects
  • Conclusion
  • List of used literature
    • Applications
  • Introduction
  • The technical equipment of public catering enterprises directly affects the quality of products, their reliability and safety.
  • All culinary products must comply with regulatory documents, be made from high-quality raw materials using technological processes that ensure the production of high-quality products and have a positive effect on human health.
  • In a highly competitive environment, in order to increase the competitiveness of enterprises, it is necessary to eliminate shortcomings and strictly monitor the quality of products.
  • Of particular interest is the possibility of introducing into the practice of enterprises international system the quality of ISO - 9000, aiming at preventing the marriage itself, and not its consequences.
  • In recent years, a wide range of beautifully decorated dishes reveals about 30% of low-quality products, sometimes even unsafe for human health. The federal law "On the Quality and Safety of Food Products" is designed to radically change the current situation.
  • Increasing production volumes and improving the quality of culinary products, especially for dietary, preventive and baby food, is possible only on the basis of the latest scientific developments, technical re-equipment of currently operating catering enterprises, increasing the level of professionalism of workers, increasing the level of control and developing a quality management system.
  • The quality management system and quality control are aimed at preventing the release of products that do not comply with regulatory documentation. An integrated approach to solving the problems of increasing the production of culinary products while improving the quality of products will provide the consumer with safe products from catering establishments.
  • One of the most important areas for improving the efficiency of modern business production is the creation of high technologies in the field of improving the quality of public catering. To the greatest extent these requirements are met by food production in the restaurant business.
  • Russia's need for modern public catering enterprises significantly exceeds this need abroad.
  • The need to increase the range and production volumes of domestic food products also led to a significant expansion of the equipment fleet for catering enterprises. The steady growth of restaurants, cafes, fast food businesses speaks for itself.
  • However, the quality of the dishes does not always meet the normative documents. Failures are possible due to the supply of low-quality raw materials and poor operation of equipment, not up to the training or dishonesty of personnel, without the proper initiative of the administration and other reasons. Thus, the quality of products in catering establishments is one of the most important aspects of the modern food industry.
  • The development of modern technologies for the preparation of culinary products and the organization of the production of various types of public catering enterprises with high quality indicators of services is impossible without high-tech machines. Assessment of the technical and technological equipment of enterprises is very relevant in modern conditions.
  • The relevance of this project is confirmed by the high demand for the services of public catering enterprises, the need to improve the quality of these services with the timely technological equipment of these enterprises.
  • Purpose and objectives of the study.
  • The purpose of this thesis was to assess the technological equipment of Friday's restaurant-bar, promising directions improving the quality, efficiency and safety of the services provided in the field of public catering.
  • To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:
  • § analysis of the current state of the technical and technological equipment of the restaurant, ensuring the quality and safety of the services provided in the field of public catering;
  • § analysis and assessment of risk factors for the occurrence of situations at the facility, leading to a decrease in the quality of services provided.

Object of study

The object of the study is the restaurant-bar of the T.G.I. Friday's.

Research methods

The main theoretical provisions were tested on the basis of the restaurant T.G.I. Friday's.

Carried out comparative evaluation theoretical conclusions on all types of services of the restaurant T.G.I. Friday's;

The technical and technological equipment of the restaurant-bar was studied, all risk groups were studied for the occurrence of violations;

Studied the regulatory and technical documentation of the enterprise;

Measures have been established that increase the technological equipment and quality of services, as well as the costs of their implementation.

restaurant bar modernization food

1. The role of catering in modern conditions

1.1 Overview of the main points in the organization of catering

Scientific and technological progress in public catering is a complex dynamically developing process. It is associated with the formation of new knowledge and ideas, the technological development of scientific technologies and results. scientific research. Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Sciences Russian Federation conducts the development of new types of raw materials, semi-finished products, additives, food products, is engaged in the selection of new forms of organization of production in order to ensure high-tech, modern production.

Cooking has been accessible to mankind since time immemorial, and the development of professional cooking is associated with the emergence of out-of-home catering establishments (taverns, taverns, etc.). It was in taverns and restaurants that professional cooking was developed, which was based on folk cuisine, which differs in different areas. Public catering specialists use national traditions and customs, reflect them in the range of dishes, methods of preparation, design and table setting, creatively develop and improve established traditions in relation to modern conditions, the level of development of technology and technology, new types of food raw materials and features of mass production of culinary products .

The emergence of industrial production of sugar, the development of industrial animal husbandry, crop production, etc., had a great influence on the acceleration of food production. However, as long as the processing of grown agricultural products was artisanal, food production remained artisanal.

During the Great Patriotic War, a significant part of enterprises in all industries was destroyed, and after the war, restoration went hand in hand with their reconstruction. At the same time, the organization of catering for workers began to be more widely introduced at the factories.

Public catering was in demand. Many new, equipped with advanced technology, canteens, buffets were organized.

In modern society, new types of food raw materials required the introduction of new methods of its processing, new culinary recipes based on a scientific approach to cooking technology. As a result, on large enterprises public catering have become more widely used quick-frozen and canned raw materials processed on modern machines with sophisticated mechanical, thermal and refrigeration equipment.

In addition, now public catering in Russia is faced with the urgent task of improving the quality, expanding the range of cooked dishes, increasing the production of semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness, developing and implementing resource- and energy-saving technologies, improving sanitary and hygienic production conditions, safety measures, and consistently reducing the use of manual and heavy physical labor, both in primary and secondary operations. Attention is drawn to the organization of flexible, fairly quickly reconfigured operations, the creation and implementation of completely new dishes that meet the requirements of a balanced diet.

The production of food and culinary products is controlled by supervisory authorities, which ensures their safe consumption. All food produced must be safe.

In industrialized countries, the quality and safety of food products is monitored by the HACCP system, often referred to as HACCP - "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points", i.e. "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points".

The HACCP voluntary certification system also operates in Russia on the basis of the state standard GOST R 51705.1-2001 “Food quality management based on the HACCP principles. General requirements".

GOST R ISO 22000 harmonized with the international standard ISO 22000 “Food Safety Management Systems. Requirements for organizations involved in the food chain". GOST R 51705.1-2001 and GOST R ISO 22000 allow the development of the HACCP system according to the most appropriate corporate option on the ground without deviating from the requirements of international management system standards and observing the international level.

These tasks are equally faced by canteens, cafes, restaurants. In particular, catering enterprises should carry out technical re-equipment based on equipping workshops with the latest equipment that ensures the complex processing of products and raw materials, increasing the range of dishes produced, including such products as seafood in the assortment, enriching dishes with essential microelements, improving the quality of products and services provided, ensuring worthy representation of domestic enterprises in the line of international cooperation.

The socio-economic importance of public catering in Russia has been increasing in recent years. The current state of public catering is significantly different from previous years of the Soviet era. The opening of borders and the desire of the Russian Federation to join the WTO made it possible to significantly update the equipment fleet with samples of machines and mechanisms from countries with an established and developed power structure. Especially manifested in the fast food system.

Forms of customer service in catering establishments are constantly being improved and developed, flexibly adjusting depending on the types of catering facilities and their location. The types of services provided to consumers by public catering organizations are constantly increasing.

