How to assess and test the moral values ​​or purposefulness of an employee in an interview: how does a sample protocol help? Characteristics, types and methods of interviewing How to assess the moral values ​​of an employee at an interview.

What is important to you when choosing the ideal candidate? Experience, knowledge, skills? When choosing an employee by lines in the resume and military awards, there is always a chance to get a “pig in a poke”, communication and work with which you have to build for months. We believe there are better ways to get to know a candidate. It remains only to choose the right one.

As HeadHunter's practice shows, most Russian employers choose a candidate based on experience. At the interview, first of all, professional knowledge is tested, often with several stages of test tasks. The assessment of personal qualities first remains on the intuition of the recruiter, and after a week it becomes a headache for the manager.

In fact, knowledge and skills are only a small part of the competencies of the applicant. On the quality of it daily work motivation will affect the ability to convince people - character traits, the speed of learning and understanding - the level of numerical and verbal abilities. Evaluating them in several rounds of interviews is a troublesome process that reduces a candidate's motivation.

We decided to ask Marina Khadina, head of the career direction of HeadHunter, what methods of candidate assessment that are popular among Russian employers work best - from professional tests to the polygraph.

Experience interview

Used by 80% of Russian employers according to HeadHunter

"It main feature Russian market labor. We hire like this: there was a similar experience - we take it. However, in a new place, there is often a different corporate culture, different conditions for fulfillment, a different model of work duties. If a person did a good job in a previous company, then it is not at all a fact that he will be able to do it in a new place and he will like it. Conventionally, if at an interview he sold you a pen well, this does not mean that he will sell the services of a communication salon well, because. here he will have to navigate a wide and constantly expanding product line, and no one appreciated this during the selection. An ordinary interview hardly makes it possible to reveal the structure of motivation, the abilities of the candidate, and the characteristics of his personality. But it is they who will affect the quality of the daily work of the employee. Even a very experienced psychologist can rarely recognize them in a half-hour conversation. Therefore, an experience interview will give a weak forecast of his success in a new position, and if used only, then perhaps this is one of the most ineffective ways to evaluate a candidate.

Personality Questionnaire

Used by 22% of Russian employers according to HeadHunter

“These are questionnaires like OPQ (Occupational Personality Questionnaires), a psychometric assessment of behavioral style in professional activity. It is useful to use it literally for every candidate - you actually get his strengths and weak sides and the employee's instruction manual. For example, you will find out whether he is inclined to interact with people, to convince them, whether he prefers to work in a team and how he will perceive pressure and failure, etc. You need to understand that in such a questionnaire there are no right and wrong answers: he always chooses which behavior is more inherent to him, and which to a lesser extent. The effectiveness of these questionnaires has been tested for decades. You can’t just download them from the Internet, they are a professional tool that saves you from getting a “pig in a poke”: Under normal conditions, you can learn so much about a person only after a few months of close communication with him.”

Assessment Center

According to HeadHunter, 16% of Russian employers use

« The best way evaluate the candidate. It often lasts a whole day and includes various activities: solving a case task related to future work, alone or interacting in a team, presenting this solution to the commission, passing tests for verbal and numerical abilities and personal qualities of the candidate. The assessment center is carried out both for one and for several people: a case can be offered for solving in a group and thus assess the team skills of several applicants at once. This is the most serious and complex way to assess a person, which, unfortunately, is difficult to use constantly - due to the high time and cost. Therefore, as a rule, the assessment center is used in large companies. With its help, they choose the most suitable among specialists and middle managers, young professionals, top managers. But nothing prevents us from studying this practice and adopting individual elements.”

Verbal and Numerical Ability Tests

According to HeadHunter, 15% of Russian employers use

“A reliable way to find out how a candidate is suitable for a particular type of activity. It determines his ability to analyze and process information, understand texts, graphs, the ability to draw conclusions and forecasts - everything that specialists and managers of any industry need. Employers usually determine for themselves which indicators are critical to them in the test results. This is a great chance for young applicants and those who want to change their occupation: it shows the candidate's capabilities with a lack of experience, when it will be necessary to master new knowledge a lot. Especially often these tests are used in the mass recruitment of employees - for example, in retail: the results are easy to compare and choose the best.

