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The development of the internal political system, diplomatic relations between states increases the role of each person, his behavior in solving political issues. We learn what science understands by political behavior, and what properties it endows a political personality.


Political behavior is a system of conscious and unconscious actions of a person who is the subject of politics.

It can be:

  • the actions of individuals and mass demonstrations;
  • spontaneous and organized actions.

Science highlights various ways political behaviour. This may be interaction with other people, government agencies, political parties. In addition, relations with all the listed political participants can be built in different ways: on the basis of mutual understanding and support, or rivalry, struggle.

What kind of behavior one or another participant chooses depends on his political interests and personal values. The motives of different groups of the population at the time of their inclusion in political life can be completely different.

The Civil War in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century can serve as a historical example of the confrontation of different political interests, when the population of the country was divided into groups according to how they saw the future of the country. Some people were in favor of building a socialist state, someone was a supporter of the monarchy. All of them were ready to defend their interests by force of arms.

Forms of political behavior

There are many different forms of political behavior. In order to visualize all their diversity, we present a classification that reflects different aspects political behaviour.

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We will pay special attention to two forms of political behavior:

  • spontaneous political behavior;

It is one of the most dangerous, as it often leads to negative consequences. Its symptoms are: uncontrollability, various forms aggression, a large role of casual leader.

  • electoral political behavior;

This is a legitimate (recognized by the state and society) form of political behavior, the meaning of which is to participate in elections, referendums, express one's opinion on the issue of appointing candidates to public office. This choice is always based on the consciousness of a person, his views. But in some countries there is a problem of non-participation of citizens in elections. The reasons for this may be the low level of political culture of people, the lack of faith in the honesty of the election procedure, etc.

Society and the state cannot disregard the political behavior of people, since the stability and development of the political system largely depends on this, on which the security of people depends. In particular, the norms of state regulation prohibit such types of influence on politics as terror, armed clashes.

Another manifestation of state regulation of political behavior is the desire for organization (association in official groups- parties, so that people can legally express their opinion), the dissemination of democratic ideas, political education, special attention to the qualities of political leaders.

What have we learned?

Political behavior is a set of human actions in the field of politics. Participants in political life are all citizens of democratic states, parties and state bodies. All of them in one way or another affect the political development of the country. Behavior can be individual or mass, organized or spontaneous. The state seeks to regulate the political behavior of people in order to prevent the manifestation of aggressive, extremist actions, to ensure stable development.

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Political behavior- these are the features of political activity and political participation, how a person behaves in a particular political event, this is a way of manifesting political participation and political activity.

Factors affecting political behavior:

  • individual emotional and psychological qualities a participant in the political process (for example, emotionality, unpredictability, balance, prudence, etc.);
  • personal (group) interestь subject or participant in political actions;
  • moral principles and values;
  • to competence about the assessment of a particular political event, which is manifested in how well the subject or participant controls the situation, understands the essence of what is happening;
  • motivation and degree of involvement of the subject in political life. For some, participation in political events is a random episode; for others, politics is a profession; for others, it is a vocation and the meaning of life; for others, it is a way to earn a living.
  • Bulk behavior can be driven socio-psychological properties of the crowd, when individual motivation is suppressed and dissolved in the not quite conscious (sometimes spontaneous) actions of the crowd

Types of political behavior:

  • "open”, i.e. political action; under political action understood part social action generally; objects of action are distinguished in it, and individuals, large and small, are the subject social groups, organizations
  • "closed" characterized by a desire to withdraw from participation in political life.
  • adaptive behavior- behavior associated with the need to adapt to the objective conditions of political life;
  • situational behavior- this is behavior due to a specific situation, when the subject or participant in political action has practically no choice;
  • behavior due to political manipulation(by lies, deceit, populist promises, people are “forced” to behave in one way or another);
  • forced behavior, caused by coercion to certain kind behavior. Such methods of influencing behavior are characteristic of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes of power.