One of the main tasks at present is the purposeful creation of a civilized market for culinary products in a network of public catering establishments that meet the needs of specific groups of the population:

People of different age groups;

People with different business, creative and other orientations;

People who are on vacation, both in the urban environment and outside the city;

People who are members of tourist groups;

Knowledge of the basics of classification and consumer properties of catering products, the ability to tactfully and competently assist the consumer in choosing dishes and drinks, to ensure the conditions necessary to maintain product quality in the process of delivering ordered dishes to the visitor, as well as the ability to fulfill the order quickly, efficiently and aesthetically, necessary for the proper organization of customer service.

Quality service is impossible without the knowledge of the staff, depending on the assigned duties, the basics of professional ethics and etiquette, the production program, which includes the calculation of the number of visitors, the calculation of the number of dishes for the current period, the development of the menu and its correct presentation, the development of a schedule for preparing dishes by the hour, in order to exclude the storage and heating of dishes, scheduling the work of cooking teams, etc. Compliance with the rules of labor protection and safety when working with mechanisms and tools is also included in the measures for organizing public catering.

An increase in production volumes entails a change in economic indicators.

Trade turnover.

The turnover and production of products in public catering is the main point in the organization of work. This is a quantitative indicator that characterizes the volume of sales, which expresses the economic relations arising from the sale of own products, purchased goods, and the provision of catering services. At the same time, the turnover has its own distinctive features associated with the presence of close interaction between the processes of production, sale and consumption of products.

The turnover of a public catering enterprise consists of two main parts: the sale of products of its own production and the sale of purchased goods. The sum of the turnover from the sale of products of own production and the turnover from the sale of purchased goods forms the total turnover of public catering, that is, gross. Gross turnover characterizes the full volume of production and trading activities of a public catering enterprise. In relation to it, other indicators are planned and taken into account: production and distribution costs, labor costs, profits, etc. Trade turnover is planned and taken into account in retail prices, including catering markup.

The role and importance of trade as economic indicator are as follows:

Turnover is a volumetric indicator characterizing the scale of the catering enterprise;

By specific gravity the turnover of the catering enterprise can be judged on the share of the enterprise in the market;

Trade turnover per capita characterizes one of the aspects of the living standard of the population;

In relation to the turnover, indicators are taken into account, analyzed and planned that evaluate the effectiveness of the enterprise (turnover, profitability, cost levels, etc.).

Public catering, along with retail trade, fulfills the main socio-economic task of the development of our society - the satisfaction of the material and cultural standard of living of the population. This problem is solved, first of all, through the development of retail trade.

Organization of workplaces.

The next point can be considered the organization of jobs, labor discipline, payment and stimulation of labor. The issues of labor organization are closely related to wages and management of the economy. To successfully solve the tasks at hand, it is necessary to apply forms of remuneration that increase the material interest of each employee in achieving the best results of the work of the entire team, stimulating the growth of labor productivity and improving the quality of products.

The concept of remuneration at public catering enterprises is determined by the contractual system of relations between the employer and the staff and the tariff system of payment, the presence of additional payments and allowances. Both individual and piecework wage rates are encouraged. Separately and individually, wages and material incentives are set for executives.

The formation of the structure of remuneration and its form is especially influenced by labor productivity with a reduction in time standards. Reduction of time standards is possible through the use of various devices that reduce the complexity of the process, the use of the experience of the most qualified and responsible workers.

The ratio of productivity indices, the number of employees, average wages, profits, net output, capital-labor ratio and other indicators regulate the structure of wages.

The implementation of the plan for turnover and the dynamics of the main indicators of the production and economic activities of a public catering enterprise depend on three groups of factors:

1) from the availability of commodity resources, the correctness of their distribution and use;

2) on the availability of labor resources, the efficiency of the use of working time, the labor productivity of public catering workers;

3) on the state, development and use of the material and technical base of the catering enterprise.

The main factor in the successful development of trade and the production of own products is the security and rational use of commodity resources.

Since the turnover is planned, recorded and analyzed in sales prices, all other indicators are included in the product balance in a similar assessment. Data on the food balance is studied in general for the catering enterprise, since there is no necessary information for compiling it in terms of assortment.

The second factor in the successful development of trade turnover and the production of own products is the availability of labor resources; the correctness of the establishment of the working regime; efficient use of working time; growth in labor productivity.

The level of labor productivity is influenced by changes in the structure of the network, since the output per employee is much higher in specialized catering enterprises, culinary shops, etc.

The influence of this factor on the level of labor productivity of workers in the organization of public catering can be measured by calculating the output per employee with and without taking into account changes in the structure of the network and comparing the obtained indicators.

Labor productivity of production workers can also be studied in terms of the number of products produced per worker (in dishes, in conventional dishes, kilograms, pieces, etc.). The output of auxiliary workers can be determined in physical units: bread cutters - in the amount of sliced ​​bread, rooters - in the amount of processed vegetables and potatoes, loaders - in the amount of processed cargo, etc.

The improvement of working conditions has a great influence on the increase in labor productivity. So, when installing improved ventilation, labor productivity increases by 5-10%, proper lighting of the premises - by 5-15%, and even by painting the walls and other surrounding objects in the workplace in specially selected colors - by 2-4%.

All this should be studied and taken into account when identifying and calculating the reserves for increasing the productivity of workers in public catering. Reserves must be substantiated by appropriate economic and technical calculations, data from the experience of other enterprises in the industry. Particular attention is paid to the identification and mobilization of predictive (prospective) reserves for increasing the productivity of workers, which are real and purposeful.

The state and use of the material and technical base of public catering have a great influence on the development of trade and the production of own products.

In public catering, the efficiency of the use of production capacities largely depends on bandwidth dining room and its use. The throughput of the dining hall depends on the number of seats in the hall, its working hours and the average duration of customer service. To assess the effectiveness of the use of the dining hall, the coefficients are determined: the use of its throughput (the ratio of the actual number of consumers served per working day to the maximum possible), the turnover of places (dividing the number of consumers served per working day by the number of seats in the dining room) and the use of places (the ratio of the number of consumers at the tables to the total number of seats in the dining room). The latter coefficient is calculated to assess the use of seats in certain hours of the dining room.

The normal time for eating is 15-20 minutes, the optimal time for moving to the dining room and waiting in line is 10 minutes. According to the established standards, the duration of the vacation of lunches in canteens and buffets at industrial enterprises should not exceed 10 minutes, and at industrial enterprises with a continuous technological cycle - no more than 5 minutes. Therefore, if the consumer spends more than the above time, then his service is considered inefficient and it is necessary to eliminate the causes that generate unproductive waste of consumer time.

Studies show that catering open type located in the central part of the city and on highways, must work in at least two shifts. The lengthening of the time of their work gives a significant increase in the turnover and the output of their own products. However, before extending the operating time of the enterprise, it is necessary to check the chronometric observations of the flows of consumers and determine the revenue in individual hours, which will make it possible to economically justify the change in the time of their work.