Non-standard assessment methods

According to HeadHunter, 8% of Russian employers use

“In Russia, it is popular because it is used by the special services and the military. I would question the justification for such a method, but the fact remains: the polygraph is used today in industries where lying and theft are critical for business. For example, on the “lie detector” they check future warehouse workers and look for skeletons in the closet of a potential bank employee. But again, the ethics and credibility of this method is a big question for me.”

stress interview
“HR managers either love them very much or they don't like them very much. They love - those who know how to use it or for some reason find it funny. They do not like, in turn, those who consider them inhumane and useless. The second is much more. It can be justifiably used if a person in a new place has constant stressful situations and his endurance and self-control are important. I'll give you an example. One FMCG company was looking for a sales director. His task was to completely rebuild the department, take the company to new heights - practically revolutionize. At the same time, all employees in the commercial department worked for a long time, their efficiency and motivation were low. Since the task was difficult, one of the selection stages was a stressful interview. What it looked like: the candidate entered the office, in which there was a table, a large leather chair and a small stool. HR stood at the table and invited them to sit comfortably. Someone sat on the floor, trying to be original, someone sat on a stool or chair. The winner was the person who came in, looked around and said: “It’s somehow uncomfortable here, maybe we’ll move to another place or ask the secretary to bring another chair?” In a new place, a person had to sort out the problems, make a decision and agree on this with the employees, and not adapt to the current situation. That is, they created a stressful moment in the interview, which was supposed to simulate the situation at work, and he was able to emerge from there as a winner.

Socionics, drawings, astrology, etc.
“These are all methods of evaluation, but not for HR purposes. I know companies that have been using astrological forecasts for years. But you can’t call it professional tools: reliable scientific research, which would confirm their effectiveness, are not currently available.

A comprehensive assessment of employees is a normal practice for both large and small Russian companies. It automates the selection process and minimizes the chance of error. We will definitely continue talking about these and other recruitment practices in the HeadHunter mailing list: follow our news!

The purpose of the interview is to obtain a reliable assessment of the candidate for the position he is applying for. At the end of the interview, you must make a formal assessment of the candidate.

You can evaluate a candidate according to three classical criteria:

  1. Compliance of the candidate with the position (availability of abilities, knowledge, experience).
  2. Motivation and stability of the candidate in the future place of work.
  3. Personal qualities and fit corporate culture employer.

What methods of candidate assessment should be used during the interview? It depends on the degree of your preparedness or commitment to a particular technique. As a rule, most recruiters use several types of interviews at once, mixing questions depending on the position for which the candidate is being selected.

  • Structured interview(formalized, standardized). It is conducted according to a strictly structured standard pattern, a strict sequence of pre-prepared questions with precise wording is observed. A universal method that is widely used in the practice of recruitment.
  • Competency interview. First, create a competency model. Next, you need to rate each competency on a five-point scale (any business or personal quality or knowledge). Highly effective method for trained users, avoids subjective evaluation.
  • stress interview(provocative interview) when stressful conditions are created for the candidate - for example, questions are asked at a fast pace on various topics, questions of a too personal nature. Use very carefully and only if the candidate's future work will actually be under stress.
  • CASE interview(situational interview) involves questions, tasks, modeling situations that require the candidate to take certain actions or make a decision. It is convenient to evaluate skills, habits, behavior patterns, as well as such complex things as learning ability, stress resistance.
  • Projective interview. You ask the applicant open-ended questions not about him, for example: what motivates people to work effectively? We get a very specific answer about the motivation of this particular candidate. However, he often does not understand what he said about himself. A very effective auxiliary technique for testing patterns of behavior, motivation.