Forms of political behavior in terms of compliance with existing norms:

  • lawful conduct- associated with actions and deeds that do not contradict the norms and principles of a given socio-political system, its constitution and others legal acts regulating relations between the individual and the state, individual and society;
  • deviant behavior- a set of such actions and deeds of a person that do not correspond to the norms (models) of behavior established in a given society. Among them: various offenses of an antisocial, anti-state nature (for example, hooligan behavior at a rally, demonstration, during picketing; desecration of state symbols; unauthorized actions of a political nature, etc.); opposition to the authorities, the implementation of political actions that violate public order, etc. political protest- this is a manifestation of a negative attitude towards the political system as a whole or towards its individual elements, norms, values, political decisions in an openly demonstrated form
  • extremist behavior- unauthorized or violent actions against the existing constitutional order, calls for its violent overthrow; aggressive nationalism; political terrorism, etc.

Terrorism belongs to extremist types of political behavior. Political terrorism- systematic or single violence with the use of weapons (explosions, arson, organization of disasters, etc.) or the threat of violence that harms people and property in order to create an atmosphere of fear, panic, a sense of anxiety, danger, distrust of power. The main thing is to intimidate the government and the population. Unlike ordinary criminal offenses, political terrorism manifests itself in such political actions that receive a wide public response, capable of shocking the whole society, influencing the course of political events and decision-making.

Forms of political behavior in terms of succession:

  • traditional, corresponding to established political ideas, mentality, typical for a given political culture;
  • innovative, creating new patterns of political behavior, generating new features of political relations.

Forms of political behavior according to the target orientation:

  • toconstructive contributing to the normal functioning of the political system;
  • destructive undermining the political order.

Forms of political behavior by the number of participants:

  • individual- these are the actions of an individual that have socio-political significance;
  • group- associated with the activities of political organizations or a spontaneously formed politically active group of individuals;
  • massive- Elections, referendums, rallies, demonstrations.

Forms of participation in the political life of the country:

  • belonging to parties and political organizations,
  • activities in elected bodies of state power,
  • reading periodicals and familiarization with political broadcasts of radio and television,
  • appeal to the authorities, as well as to the editorial offices of newspapers, magazines, on radio and television with proposals to improve the existing situation;
  • protest forms . political protest- this is a manifestation of a negative attitude towards the political system as a whole or towards its individual elements, norms, values, political decisions in an openly demonstrated form.

Methods for regulating political behavior.

  • Legal regulation. The laws contain norms that, in the interests of the security of society and the state, establish restrictions on the use of civil rights and freedoms. For example, the right to gather for rallies, demonstrations, and picketing is limited by an indication that these meetings must be held peacefully, without weapons.
  • Approval in society democratic values defining civilized rules of conduct.
  • Organization of policy subjects. The presence of organizations whose activities comply with the requirements of the law reduces the role of spontaneous manifestations in political life, makes political behavior more responsible
  • political education and dissemination of truthful political information.
  • Important the role of political leaders, their norms, the ability to lead followers along the path of compliance with legal, political and moral standards.

The material was prepared by: Melnikova Vera Alexandrovna.

From time to time political society experiences a general crisis. The whole organization of the political society and the behavior of its citizens turn out to be inadequate to the changes that have taken place in the world - for example, the onset of the Information Age. Then the psychological and political reconstruction of the entire political consciousness and behavior of the population of the state begins. Then the parliament carries out a purposeful revision of the legal base of the state, the government begins the intellectual expansion of new ideas, the army carries out the physical suppression of centers of opposition to changes, and so on. However, the situation is often complicated due to a lack of resources for change: intellectual, informational, technological, financial, human. Then the process of rebirth of some or all political communities and their functions begins. Political communities begin to perform their functions on the principle of "the other way around": to do what they are designed to prevent.