The analysis ends with the development of measures to implement the identified reserves to improve the efficiency of the use of the material and technical base of catering enterprises, and primarily through the introduction into practice of the achievements of scientific and technological progress. Thus, the installation of mechanized high-performance lines for distributing complex meals can increase labor productivity by 2.5-3 times and significantly reduce the time spent on lunch. Due to this factor, the turnover of dining room places increases by 20-30% and the duration of time for serving consumers and eating is reduced by 30-40%. At the same time, the productivity of workers and other consumers is increasing. The use of high-frequency devices for cooking compared to conventional electric stoves allows not only to speed up the cooking time, but also reduces energy consumption by 50-70%. In the process of calculating reserves for increasing the efficiency of using the material and technical base of public catering, economic and technical calculations are made.

In a market economy, the basis for the economic development of an enterprise is formed by profit. Profit indicators are becoming the most important for assessing the production and financial activities of enterprises as independent producers. Profit is the main indicator of the efficiency of the enterprise, the source of its life. Profit growth creates a basis for self-financing of the enterprise, the implementation of expanded reproduction and the satisfaction of the social and material needs of the workforce. At the expense of profit, the obligations of the enterprise to the budget, banks and other organizations are fulfilled. Several profit indicators are calculated.

The final financial result of the enterprise is the balance sheet profit (loss). Balance sheet profit is the sum of profit from the sale of products (works, services), profit (or loss) from other sales, income and expenses from non-sales operations. The calculation of the balance sheet profit can be presented as follows:


where PB - balance sheet profit (loss);

PR - profit (or loss) from the sale of products (works, services);

PP - the same from other implementation;

PVN - income and expenses for non-realization operations.

Profit from the sale of products (works, services) is, as a rule, the largest part of the entire balance sheet profit of the enterprise. It is defined as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products at the wholesale prices of the enterprise (excluding VAT) and its full cost. If the cost of production exceeds its cost in wholesale prices, then the result of the production activity of the enterprise will be a loss. The calculation of profit from the sale of products can be represented as a formula

PR \u003d VD-Z pr - VAT,

where VD - gross income (revenue) from the sale of products (works, services) in current wholesale prices;

З pr - the cost of production and sales of products ( total cost products);

VAT - value added tax.

In gross income, the completion of the production cycle of the enterprise, the return of funds advanced for production into cash and the beginning of their new turnover are expressed. Gross income also characterizes financial results enterprise activities. At manufacturing enterprises, revenue consists of the amounts received as payment for products, works, services to the enterprise's accounts in banking institutions or directly to the enterprise's cash desk. Trade and public catering enterprises determine gross income from the sale of goods as the difference between the sale and purchase value of goods sold.

Production costs (Z pr) of sold products (works, services) include the full actual cost of sales of products (works, services), i.e. the cost of raw materials, labor costs for production workers, as well as overhead costs associated with the management and maintenance of production: for the maintenance management personnel, rent, electricity, maintenance and current repairs. Subtracting all these expenses from the proceeds from sales, we get profit from the sale of products (works, services), i.e. profit from production activities.

Profit (loss) from other sales is the balance of profit (loss) from the sale of products (works, services) of ancillary, auxiliary and service industries, not included in the volume of sales of the main marketable products. It also reflects the financial results of the sale of surplus and unused material assets. They are defined as the difference between the sale (market) price of the property and the initial or residual value of the property, adjusted for the inflation index.

Incomes (expenses) from non-sales operations combine various receipts, expenses and losses not related to the sale of products.

Depending on what indicators are used in the calculations, there are several indicators of profitability. Their numerator is usually one of three values: profit from sales (PR), balance sheet profit (PB) or net profit(state of emergency). The denominator is one of the following indicators: production costs of sold products, production assets, gross income, equity, etc.

Specifically, the following indicators are calculated in this way.

The profitability of production is the ratio of balance sheet profit to the average cost of production assets:

where - the average cost of production assets (fixed and working capital).

The indicator characterizes the amount of profit per one ruble of the cost of production assets.

Profitability of the main activity - the ratio of profit from sales to the costs of production of sold products (works, services):

This indicator allows you to judge what profit each ruble of production costs gives.

Profitability of products - the ratio of profit from the sale of products to the proceeds from the sale as a whole (RP):

The value of R pr shows how much profit each ruble of the cost of goods sold gives.

The profitability of individual products is the ratio of profit from the sale of a particular type of product to the proceeds from its sale:

In countries with market economy to characterize the profitability of investments in activities of a particular type, profitability is calculated equity(R s.c.) and return on fixed (advanced) capital (R s.c.):

where - the average annual cost of investments in assets (determined according to the annual balance sheet of the enterprise);

The average annual cost of equity capital (also determined according to the annual balance sheet of the enterprise).

1.2 Classification of catering establishments. Features of their activities

GOST R 50762 - 95 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises” provides the following types catering establishments: restaurant, bar, cafe, canteen, snack bar.

In general, a public catering enterprise is an enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their sale and (or) organization of consumption. A restaurant is a public catering establishment with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded ones; wine, vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, an increased level of service in combination with the organization of recreation. Bar - a public catering enterprise with a bar counter that sells mixed, strong alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and bakery products, purchased goods.

When determining the type of enterprise, the following factors are taken into account:

v the range of products sold, their diversity and complexity of manufacture;

v technical equipment (material base, engineering and technical equipment and equipment, composition of premises, architectural and planning solution, etc.);

v service methods;

v staff qualifications;

v quality of service (comfort, communication ethics, aesthetics, etc.);

v the range of services provided to consumers.

Restaurants and bars are divided into three classes according to the level of service and the range of services provided:

Ш the highest class;

W first class.

Classes must meet the following requirements:

"Lux" - the sophistication of the interior, a high level of comfort, a wide range of services, an assortment of original, exquisite custom-made and signature dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom-made and branded drinks and cocktails for bars;

"Higher" class - the originality of the interior, the choice of services, comfort, a diverse range of original, exquisite custom-made and specialty dishes and products for restaurants, a wide selection of branded and custom-made drinks and cocktails for bars;

"First" class - it's harmony, comfort and choice of services, a diverse range of branded dishes and products and drinks of complex preparation for restaurants, a set of drinks, simple cocktails, including custom-made and branded for bars.

Cafes, canteens and snack bars are not divided into classes.

Restaurants are classified as follows.

According to the range of products sold:

o with national cuisine,

about the cuisine of foreign countries

By location:

a restaurant at the hotel,

b at the station,

in the recreation area,

l dining car,

and others.

The bars are different:

v The range of products sold,

v How drinks are prepared



b wine,

b coffee,

a cocktail bar,

grill bar,

v Specific customer service

l variety bar,

l video bar,

o another.

A public catering enterprise must have a sign indicating its type, class, forms of organization of its activities, company name, legal entity, information about the mode of operation, about the services provided.