1. Structure and style of communication

  • Observe overall structure and staging of the interview. Consistency is important because it will help you form a more reliable assessment of the candidate.
  • Stages of a typical interview: 1) preparation; 2) self-presentation of the candidate; 3) the interview itself (a series of questions); 4) presentation of the vacancy; 5) feedback and completion; 6) processing of results.
  • During the interview, the emotional tone should be active, upbeat and friendly. Business speech rate.
  • Lateness, disinterest in the candidate, disrespect and open suspicion that the candidate is telling a lie are unacceptable.
  • The initiative during the interview should come from you. The recruiter himself determines the rules of the interview, stages and topics, outlines the boundaries of the conversation with his questions. The candidate must feel that you are the negotiator.
  • It is necessary to listen to the candidate more (about 80% of the time) than to talk yourself.
  • If the candidate avoids questions, speaks at length on abstract topics - politely return him to the mainstream of the conversation, ask him not to deviate from the point.
  • Analyze the candidates' gestures and facial expressions: closed postures indicate the candidate's secrecy, fear of saying something superfluous, scratching his nose, covering his mouth with his hand - about a lie. Learn to understand body language, the non-verbal behavior of the candidate will help you better assess him.
  • To assess the motivation and personal qualities of the candidate, refuse closed questions that require unambiguous answers. Ask more open questions. Closed questions are asked only to find out specific information from the candidate.
  • Many candidates will talk about your company in the future, based on the experience of communicating personally with you. This is an element of PR communication. Leave the candidate with an idea of ​​himself personally as a professional in his field.

2. How to start an interview

  • Make sure that the meeting room is prepared: the room is ventilated, clean and tidy, the table and chairs are set in the correct position, the candidate's resume and job description for voicing the candidate are printed out and are at hand.
  • Come out to say hello to the candidate, or just stand up. Introduce yourself, invite with words and gesture to sit down. Tell me where you can put your handbag or briefcase (nothing should be on your knees during the interview).
  • A person who is nervous may be closed off in an interview. This will affect the misinterpretation of the assessment of this applicant for your vacancy. Do your best to make the candidate feel comfortable.
  • Relax the candidate with the method of finding a common reality. Say literally two or three meaningless phrases on common topics, for example: “How did you get there?”, “How easy was it to find us?”, talk about the weather, etc.
  • Explain to the candidate in what order the meeting will take place, how long it will last approximately. You can check with a candidate for a serious position whether he has this time. This will immediately set a business approach in communicating with the candidate.
  • Let the candidate know that this meeting is a mutually beneficial negotiation. It is important for you to understand whether he suits you for a particular position, and the candidate - whether your vacancy suits him.
  • Don't start interviews right from the question stage. Some of the candidates are nervous or "closed", others give prepared answers.
  • Interviews should start from the stage of self-presentation of the candidate. The goal is to set the candidate up for open communication and evaluate the candidate's communication skills. “Elena, tell us a little about yourself first: what is your education, what is your work experience, and then I will tell you in detail about the vacancy, okay?”
  • Until the candidate speaks out, do not interrupt him and ask specific questions. When a person starts talking about himself, he gradually calms down, begins to say what he considers important. You need to hear and remember this.
  • Already during the first five minutes of self-presentation, you can evaluate the candidate according to the following factors: appearance, richness or poverty of a story about yourself, emotional coloring of the conversation, a sense of empathy, literacy of speech, logic of judgments, etc.

3. Tips for an effective interview stage

  • When asking clarifying questions to the candidate at the stage of self-presentation, gradually move on to the active stage of the interview on topics that interest you.
  • Adhere to the following sequence in the subject of questions at the interview stage: 1) education; 2) places of work; 3) knowledge, skills, experience; 4) formal questions (certificates, where he lives, etc.); 5) what vacancies the candidate is currently considering; 6) reasons for interest in your vacancy.
  • If the candidate has little work experience, ask more questions about their education. Why did you choose this university, this specialty? Which items did you like more, which less? Do you want (do not want) to work in the specialty you have received? Why?
  • When asking open-ended questions, ask the candidate to tell about previous jobs. How did you get into this job? What did the company do, the size of the staff, the specifics? What were your responsibilities and what did you do? By what criteria was the effectiveness of your work and your unit evaluated?
  • Assess the attitude of the candidate to the former management. Who was your immediate supervisor? How did management rate you? How would you rate the effectiveness of your former leadership in developing the company? Was there a democratic, authoritarian (other) type of leadership in the company?
  • Ask about the reasons for leaving the candidate from each job. Remember these reasons. Ask later, if these reasons were not there, would the candidate have remained to work or would he have quit anyway?
  • Even if you realize that the person in front of you is playing someone else, keep asking questions. When the candidate understands that you are serious, the desire to play will disappear and communication will begin on the merits.
  • Be careful if a candidate in an interview is arrogant, demonstrates his own importance, comes to familiarity, criticizes the previous manager, does not take responsibility for the results, but blames colleagues or circumstances - such a candidate is unlikely to suit any vacancy.
  • At the end of the effective stage, ask the candidate about his hobby, what kind of literature he likes to read, what kind of music to listen to - this will leave the candidate with a good impression of you as a person who is interested in him not only as a professional, but you will have Additional Information to contemplation.