4.1. The rebirth of the behavior of a group of communities, policy makers.

in the policy creators group. Advice due to the inability to solve problems within the framework of the current law, organizes coup(a radical change in the life of society) or a sharp turn, a turning point in the development of society. An example of a political upheaval carried out by the supreme state council can be the history of the NEP in the USSR, when, after the death of Lenin, according to Zinoviev, “the party was in a fever ... a crisis broke out in the party ... a coup was brewing.” On July 20, 1926, a rapidly growing political upheaval began. The NEP was brutally suppressed. Among the most famous coups in the history of Russia are the reforms of Nikon (1654-1676), the overthrow of Sophia (1689), the exile of Menshikov (1727), etc.

meetings covers a crisis when, due to disagreements, it gets into a quandary. (The actual meaning of the term “crisis” in Greek is “judgment”). When in crisis, the assembly hinders the functioning of the political system. Political crises are diverse - the crisis of politics, power, government, parliament, crises of relations between the legislative and executive power, crisis of confidence, etc. Russian psychological and political crises are traditionally referred to as troubles (the death of Boris Godunov in 1605, the deposition of Vasily Shuisky in 1610, etc.). A classic example of an assembly in Russia is the "seven boyars", the "triple leaders", the government of Trubetskoy and Pozharsky.

When nation there is a sense of the danger of losing the living space, it carries out revolution(a radical change in the socio-economic structure of society, or, in other words, a deep and qualitative change in the development of society (in the mode of production, in various fields of knowledge). A revolution is always the fruit of national politics. A revolution is aimed at changing the system of power in such a way that life path nation was fully represented in science, culture, economics, state law. There is a connection between the psycho-political development of a nation and its ability to carry out a revolution.

The audience, desperate to find an explanation for what is happening by methods of proof, transforms his misunderstanding into judgment seat. For example, Tomsky told Rykov about Preobrazhensky: “You see, he read the chapter on primitive capitalist accumulation in the 16th century in Marx’s Capital a hundred and fifty times, and it unfortunately clogged his brain, hence his incurable head constipation. Well, yes, his whole theory is from this constipation "(Valentinov V., 1991.). Reference: all three were shot.

4.2. The rebirth of the functions of a community group, policy executors.

Disappointed in failed project team, resorts to coup- an attempted political coup initiated by a small group of people. The psychology of the putsch is rooted in the solid unity of the motive and action of the members of the "team", united by a single will. A team should be distinguished from a group. The team has a rigid structure, team members have strictly defined responsibilities that overlap to a small extent. The team is provided with instructions and meaningfully acts with partners and tasks. The team is characterized by courage, determination, endurance and cruelty. The team is characterized by stability, manifested in workable activity and volitional acts.

Government, being unable to carry out its plans, degrades to corruption: criminal activity in the field of politics, which consists in the use officials their rights and power opportunities for the purpose of personal enrichment. Typical forms of corruption are bribery, bribery for the legal and illegal provision of benefits and advantages, protectionism - the promotion of workers on the basis of kinship, community, personal loyalty and friendly relations. Psychological reasons Corruption in the government lies in the discrepancy between the intellectual and strong-willed qualities of its corrupt members and the extremely complex professional tasks that they solve. These tasks are so complex that they defy the classification (taxonomy) adopted for the most complex technical systems. In fact, their solution has such a class of intelligent professional management activities, which represents a value in itself that surpasses any benefits that can be obtained for its implementation

Army, disagreeing with the new project of political power, resorts to rebellion- armed uprising against it. Rebellion is a manifestation of political resistance on the part of the power structures of the state - the army, police, security services. The leading psychological characteristic of the army is its stability, both at rest (in peacetime) and during combat operations (on the battlefield). The ability to maintain a given direction of activity, prescribed behaviors, appearance, circulation, regardless of the support or resistance it meets - determines the quality of the army. If the army is psychologically stronger than the political leadership of the state, then its control is lost: it leaves the given state of equilibrium - a rebellion begins.

Labor team due to the impossibility of performing its activities, resorts to strikes- struggle in the form of collective termination of work at one or several enterprises. Typical strikes: warning, rolling or stepped, vice versa (continuation of work despite the closure of enterprises), periodic, intermittent (rolling from shop to shop, paralyzing the work of the enterprise), strikes of zeal (or work strictly according to the rules), etc. Labor activity With at great expense formed by all institutions of state power. Its destruction is the most powerful social catastrophe that can befall a society. The beginning of the collapse of the Russian Empire was laid by strikes that began on January 11, 1916. Strikes destroy the most valuable asset of the state - labor resources, which are very vulnerable and unprotected from political upheavals.