Table 1 - Requirements for the design of catering establishments (restaurants and bars)


for consumers

Enterprise type


1 Appearance of the enterprise.

1.1 Illuminated signboard with design elements

2 Design of halls and premises for consumers

2.1 Use of exquisite decorative elements

2.2 Use of original decorative elements (lamps, draperies, etc.)

2.3 Use of decorative elements that create a unity of style

3 The presence of a stage and a dance floor

4 Availability of a banquet hall, separate booths (offices)

5 Microclimate

5.1 Air conditioning system with automatic temperature and humidity control

5.2 Ventilation system providing acceptable temperature and humidity parameters

The area norms for one seat in the hall for various types of public catering establishments must also comply with the established requirements, in accordance with the national standard GOST R 50762-95.

For restaurants and bars, the area of ​​premises for one place of consumers is at least 2.0 and 1.8 m, respectively, and the premises for consumers should include the following premises, depending on the class of the enterprise:

Table 2 - Composition of premises for consumers for restaurants and bars

Premises for consumers

Enterprise type




Banqueting hall

Men's toilet with a room for washing hands

Women's toilet with handwashing area

Smoking room

Presence of premises is required

Presence of premises is not required

GOST R 50645-94 "Tourist and excursion services. Classification of hotels" in the requirements for hotels various categories establishes the mandatory presence of a restaurant (or cafe) for 2 and 3 star hotels, and for hotels with more than 50 rooms, the mandatory presence in 4 and 5 star hotels of several halls for the provision of catering services in a restaurant, separate offices and a banquet hall or several. The bar is obligatory in hotels from 3 stars and above.

The placement of production facilities and equipment in them should ensure the consistency of the technological process of production and sale of products, as well as compliance with technological, sanitary norms and rules.

In the Russian catering market, all restaurants and bars in service adhere to the requirements of GOST R 50762-95

Table 3 - Requirements for customer service methods, uniforms, shoes, musical services for enterprises of various types and classes

Premises for consumers

Enterprise type


1 Consumer service methods

1.1 Service by waiters, bartenders, head waiters with special education and professional training

1.2 Service by waiters, bartenders, metro hotels

1.3 Bartending at the bar

1.4 Self-service

2 Clothing and footwear

2.1 Availability of service personnel in uniform with the emblem of the enterprise and shoes

2.2 Availability of sanitary clothing

3 Music service

3.1 Performance of vocal and instrumental ensembles, soloists

3.2 Any kind of musical service (using jukeboxes, sound and video reproducing equipment, etc.)

+*) Only bartenders are allowed in the bar.

+**) In restaurants at hotels, airports, large department stores, as well as in cafes, self-service is allowed

+***) Uniforms without company emblem are allowed in restaurants and bars of class “first”

2. Technological equipment of the restaurant-bar T.G.I. Friday "s: assessment, modernization directions

2.1 Enterprise characteristics

The history of the development of the organizational legal form of the enterprise

Restaurant-bar T.G.I. Friday's is part of the Rostik Restaurants holding group.

The history of Rostik Group began with the founding of Rostik International in 1981. Today, Rostik Group is a corporation whose enterprises successfully conduct business in Russia, the CIS countries and Europe.

Rostik Group manages the following business areas:

3 Rostik Restaurants Holding: construction and development of restaurants and fast food establishments.

3 Group of companies "Focus": sale of photo products and provision of photo services.

3 Company "Carlson Tourism": tourism business.

3 Company "Roservis": production of semi-finished products, bakery and confectionery products.

3 A group of property management companies.

Holding JSC "Rostik Restaurants" - these are restaurants of various formats and concepts with high level services that offer guests a quality product at affordable prices.

The nominal owner of the company is Rig Restaurants Limited (Cyprus). The actual owner is Rostislav Ordovsky-Tanaevsky Blanco, who has Russian roots. In May 2007, the company held an IPO, placing 26% of its shares on the market and earning $100 million for them. The company's capitalization as a result of the placement amounted to $384 million. The company's president is Laurie Ann Deitner.

Characteristics of the enterprise of the restaurant “TGI Friday"s”

Friday's restaurant-bar is a catering establishment where visitors are served at the bar counter, combined with table service in the hall.

Beautiful emblems of the holding and the restaurant are visible in colorful booklets, restaurant menus, at the entrance to the restaurant, napkins, tablecloths and other trifles.

Restaurant-bar T.G.I. Friday's is an international chain of American restaurants with more than 900 establishments in more than 55 countries around the world. In Moscow, the first Friday's opened in 1997, and today there are 11 of them.

The name of the restaurant comes from the English phrase “Thank God It's Friday”, which translates as “Thank God, today is Friday.” And Friday means that you can forget about work, relax and unwind in a pleasant company.

The restaurant is located on the territory of the Panorama shopping center, there is also a business center nearby, which guarantees a constantly filled hall. Throughout the day, it is visited by both guests of the shopping center who want to relax or, on the contrary, cheer up after shopping, and employees of the center, especially at lunchtime. The premises of the entire restaurant are divided into Front of the House: a hall, a bar, a toilet room for visitors, a cash desk, a reception desk and a Back of the House: a kitchen, a storage room, a bathroom for staff, an administration office.

The restaurant hall has a capacity of 150 seats and is divided into smoking and non-smoking areas. The bar counter is designed for 15 seats.

In all restaurants of the T.G.I. Friday's strictly adhere to brand standards and are distinguished by high-class architectural and artistic design of retail premises, sophistication of the interior and technical equipment, comfort. Friday's interior style is very recognizable: red and white awnings, wooden furniture, Tiffany lamps, a bar with brass footrests. The restaurant-bar is equipped with high-quality metal and chinaware, sets of cutlery for various snacks and dishes. When serving banquets and receptions, which are held in the headlights, branded porcelain and crystal dishes, cupronickel devices are used.

Friday's is famous for its collection of antiques and curiosities that are collected all over the world. And every restaurant has a bell that rings whenever guests leave a tip.

There are also special requirements for personnel. The bar staff is highly qualified, and the institution's motto is "eternal Friday", which means that the atmosphere should be friendly and relaxed. Therefore, Friday's restaurant-bar is trying to recruit young, energetic girls and boys who should communicate with guests at ease, joke, sing songs, but at the same time be polite and tactful. Waiters wear striped shirts and funny hats.

Rest of visitors is organized. You can listen to music and concerts performed by artists and ensembles, play billiards. The restaurant's repertoire includes blues, ethnic motifs (samba, maracatu, flamenco), fashionable songs of Western performers.

As an additional service, guests can take taxi orders.

Restaurant service technology

The restaurant starts its work at 10:00 and ends at 24:00. But the staff starts their work at 9 o'clock in order to have time to prepare the kitchen and sales rooms for the reception of guests. 14 people work in a shift: 2 cooks, 2 assistant cooks, sous chef or chef, 2 dishwashers, 1 manager, cashier, 1 bar worker, 4 waiters. The target audience of the restaurant is young people, as well as middle-aged men and women. The restaurant is located on the street. Garibaldi 23.

Friday's introduced American cuisine to the whole world. T.G.I. Friday's specialties are the Jack Daniels Grill of salmon, beef steak or pork ribs; "Friday's burger" with bacon and colby cheese; Mexican fajitas with beef, chicken or shrimp; quesadillas and, of course, stuffed potatoes, first cooked here and becoming a national American dish. In addition, the restaurant offers a variety of salads, soups, Italian pasta, seafood dishes and desserts.The restaurant has special additional menus (breakfasts, business lunches), all dishes amaze with their gigantic sizes.