4. Tips for Assessing a Candidate's Motivation

  • Use open-ended questions to assess motivation and personal qualities. This will help reduce the receipt of socially desirable responses.
  • Find out why the candidate wants to change jobs, why does he need a job right now? How long have you been going to interviews? How many interviews have there been?
  • Find out the personal plans and career expectations of the candidate for the future (next year, three, five years).
  • Find out what corporate culture the candidate is used to working in, and what corporate culture is unacceptable for this candidate. Does the candidate have a negative work experience that could affect the job in the new job?
  • Ask if there are currently other offers that the candidate is also considering. Why were they interested in him? You will be able to understand how competitive your offer is compared to those that the candidate already has.
  • Ask the candidate why they are interested in your job and your company? Does it live up to his expectations? According to the candidate’s answer, you will understand that either your offer is one of many for him, or he is sincerely interested only in your vacancy.
  • In many cases, the question of a candidate's salary expectations is appropriate. For example: “Based on your experience, the current market situation and personal plans What salary are you expecting now?
  • To assess the motivation of some candidates, tell how interesting, but at the same time, the proposed work is difficult. If you need a motivated, results-driven candidate, watch to see if their eyes light up.

5. Presentation of the company and vacancy

  • Now good candidates are considering offers from several employers at the same time. Therefore, when presenting your proposal, your main goal is to “sell” your vacancy to the candidate.
  • Prepare a company presentation and vacancies in advance. Most candidates are always wary of new information about the employer. A good presentation motivates the candidate.
  • Give the candidate as much as possible positive information about the company and the proposed position. Tell us what is your competitive advantage compared to other employers.
  • If the candidate is not interested or he really doubts the vacancy, do not convince the candidate: unmotivated candidates lead to failures to close vacancies.
  • When presenting your company, tell us about the field of activity and the specifics of work, the position on the market, the period of existence, the prospects for the development of the company, competitive advantage, features of corporate culture.
  • When presenting your vacancy, tell us about your job responsibilities and powers, structural unit, his boss, who will be subordinate, goals for the new employee, prospects career development, the benefits received by the candidate from working in this particular position.
  • When presenting working conditions, tell in detail about the place and work schedule, workplace, system wages on the main and probation, system of premiums and bonuses, social package, vocational training etc.
  • When talking about wages, it is necessary to speak confidently, not to be embarrassed and not to stumble, to say the exact wage or the exact limits of wages. For most candidates, this is a very sensitive moment.
  • If the salary system consists of many variable parts and percentages, at the interview it is better to report the absolute average salary that the candidate will receive when meeting the targets, and possible boundaries.

6. How to end an interview the right way

  • Get feedback: you must understand how interested the candidate is in the vacancy, is there anything that confuses the candidate?
  • Listen carefully and evaluate the candidate: what he will tell you immediately after the presentation, what questions he will start asking, how his facial expressions or behavior will change, the number and meaning of the questions that the candidate asks. Make sure that doubts are dispelled, questions are removed.
  • The most acceptable option is when the candidate has several (3-5) questions, mainly related to the content of the work, relationships in the team, and the level of business specifics. Answer these questions in as much detail as possible.
  • The question about the level of material compensation is quite appropriate, it must be answered, but without too much detail. If questions about wages and other social benefits continue, this should be a signal to you that the candidate is dominated by material motivation.
  • You should not be alarmed by the situation if the candidate has no questions at all. Firstly, this may be due to the fact that you correctly and in detail described the vacancy to the applicant. Secondly, questions may arise after analyzing the information received in the following stages.
  • Check with the candidate whether it is possible to receive recommendations about him at the last and previous place work, who specifically could recommend him (name, position, phone).
  • Thank the candidate for the interview and agree on how the candidate will know about the results of the interview, what will be the further procedure in case of a positive decision.