A huge selection of drinks is a special pride of the restaurant. Here you will be offered soft drinks, frozen drinks, 300 types of soft and alcoholic cocktails, 6 types of draft beer, a decent selection of wines and spirits. In addition, wines, wine drinks, wine blends - mulled wines, crunches, punches, as well as soft drinks - juices, mineral and fruit water are included directly in the bar menu. Visitors are offered easy-to-prepare snacks, sandwiches with various gastronomic products, and pistachios, roasted almonds, salted peanuts and confectionery from purchased goods.

In general, American cuisine does not have a clear definition. Starting with the traditions of English cuisine of the 17th and 18th centuries, mixed with some of the culinary traditions of the American Indians (corn and sweet potato dishes, maple syrup, etc.), it has changed significantly over the past three centuries, becoming a synthesis of culinary traditions from all over the world. , combining the cuisines of different cultures brought by immigrants. Thus, the recipes of American cuisine were formed under the influence of the national cuisine of the first settlers, primarily English, as well as Indian (local), Spanish, German, French, Italian, Slavic, Chinese, etc. Great importance for creating recipes for cooking in American families have a climate, the conditions of different regions of America. Salads are ubiquitous: from the simplest (for example, fresh cucumbers or tomatoes) to multi-component branded vegetable-based mixtures. Typical Southern states are deep-fried chicken (fried chicken), beef schnitzels (country-fried steak), smoked pork (barbecue), cornmeal pancakes and bread, crabs and soups (she-crab soup) and meatballs (Maryland crab cakes) of them. In the states of New England, boiled corned beef with vegetables (boiled dinner), fish dishes, lobsters, clam chowder are traditional. Table decorations in the Midwest are grilled beef steak, baked potatoes, chocolate cake. Midwestern cuisine has been heavily influenced by Italian immigration ("deep" Chicago pizza, fried ravioli in St. Louis, etc.). In the southwest of the country, a synthesis of Mexican and American cuisines, the so-called Tex-Mex, dominates, the typical dishes for which are fajitas, tacos, burritos, chile con carne, stuffed sweet peppers and other Tex-Mex dishes.

Ice is widely used in the diet of Americans. A pitcher of ice is a common attribute of service in a restaurant. Iced tea is popular. Beer is usually served cold in a chilled mug.

In American cuisine, rice is often used as a side dish, and many spices are used in cooking: garlic powder, several types of pepper, cloves, nutmeg, oregano, cinnamon, ginger, bay leaf, cumin, dill, vanilla, onion powder, etc., peanut butter.

The seafood menu is exceptionally varied in America.

In addition, modern American food is characterized by an extremely wide distribution of semi-finished products, fast food restaurants (fast food), ethnic restaurants, which also makes it difficult to characterize American cuisine.

Taking into account all the trends in the nutrition of the population, Friday's restaurant offers visitors dishes that are as familiar as possible in the area with savory features and the secrets of their preparation by high-class chefs.

2.2 Organization of supply and storage facilities of the restaurant-bar

The organization of supplying the restaurant with products and materials is entrusted to a supply specialist, who often combines the duties of a merchandiser who knows the specifics of the merchandising of food products, their quality characteristics, conditions and shelf life. Products come from various sources. The main sources of food are local manufacturers, the delivery is carried out in accordance with the concluded supply contracts. The remaining products are purchased at wholesale depots and markets of the city at negotiated prices for cash. Some of the goods are imported.

The organization of work of a warehouse economy consists in the following. Raw materials entering the catering establishment are stored in warehouses. Warehousing performs the following functions:

- creation and maintenance at a certain level of stocks of raw materials, products and materials;

Attentive acceptance of goods and containers from suppliers in terms of quantity and quality;

Creation of conditions for the storage of raw materials and purchased goods in accordance with the recommended regimes;

Acquisition, selection, release of raw materials and goods to production workshops;

For the acceptance of goods, warehouses must be equipped with a loading platform 1.1 m high, 3 m wide, and at least 3 m long. In small enterprises, only an unloading platform is provided. The minimum allowable length of the unloading ramp at large enterprises should be at least 12 m, which allows you to unload four vehicles at the same time.

The equipment of warehouses depends on the type and capacity of the hall, the standards of commodity stocks, the amount of work on the acceptance, storage and release of products. The warehouse is equipped with racks and underwares for placement and storage of products, weighing devices, refrigeration, lifting, transport and other equipment. Storerooms for storing dry products should be dry, well ventilated and equipped necessary quantity shelves, chests, racks and cabinets. The bottom of cabinets, chests, racks and shelves should be at least 15 cm from the floor. Packaged products are stored on racks or rails, also located at a height of 15 cm from the floor. The distance between the wall and the products must be at least 20 cm. It is necessary to maintain constant temperature and air humidity in the pantries, as temperature fluctuations lead to the formation of condensate, dampness, and molding of products.

Flour and cereals are stored in chests or bags on racks, pasta - in boxes. When stored for more than two weeks, the bags are shifted to prevent caking and warm the flour.

Sugar is stored in bags or chests with a lid, salt - in chests. These foods should be kept away from strong-smelling and damp foods. Coffee and tea are stored separately, also isolating them from products with odors.

For storing potatoes and vegetables, basements with artificial lighting are used (at an air temperature of 2–5 ° C and a humidity of 80–90%), where they are stored in bins with a layer no higher than 1.5 m or in boxes. Pickled cucumbers are stored in barrels, sauerkraut - in barrels under oppression, berries, fruits, lettuce, sorrel, green onions - in boxes, baskets, on grates. Barrels with salted and pickled mushrooms should be placed in a room with a temperature of 1 - 3 ° C, laid sideways on wooden slats. In warehouses, such optimal storage conditions are created under which the quality of products (smell, appearance, color, taste and texture) does not deteriorate.

Storage of the main raw materials in warehouses is short-lived, therefore, there are rooms for storing a daily stock of raw materials of work in progress (remains of raw materials issued for production, but unused raw materials; semi-finished products; manufactured, but unsold products), located in close proximity to the production shops. The shelf life of raw materials in the warehouse of the enterprise depends on its type, location, distance from the main product bases, climatic conditions this locality.

Table 4 - Shelf life of products, days.

It is especially important to observe the rules for storing perishable products: meat, fish, cottage cheese, vegetable semi-finished products, fermented milk products, culinary products, confectionery products with cream, offal products. Storage of these products is allowed only subject to the temperature regime from -4 to +6 °C.

Meat and meat products are stored in refrigerators. The meat is hung on hooks or placed on racks. Frozen meat is stored in a stack covered with a tarp to keep the cold. If the meat is stored on ice in a frozen form (or chilled), then it is laid out in one row on a clean oilcloth or wooden racks. Shelf life in chilled chambers at a temperature of 0°C - up to 5 days, in glaciers - up to 2 days.

It is forbidden to store raw meat or fish together with products that will not be cooked (butter, sour cream, mayonnaise, fruits, etc.).

Frozen and chilled poultry is stored in the container in which it came from suppliers. The shelf life is the same as for meat. By-products are sorted by type and stored separately in boxes installed in specially designated areas of the pantry. Chilled offal can be stored for no more than 12 hours, frozen - 24 hours. Smoked meats are stored suspended on tinned hooks in refrigerated chambers for up to 20 days.

Cooked sausages are stored hanging on hooks. The term for the sale of boiled sausages and with the addition of offal is no more than 48 hours (in the absence of refrigeration chambers, the reception and storage of such sausages is not allowed). Shelf life of liver sausages, brawn - no more than 12 hours (in the absence of refrigeration chambers, their reception, storage and sale are not allowed). For meat sausages, the shelf life in the presence of cold is no more than 48 hours (in the absence of refrigeration chambers, storage and sale are not allowed).

Large chilled fish can be stored in refrigerators for up to 2 days. Frozen fish - in the supplier's container in which it was received (in baskets, barrels or boxes). Shelf life of frozen fish in glaciers, ice baths - up to 2 days, in refrigerated chambers with temperatures up to 2 ° C - up to 3 days. In glaciers, chilled and frozen fish are stored in baskets or boxes, always shifting it with crushed ice. Live fish (at specialized enterprises) is stored in stationary aquariums. Large smoked fish (sturgeon) is stored on shelves or hung on tinned hooks in a refrigerator.

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annotation scientific article on economics and business, author of scientific work - Glebova Svetlana Yurievna, Golub Olga Valentinovna, Rybakova Tatyana Mikhailovna

Catering is one of the important socio-economic conditions for the development of society and is aimed at meeting the material and other needs of the population served. The main task of enterprises Catering improving the quality of products and services provided, which can be achieved by controlling all technical, administrative and human factors that affect the quality of products sold and their safety. The solution to this problem is especially relevant for countryside due to the remoteness of catering establishments from large industrial centers, insufficient staffing, low incomes of the population, etc. The purpose of this work is the development of directions for the modernization of enterprises Catering located far from major industrial centers. The object of study is the enterprise Catering in countryside. When analyzing theoretical provisions, methods of systematization, modeling, comparison, and generalization were used. On the example of a specific catering enterprise of consumer cooperation, the issues of its modernization are considered in order to improve the efficiency of its work and increase the comfort of living in the countryside. The features of carrying out changes in the format of the enterprise in the countryside, its reconstruction, catering and assortment are shown. The proposed activities were developed taking into account federal targeted programs for the sustainable development of rural areas, modern production and service technologies to bring high-quality finished products Catering and services to consumers. The practical significance of the work lies in the development of a project for the reconstruction of the dining room with the placement of trade and technological equipment and the expansion of the range of products by including new dishes from local wild raw materials in the menu.

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The food service industry plays an important socio-economic role in the development of society and aims at meeting the material and other needs of the population served. The main task of food service enterprises is to improve the quality of food and services. This task can be fulfilled provided the control of all technical, administrative and human factors affecting the quality and safety of foods iscarried out. The solution to this problem is especially relevant for rural areas due to the remoteness of food companies from large industrial centers, inadequate staffing, low incomes etc. The purpose of this work is to develop the directions of modernization of food service enterprises, located far away from the industrial centers. The object of the research is a food service enterprise in thecountryside. Theoretical positions were analyzed with the methods of systematization, simulation, comparison and generalization. By the example of a particular food service enterprise of consumer cooperatives the problems of its modernization to improve efficiency and enhance comfort have been considered. The peculiarities of the format modifications of the enterprise, its reconstruction, cateringand assortment are shown. The proposed activities were developed in accordance with Federal programs for sustainable development of rural areas, modern technologies of production and services, supplying quality finished products of food service industry to con-sumers. Practical significance of the work is the development of the project for a canteen with the arrangement of technological equipment and widening the assortment of cooked meals due to new dishes from local plant raw materials included in the menu.

The text of the scientific work on the topic "Development of directions for the modernization of catering enterprises in rural areas"


UDC 642.5:334.73


S.Yu. Glebova*, O.V. Golub, T.M. Rybakova

NOU VPO Tsentrosoyuz RF "Siberian University of Consumer Cooperatives", 630087, Russia, Novosibirsk, K. Marx Ave., 26

* e-tai: ziYpvi@taI-sh

Date of receipt: 23.03.2015 Date of acceptance for publication: 10.04.2015

Public catering is one of the important socio-economic conditions for the development of society and is aimed at meeting the material and other needs of the population served. The main task of public catering enterprises is to improve the quality of products and services provided, which can be achieved by controlling all technical, administrative and human factors that affect the quality of products sold and their safety. The solution of this problem is especially relevant for rural areas due to the remoteness of catering establishments from large industrial centers, insufficient staffing, low incomes of the population, etc. The purpose of this work is to develop directions for the modernization of public catering enterprises located far from large industrial centers. The object of the study is a public catering enterprise in rural areas. When analyzing theoretical provisions, methods of systematization, modeling, comparison, and generalization were used. On the example of a specific catering enterprise of consumer cooperation, the issues of its modernization are considered in order to improve the efficiency of its work and increase the comfort of living in the countryside. The features of carrying out changes in the format of the enterprise in the countryside, its reconstruction, catering and assortment are shown. The proposed activities were developed taking into account federal targeted programs for the sustainable development of rural areas, modern production and service technologies to bring high-quality finished catering products and services to consumers. The practical significance of the work lies in the development of a project for the reconstruction of the dining room with the placement of trade and technological equipment and the expansion of the range of products by including new dishes from local wild raw materials in the menu.

Public catering, countryside, new production and service technologies._


Currently, Russia has a federal target program "Sustainable Development of Rural Areas for 2014-2017 and for the period up to 2020", the main goals of which include the creation of comfortable living conditions in rural areas; promoting the creation of high-tech jobs in rural areas; activation of the participation of citizens living in rural areas in the implementation of socially significant projects; formation of a positive attitude towards the countryside and the rural way of life, etc. . These goals will be achieved by solving a number of tasks, including raising the level of integrated development of settlements located in rural areas with social and engineering infrastructure facilities; encouragement and popularization of achievements in the field of rural development, etc. .

Public catering plays an important role in solving the problem of narrowing the significant gap in the level and quality of life in rural areas compared to urban areas. At the same time, in this aspect, a number of

problems - the lack of a general concept for improving and developing the sphere, the low level of introduction of new technologies based on the use of progressive forms of service and modern equipment, etc. .

On the periphery, consumer societies continue to play an important role, since they are primarily not cooperatives, but specific ones operating in rural areas. trade organizations performing, including social functions providing essential goods to residents of remote villages. The latter include catering establishments.

However, in recent years, canteens operating in rural areas have lost their original meaning - to feed the workers. In modern conditions, they perform many other functions due to the development of society (for example, leisure activities for both the local population and tourists). One of the tools for the formation of functions, for example, is the reconstruction of existing public catering enterprises with the introduction of new production and service technologies.