7. How to avoid common mistakes during the interview

  • Avoid evaluating a candidate only on the basis of intuition, inner conviction, sympathy / antipathy for the candidate's personality, "third eye", etc.
  • Avoid conducting an interview in the form of an interrogation. This is wrong, firstly, for ethical reasons, and secondly, in this way, you demotivate the most successful candidates and do not get an adequate assessment of the candidate.
  • Don't let the candidate pressure you and take the lead in the interview when the candidate instead of answering your questions starts asking them himself. As soon as you feel that this has happened, immediately politely return such a candidate to the question on which you stop.
  • Sometimes you really like a candidate or claim a higher salary than you can offer him. In the desire to interest such a candidate, there is a great temptation to exaggerate the merits of your company and vacancy, to keep silent about the shortcomings. Avoid this mistake - it can lead to a breakdown.
  • Do not let the candidate win you over so that you communicate on a short leg in a friendly way. This will interfere both when making a decision on it and in further work with it, because it will be very difficult to return to the business mainstream.
  • Avoid vague wording when describing salary such as: “the salary will be approximately such and such”, “the salary will depend on how well you pass the next stages of the interview”, etc.
  • If a candidate refuses to take a test for assessing professional knowledge, arguing that it is below his dignity to fill out any tests there, do not consider such a candidate for this position generally.
  • Remember - you are not evaluating a person, but a candidate. There are no universally good or bad candidates, there are suitable and unsuitable candidates for each specific vacancy.

Ekaterina Krupina

  • Recruitment and selection, Labor market


1 -1

As soon as the door slams behind the candidate, do not put it off indefinitely until fresh impressions have evaporated, evaluate it. After the form below is completed (and pre-printed according to the sample), put it in the candidate's personal file.
This form of candidate assessment will be handy if you followed the recommended interview pattern. It will allow you to compare the qualities, skills and capabilities of the candidate required by the vacancy with his objective qualities, skills and capabilities, that is, to compare the desired and the actual.
Candidate Evaluation Form
FULL NAME. candidate: _______________________________________________ ________________
Job title: _____________________________________________________ ________________
Date of interview: "_________ »____________200__
Scheduled interview start time _____________________________ ________________
The actual time of arrival of the candidate (in case of being late, indicate the reason for being late) ______________________________________________________ ________________
№ _____________________________________________________________ _________
Characteristic "Ideal" candidate (the desired qualities are entered in this column after the examination of the vacancy) __________________________________________________________
Relevant data of the candidate (in this column enter the actual qualities of the candidate) __ ________________________________________________________________ _____________ _

    1. Floor _____________________________________________________________ ________________
    2. Age __________________________________________ _______________ _____________
    3. Family status ______________________________________________ _____________
    4. Titles educational institutions where the candidate could obtain the necessary successful implementation their functional duties knowledge. His desired
      specialization and additional education ________________________ ______________________________________________________
    5. Names of possible positions held by the candidate._______
    6. Profile and names of companies where the candidate could receive and master the skills necessary for the vacancy.
    7. Minimum experience.
    8. List of job responsibilities that the candidate was supposed to perform.
    9. Proficiency in office equipment (PC, copier, fax, etc.), knowledge of software products.

10. Degree of ownership foreign language _______________
11. Professional knowledge and skills required by the candidate.