There are several areas of reconstruction: expansion of the area of ​​the entire enterprise as a whole; redevelopment of individual production shops and premises to ensure the flow of technological processes; changing the existing ratio of areas of various groups of premises within the enterprise by increasing the areas of some and reducing other premises; transfer of the enterprise to work with culinary semi-finished products; change in the composition of the premises during the re-profiling of the enterprise; the introduction of new service methods for this enterprise, for example, the transfer of individual enterprises to work in the evening at a higher class. Together with the reconstruction, the technical re-equipment of the enterprise is often carried out. The choice of one or another direction of reconstruction depends on the tasks assigned to the owner of the institution, and the investments that he is ready to invest.

Thus, conducting research to solve problems in the activities of public catering enterprises in rural areas is timely and relevant.

The purpose of the work is to develop directions for the modernization of typical catering establishments in rural areas through the introduction of modern production and service technologies in public catering.

Object and methods of research

The object of research is public catering establishments in rural areas on the example of the canteen of the Taseevsky district department of the Krasnoyarsk Krai Consumer Union.

According to the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, the population of the village of Taseevo was 8038 people.

The dining room is located in Taseevo, which is the administrative center of the Taseevsky district, located 340 km northeast of the city of Krasnoyarsk. It carries out the production of finished products on raw materials (for its processing, procurement workshops are organized - meat and fish and vegetable); heat treatment of meat, fish and vegetable semi-finished products in a hot shop combined with a cold one; short-term storage of raw materials in warehouses. The capacity of the dining hall before modernization is 60 seats, after - 100.

When analyzing theoretical provisions, methods of systematization, modeling, comparison, and generalization were used.

Results and its discussion

Public catering enterprises in rural areas were created long before market relations, they have a long history of work in conditions of limited funding and are built mainly according to standard projects of public enterprises.

public catering of Soviet times, meeting the requirements of SNiP P-L.8-71 “Public catering establishments. Design standards” (valid until 1990). The main activity of such canteens was and is the provision of hot meals to both the local population and visitors. The production and supply of public catering products is carried out directly in the hall of the enterprise or at the food points of agricultural workers, builders, etc. Additional services of canteens include the organization of banquets, festive evenings both indoors and out.

However, in our opinion, at present, public catering enterprises in rural areas perform much more functions (some of which are shown in Fig. 1).


rational use of the natural resource potential of the region

Rice. 1. Functions of catering establishments in rural areas

The development of public catering enterprises in rural areas is possible only if objective problems are established for each specific enterprise and ways to solve them are determined. So, for example, in Table. 1 shows the results of a SWOT analysis of internal and external factors dining room of the Taseevskiy district police department of the Krasnoyarsk Territorial Treasury Union, influencing its activities. The factors considered are mostly characteristic of other public catering establishments located in rural areas.

Table 1

Rural Canteen SWOT Analysis Matrix

Strengths (8) Weak sides(W)

Long-term experience of the enterprise; - advantageous location - in the center, next to the market; - availability of the necessary premises and outbuildings for the expansion of production; - preservation of material and technical equipment; - the presence of highly qualified personnel who can cook not only mass-produced products, but also complex portioned dishes; - long experience of work with producers of local raw materials; - the presence of its own additional point of sale of finished products and semi-finished products - a cooperative store; - acceptable cost of finished products; - the presence of an autonomous water supply system, including thanks to the existing well in the center of the dining room; - absence of competitors; - the presence of tourist facilities - low turnover of space in the hall; - low volume of production; - low level of service; - limited time of work; - lack of habit among local residents to eat out; - low level of introduction of new technologies based on the use of progressive forms of service and modern equipment; - a wooden building of an old construction, which complicates the overhaul of ventilation and sewerage systems; - lack of young highly qualified personnel; - remoteness from places of advanced training and maintenance of equipment; - lack of financial resources for capital modernization

Opportunities (O) Threats (T)

Changing the format of the enterprise: work schedule; Services; new forms of service; new menu; new design; culture of consumption of alcoholic products; - reconstruction of the enterprise: increase in the number of seats; improvement of the organization and the emergence of new jobs; the possibility of introducing modern technology for the production of quick-frozen / chilled culinary products; emergence of new types of production; - development of catering; - expanding the range of dishes from local wild-growing raw materials - low purchasing power of the population; - economic and financial crisis; - changes in regulations, requirements for the premises, etc.; - high level of population migration

Analyzing the identified factors, the directions of modernization of the enterprise are distinguished. So, for the canteen in question, appropriate measures were taken to address a number of possibilities.

Translation of the dining room into a new format - a dining room that works in the evening like a cafe, with the assignment of a new name. This direction of modernization allowed:

1. Increase the time of the enterprise. If before the reconstruction the canteen worked from 9 am to 5 pm, after the reconstruction it worked from 9 am to 10 pm.

2. Expand the services provided. In the evening, visitors are offered a wide range of entertainment services (live music, karaoke, football matches, animation, etc.); holding banquets, festive evenings, etc.

3. Introduce new forms of service for the canteen. Before the reconstruction, the company offered visitors only self-service meals through a bartender. After reconstruction during the daytime, consumers are given the opportunity to choose their meals faster, thanks to the installed self-service line. AT

in the evening, the distribution closes and the enterprise begins to operate as a cafe with waiter service. The release of alcoholic products is carried out through the bar counter by the bartender.

4. Develop a new menu to include more complex a la carte and signature dishes offered in the evening.

5. Develop a new enterprise design. After the reconstruction, the facade and sign of the building were updated, the design of the dining halls was changed by purchasing new comfortable retail furniture, tableware and cutlery, as well as inventory for the bar counter.

6. Instill a culture of alcohol consumption. In the evening, it is additionally recommended to organize the work of a bar selling hot and cold non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks. After the reconstruction and installation of the bar counter, the appearance of a qualified bartender, various drinks are prepared in front of visitors with original design and presentation, thematic events related to the history and rules of consumption, tasting of alcoholic products, etc. are carried out.

The reconstruction of the dining room was carried out in the directions shown in fig. 2.

cold shop

expansion of the dining room area due to an extension

Dining in the countryside

Shop for the production of quick-frozen / chilled culinary products

redevelopment of egg processing rooms and pantry

Banquet hall with a summer transition to the main building and restrooms

instead of a pastry shop

Separation of technological lines for processing dirty tableware and

of kitchen utensils, delimitation of their storage after washing, improvement of the work of cleaners, redevelopment of the restroom for staff

Reconstruction as a direction of modernization of the dining room allowed:

1. Increase the number of seats by organizing an additional banquet hall.

2. Improve the organization of workplaces in the cold and hot shops, the shop for quick-frozen / chilled culinary products, washing tableware and kitchen utensils, the release of finished products, and also bring the redevelopment of the hot shop in line with the requirements of technological design.

Before the reconstruction, both hot and cold dishes were cooked in the hot shop. In connection with the transition of the canteen to a new format, jobs are needed for cold appetizers and desserts. Therefore, after reconstruction, it is possible to organize a cold shop in accordance with the regulated SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the manufacture and turnover capacity of food products and food raw materials in them" temperature and humidity conditions (during the cold period 19 -21 °С, humidity 60-40%; during the warm period 20-22 °С).