    1. The presence of a car, a driver's license indicating the category, driving experience.
    2. Availability of housing, desired place of residence.
    3. Psychological qualities that will help to successfully cope with official duties and learn new skills.
    4. Psychological qualities incompatible with work in this position
    5. Psychological characteristics that allow achieving compatibility with employees directly related to the future employee and corresponding to the corporate culture of the organization.
    6. Psychological qualities incompatible with work in this company
    7. Additional requirements.

short information and opinion official The one who conducted the initial interview (i.e. your informal assessment of the candidate) is also very important. Below is a form by which you can evaluate the applicant. To fill out this form, circle the appropriate (your, if possible, objective, opinion about the candidate) number in each line. Calculate the total score, the maximum score is 60, the minimum score is 12. The optimal score will be obtained if the candidate scores no more than three triples, provided that the remaining marks are 4 and 5.
When evaluating, do not confuse appearance with the cost of clothing and the personal taste of the candidate, in the column externalview this refers to the accuracy of the hairstyle, adequate makeup and manicure (if you have a woman in front of you), clean, tidy, suitable clothes for the occasion, unobtrusive accessories. In addition to the timbre of the voice, you need to pay attention to the pace of speech, possible defects in sound pronunciation, vocabulary, and the use of slang words. In the graph physical condition pay particular attention to women and the elderly. It is also necessary to distinguish the qualities necessary when applying for a job from those that can be quickly acquired in the process of adaptation at the workplace (criticality of conditions).

    1. Untidy
    2. Carelessness in clothing
    3. Neat
    4. Pays special attention to his appearance
    1. Harsh, annoying
    2. indistinct
    3. Nice
    1. clear, understandable
    2. Expressive, energetic


    1. Unpleasant, unhealthy appearance
    2. Lack of energy, lethargic
    3. Good physical shape, good looks
    4. Cheerful, energetic
    5. Very energetic, in great shape
    1. Nervous
    2. Shy
    3. Mannered
    4. Tense
    5. Embarrassed
    6. Calm
    7. Adequate
    8. Extraordinarily aged


    1. Shy
    2. Arrogant
    3. Consistent, evidence-based
    4. Enough self-confident
    5. rectilinear
    6. Demonstrates confidence
    7. Unusually self-confident
    1. Illogical
    2. Uncertain
    3. Unclear
    4. Spread over trifles
    5. Clearly expressed, words adequate to meanings
    6. Convincing
    7. Logical
    8. Extraordinary ability in the logic of thought


    1. slow-witted, slow-witted
    2. Accepts what is being said
    3. Attentive, clearly expresses his thoughts
    4. Smart, asks the right questions
    5. Unusual sharpness of mind, perceives a complex of ideas


    1. Sluggish, not ambitious
    2. Lack of interest in self-development
    3. Demonstrates a desire for self-development
    4. Determines future goals, wants to succeed
    5. High ambitions, self-development


    1. Doesn't fit the job
    2. Not relevant but useful
    3. Conform
    4. Above required
    5. Particularly suitable
    6. Keeps learning, leveling up


    1. immature, impulsive
    2. Stubborn
    3. sensible, mature
    4. Cooperative
    5. Responsible
    6. Mature, self-sufficient


    1. Vividly negative
    2. Shows dissatisfaction
    3. Avoids direct questions
    4. Expresses a positive attitude
    5. Demonstrates positive, objectively evaluates "+" and "-"


    1. Expresses extreme embarrassment or aggression
    2. visibly nervous
    3. Does not express discomfort, does not seek to continue the conversation
    4. Demonstrates calm demeanor, continues dialogue
    5. Responds adequately, looking for ways to continue the conversation

Decision: "Accept" (), "Reject" ()

FULL NAME. _______________________________________________________________

Candidate for replacement ____________________________________________

(job title)

The interview was conducted _________________________________________________

(Full name and position of the employee)

The date ___________________


Above average (3)

Medium (2)

Below average (1)

1. Work experience


2. Education


3. Personal characteristics

3.1. Maturity

3.2. Leadership

3.3. group work

3.4. Analytic skills

3.5. Self confidence

3.6. Focus on the interests of the client

3.7. Sociability

Overall score


Consider as a candidate for another position


Signature: ______________________

Professional development and staff training

Example: the Russian-American joint venture lost $100,000 (annual payroll fund) because it did not train its staff on time to work on new equipment, which delayed its commissioning by 2 months.

Mismatch of staff qualifications with the needs of the company adversely affects performance.

The role of vocational training is increasing every year: if a university graduate is 30 years old. the knowledge gained in it was enough for 30-40 years, today a specialist must be retrained every 5-7 years.

Leading companies today have taken it upon themselves to update the qualifications of their employees. The organization of vocational training has become one of the main functions of personnel management, and its budget has become one of the main items of expenditure. IBM, GM, Motorola annually spend more than a billion dollars each on professional development and training of employees in their own universities.

Vocational training is important both for an employee of a multinational corporation and for an employee small company, because it final goal- Increasing the competitiveness of the company.

Professional Development - the process of preparing an employee to perform new production functions, occupy new positions, and solve new problems.

Organizations create special methods and systems for managing professional development - managing professional training, training a reserve of leaders, career development. Leading organizations spend from 2 to 10% of the salary fund on professional development. These costs are the organization's investment in the development of its employees, the return on which is increased productivity.

For example: after completing a 40-hour negotiation training program and a month-long internship, TNK's Moscow office sales agents increased sales from $2 million to $2.7 million per month.

In addition to increasing financial results, investments in professional development create a favorable climate in the organization, increase motivation. Professional development has a positive effect on the employees themselves, as by improving their qualifications and acquiring new skills and knowledge, they become more competitive in the labor market and receive opportunities for professional growth within the organization.

Vocational training contributes to the overall intellectual development of a person, expands erudition and social circle, and gives self-confidence.

The key point in the management of professional development is to determine the needs of the organization in this area., that is, the identification of a discrepancy between the professional knowledge and skills (competences) that personnel must possess to achieve the goals of the organization and the knowledge and skills that they actually possess.

Determining the training needs of an individual employee requires the joint efforts of the human resources officer, the employee himself and his manager. Each side brings its own vision of the problem.

To determine the needs of professional development, it is necessary to understand what the organization's needs for personnel development are:

    Dynamics external environment (consumers, competitors, suppliers, government)

    Development of engineering and technology leading to the emergence of new products, services, production methods

    Changing the organization's development strategy

    Mastering new activities.

The traditional method of identifying and recording needs for professional development are certification and preparation of an individual development plan. During the certification, the prospects for professional development are discussed, and a plan is drawn up individual development. brought together individual plans form the basis of the company's professional development program. It defines the goals of professional development, the means to achieve them and the budget.

Today, personnel assessment centers are becoming more popular, in which, using psychological testing methods, the degree of development of certain professional skills among employees is determined. Comparing the results with the portrait of the “ideal employee” allows you to identify gaps in training and outline a program to eliminate them.

The main goal of the HR manager is the formation of such a staff, the interaction of the company with which will be mutually beneficial.

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The employer will receive interested, qualified employees who are able to work efficiently and fruitfully, employees will receive opportunities for personal and financial growth.

Tasks and goals

To vacant position took the best of the candidates, the personnel department conducts a selection, which includes several stages.

Revealing the degree of compliance of applicants with the stated requirements, they are evaluated according to the following parameters:

  • level and profile of education;
  • skills;
  • experience in this field;
  • personal qualities.

In the arsenal of HR specialists there are a lot of various methods of personnel assessment that study applicants from all sides.

Some are used everywhere, others - because of the complexity and high cost - only when selecting top managers.


The methods used in the selection of candidates have a serious drawback - they are carried out by people. There is always a possibility that the subjective opinion of a company employee will affect the final result.

The manager may not like the appearance or manner of speaking of the applicant, and ceteris paribus, he will choose another candidate who is more attractive to him.

The main task of the employer is to minimize the influence of the human factor on the selection and evaluation process.

We can speak about the reliability of the data obtained only if a number of criteria are met:

  • an integrated approach (not only the candidate’s compliance with the requirements of the position is assessed, but also the company’s ability to satisfy the specialist’s needs in terms of development and career growth);
  • objectivity (no one's private opinions are taken into account);
  • reliability (the result is not affected external factors, whether it be the weather, the mood or the well-being of any of the participants in the process, and repeated diagnostics are guaranteed to give the same results);
  • predictability (the potential of the candidate is analyzed - what kind of work and at what level he is able and ready to perform);
  • clarity of wording (selection criteria should be clear to all participants in the process);
  • reliability (the actual level of skills and abilities is assessed).