In connection with the transition of the canteen to a new format, the purpose of the hot shop will be reduced not only to the preparation of dishes in batches, but also to order portioned dishes, which will entail the organization of an additional workplace for portioning and serving hot dishes and snacks.

After the reconstruction, it is also possible to create a workshop for quick-frozen / chilled culinary products, where 4 workplaces are organized: for the production of small-sized and chopped semi-finished meat products, for the production of fish semi-finished products, for the production of vegetable semi-finished products, for packaging and freezing semi-finished products in an intensive cooling and shock freezing apparatus.

Washing kitchen utensils and washing tableware at enterprises are often combined in the same room, which is allowed with a small number of seats in the hall. However, the working conditions are very restrictive for the washer and the placement of clean dishes. The redevelopment of the premises made it possible not only to increase the area of ​​the washing tableware combined with the washing kitchen utensils and equipment, but also to zone the processing line.

canteen reconstruction

ki kitchenware and tableware processing line with related equipment.

The time for serving visitors in canteens without a distribution area is 20-30 minutes. If there is a congestion of visitors, the turnover of the place in the hall is sharply reduced, since the limiting factor in service is the lack of finished products in the windows and the menu printed in one copy, which makes it difficult for older people to read. Studies of the turnover of places in the halls of rural canteens have shown that the daily turnover is on average 3-5, i.e. during the work of trading floors one place turns around 3-5 times, but the norm for canteens is 7-9. This turnover can be increased by installing a distribution line in the dining room to display all products in front of the visitor. This will not only speed up the process of choosing dishes by the visitor, serving the visitor, but also partially remove the need for lengthy reading of the menu. When installing a distribution line, one should be guided by the direction of movement of visitors, i.e. from the entrance door to the hall.

First, visitors take trays, bread and cutlery, then cold dishes and snacks - on a refrigerated counter-showcase. Since the range of soups is limited, there is no soup counter. Soups will be dispensed through a universal food warmer or second course food warmer. The calculation of visitors will be carried out through the cash module. The recommended sequence for arranging the equipment of the distributing line in the hall of the cafeteria is shown in fig. 3.

In the evening (after 5 p.m.) the distribution is recommended to be closed for serving visitors by waiters. This will allow the company to increase the margin on portioned dishes, to hold banquet events in a new format with a higher level of cafe services.

3. Introduce modern technology for the production of quick-frozen / chilled culinary products Cook & Syp by purchasing a shock freezer and a packaging machine.

You can pack semi-finished products in sealed vacuum bags, a substrate or in a film. The method of freezing depends on the type of product. If frozen in bulk in a gastro-container, then the packaging is made after freezing. If semi-finished products are stacked individually on a substrate, freezing is carried out in a film. For freezing, a thinner film (up to 80 microns) is used.

The introduction of this technology allows not only to expand the range of products manufactured by enterprises, but also to use raw materials and labor resources more rationally due to an increase in the shelf life of finished products and semi-finished products.

Cooling in blast chillers can be carried out using stainless gastronorm-bones GN combi steamer. Thanks to the size standardization, gastronomic containers are the ideal containers for both rapid cooling and subsequent use in defrosting and regeneration processes in combi-tomatoes. The latter should be taken into account when selecting blast chillers for production.

To organize mass events, sell products through a store in a canteen-cafe, freeze / cool semi-finished products (meat, fish, etc.) such as entrecote, steaks, hamburgers, meatballs, sticks, sausages, dumplings and dumplings; ready-made soups and main courses, pies, bakery and confectionery products; desserts, juices, puddings, jellies, etc.

Studies of the Cook & SNII technology, conducted at the Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation, showed that the shelf life of frozen / chilled culinary products is increased by 2 times. The new shelf life of products should not contradict SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the timing

suitability and storage conditions of food products”, which means that relevant technical documents should be developed for such products.

4. Create a new production type. Due to the change in the format of the enterprise, and, accordingly, the emergence of a new form of service (by waiters), the canteen-cafe should work according to a new type of production of finished products - in portions, to order. To do this, after the reconstruction, as mentioned earlier, additional jobs should be created.

Catering development. Before the reconstruction, the canteen carried out two types of catering - indoors and outdoors within the same locality by delivering finished products to the venues of events. After the reconstruction, the creation of a workshop for quick-frozen / chilled culinary products, it became possible to develop its other types (delivery to offices, social catering, retail, etc.), as well as expand the geography (deliveries to more remote settlements) of catering.

Expansion of the range of dishes from local wild raw materials. In rural settlements, a large amount of wild-growing raw materials grows, including bracken, which is also harvested by district consumer societies. In canteens, salted fern was used as a garnish and as an ingredient in salads. To expand the range of dishes from / using salted bracken fern for a canteen-cafe, recipes and technical and technological cards for new dishes have been developed: vegetable salad, meat hodgepodge, potato soup, potato cheesecakes, stewed meat in a pot, zrazy, stuffed omelet, pancakes stuffed, baked pies, ears with meat, pasties.


The presented directions for the modernization of public catering enterprises in rural areas (changing its format, carrying out reconstruction, developing catering, expanding the range of dishes from local wild-growing raw materials, etc.) will contribute to the creation of socio-economic conditions for the sustainable development of the village.


1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2013 No. 598 “On Federal target program"Sustainable development of rural areas for 2014-2017 and for the period up to 2020" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/70319016/#rx773YuoEtK£.

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5. All-Russian population census of 2010. The population of urban and rural settlements of the Krasnoyarsk Territory [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://www.krasstat.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_ts/krasstat/ru/sessh_ap(1_ge8eags^/sessh/payopa1_sessh_2010/.

6. SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, production and turnover in them of food products and food raw materials [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://base.garant.ru/12125153/.

7. SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food products [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://ivo.garant.ru/SESSÜN/PILOT/main.ht1m.


S. Yu. Glebova*, O.V. Golub, T.M. Ribakova

Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation, 26, Pr. K. Marx, Novosibirsk, 630087, Russia

*e-mail: [email protected]

Received: 03/27/2015 Accepted: 04/10/2015

The food service industry plays an important socio-economic role in the development of society and aims at meeting the material and other needs of the population served. The main task of food service enterprises is to improve the quality of food and services. This task can be fulfilled provided the control of all technical, administrative and human factors affecting the quality and safety of foods is carried out. The solution to this problem is especially relevant for rural areas due to the remoteness of food companies from large industrial centers, inadequate staffing, low incomes etc. The purpose of this work is to develop the directions of modernization of food service enterprises, located far away from the industrial centers. The object of the research is a food service enterprise in the countryside. Theoretical positions were analyzed with the methods of systematization, simulation, comparison and generalization. By the example of a particular food service enterprise of consumer cooperatives the problems of its modernization to improve efficiency and enhance comfort have been considered. The peculiarities of the format modifications of the enterprise, its reconstruction, catering and assortment are shown. The proposed activities were developed in accordance with Federal programs for sustainable development of rural areas, modern technologies of production and services, supplying quality finished products of food service industry to consumers. Practical significance of the work is the development of the project for a canteen with the arrangement of technological equipment and widening the assortment of cooked meals due to new dishes from local plant raw materials included in the menu.

Food service industry, countryside, new technologies of production and service._

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