Steps in the selection process

On the way to the coveted vacancy, applicants go through several tests.

stage number Name essence
1 preliminary Held personnel service, a line manager or, in smaller organizations, the director himself. Aimed at personal acquaintance with the candidate, clarification of his education and previous experience. May take the form of a telephone interview if there are too many applicants for a position.
2 Questionnaire to help get more full information about applicants. It contains, among other things, questions about the functionality at the previous place of work, personal achievements, the reason for dismissal.
3 Tests can be used both to identify professional competencies, abilities and potential of a person, and for the disclosure of some personality traits.
4 Interviewing The interview can be structured and free. In the first case, questions are asked one after another according to a pre-planned plan. In the second, only the range of topics is defined, and communication personnel worker with the applicant is like a casual conversation.
5 Testing Recommendations At this stage, a company representative contacts the people indicated in the candidate’s resume as recommenders and clarifies information about the applicant’s work experience, achievements and successes in the same place, and also collects feedback about him as a person.
6 Medical checkup () As a rule, candidates applying for a position with increased health requirements pass a medical examination.
7 Decision-making The director compares the test results of candidates who have reached the last level and selects the one who is most suitable for this position.

The path from sending to making a decision is not always so long. In most cases, the verdict is announced after the interview.

The passage of all stages, as a rule, is provided only for the selection of personnel for senior positions in large companies.

Methods for evaluating candidates when applying for a job

Evaluation of candidates for employment is based on a set of the most popular methods.

Their use makes it possible to obtain the most accurate and objective information about applicants.


The method is popular, but ambiguous.

Personnel workers outline the circle of the most important personal and professional qualities of an employee for a particular position.

On their basis, several tests are selected that reveal these qualities.

Conditionally tests are divided into several categories:

  • for aptitude;
  • intellectual;
  • personal.

Depending on what goals the HR specialist pursues, they are used separately or in combination.

Aptitude Test

Determines the candidate's compliance with the requirements of the position and his ability to perform a particular activity.

The subject is asked to answer a series of questions regarding future work.

They help to establish the level of knowledge, knowledge of terminology, understanding of production processes.

Aptitude Assessment

This test is aimed at analyzing the general level of development of the applicant, as well as the characteristics of his memory, attention and intelligence.

In particular, the method reveals a person's ability to learn, master new skills and knowledge.

personality tests

This diagnostic evaluates non-intellectual manifestations of personality: will, motivation, emotions. Predicts possible behavior in different situations and features of interpersonal relationships.

The complexity of the tests is to correctly carry out the procedure and evaluate the results.

This should be done by a qualified psychologist-diagnostician. When interpreting the data received, he focuses not only on the candidate's answers, but also on his behavior during the testing process: how quickly he works, whether he asks for help, whether he easily adapts to new conditions.

Sometimes such observations give much more information about a person than a hundred questions.

Biography study

This method is based on the analysis life path candidate.

Sources of information can be both a resume and a questionnaire, as well as former colleagues. The analysis takes into account everything: frequent job changes, large gaps between dismissal and employment in a new place, reasons for leaving the previous employer.

If in work book Applicant fresh entries appear every six months - it is obvious that he will not stay in this company for a long time.

In this case, management will give preference to a more permanent applicant.


Method business evaluation to get maximum information about professional qualities and experience of a person and draw a conclusion about his compliance with the requirements of the position.

The most popular subspecies is the case interview. The candidate is presented with several real situations regarding the upcoming work, and is asked to tell how he would have acted in this or that case.


An angry customer calls - they did not bring the goods at the agreed time. The delivery date was coordinated by another employee who is not currently in place. Your actions?

See another similar example of this assessment option in the video:

Analysis of responses provides a lot of information about business qualities person and demonstrates a probable model of his behavior in a non-standard situation, for example:

  • the ability to respond quickly;
  • stress tolerance;
  • ability to resolve conflict;
  • responsibility (whether he is ready to solve the problem himself or will shift the blame to an absent colleague).

Also, during the selection, a stress interview is often used, designed to assess the endurance and composure of applicants.

Other techniques

Some employers include in the selection procedure non-standard methods, such as:

  • physiognomy;
  • handwriting analysis;
  • astrology;
  • palmistry;
  • lie detector.

The reliability of these assessment methods is doubtful, but they are used quite rarely.

Possible problems