4.3. The rebirth of the functions of a community group, policy disseminators.

They start doing the opposite. AT parties internal struggle begins. Those who disagree with the majority of the party are subjected to ostracism(expulsion, isolation in ancient Greece of citizens dangerous to the state, by secret ballot, carried out by shards on which the names of the expelled were written). What is happening in modern political life is not called ostracism, but more euphonious names are found for it: expulsion from the party, removal from the leadership, resignation, dismissal, reduction, retirement, departure, arrest, conviction, execution, disappearance missing - a whole arsenal of words and actions. This deprives the ostracized person of the opportunity to influence the political life of society. Exile physical, or informational, or material, or administrative extends both to individuals as well as for entire nations. In Russia, ostracism was called disgrace. Menshikov, Suvorov, Speransky, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Pyatakov, Radek, Rakovsky, N. Khrushchev, G. Romanov, etc. were its victims. etc. In Germany, Hitler's associates - Rehm, Brückner, Ludendorff, Strasser, Graefe, and others - were subjected to severe ostracism in a similar way. It will not be difficult to find many more examples of this almost childish punishment, which acquires a terrible appearance in politics.

Parliament, faced with insoluble political problems, exposes opponents to obstruction- a protest in the form of disruption of the discussion. The disruption of the meeting is carried out by creating noise, making long, irrelevant speeches, endless discussion of the rules, etc. The adoption of a decision undesirable for the minority is not allowed or delayed. A classic example of political obstruction is the controversy near the podium on June 9, 1989 at the 1st Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR. S. speaks, G. presides. The following dialogue takes place: - “G. All the same, finish, S. Two regulations have already been used. - S. I’m finishing. I omit the arguments. I’m missing a lot. Expired. Please excuse me. That's all. - S. I insist. - G. That's it, Comrade S. Comrade S., do you respect the congress? All right, that's it. - S. (Inaudible) "etc. (First Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR. Verbatim report. Vol. 111. P. 328).

small group, a non-political formation, however, also becomes a participant in political exacerbation. In a small group develops conflict due to assessments of the political situation - a clash of opposing forces and interests, strife, disagreement, a dispute threatening complications. It appears in the form of: 1. intrapersonal conflict, which is a clash between approximately equal in strength, but oppositely directed interests, needs, inclinations, etc., 2. In the form of interpersonal conflict, which is defined as a situation where actors either pursue incompatible goals and realize conflicting values, or, at the same time, in a competitive struggle, they strive to achieve a goal that can only be achieved by one of the parties. 3. In the form of an intergroup conflict, when the conflicting parties are social groups pursuing incompatible goals and hindering each other in their implementation. An example is the political conflicts between the authorities and small groups in the 50-90s of the 20th century: with the movement for human rights (A. Ginzburg, A. Amalrik, V. Bukovsky, A. Sinyavsky), with the movement for socio-economic rights (L .Agapova, V. Novodvorskaya, V. Senderov), with the Russian national movement (Fetisov, Shimanov, Vagin), with the Ukrainian national movement (Y. Gasyuk, P. Lukyanenko, N. Bogach), with the Orthodox (B. Talanov, D .Dudko), with national movements - Lithuanian, Estonian, Latvian, Armenian, Georgian, Crimean Tatar, Jewish, German, etc.

Public, in case of political difficulties, organizes conspiracies- a secret agreement on joint actions against the government. This is an agreement, a conspiracy of several individuals, acting individually or as leaders of political forces, to act together against someone or, more rarely, something in order to achieve certain political goals. A conspiracy is a special kind of political intrigue, characterized by maximum secrecy and a negative, destructive orientation. Conspiracies are aimed at the intellectual and moral suppression of the opponent, the political removal of the opponent. Conspiracies arise among people who are not directly related to power. The public environment for the conspiracy is the public, which has the right and opportunity to assemble in in public places: churches, theaters, exhibitions, festivities, pubs, etc. Persons who gather there to contemplate the spectacle, perform civil acts, familiarize themselves with works of art are called the public. The main purpose of such meetings is the dissemination of politics by the method of psychological imitation. They imitate a new manner of behavior, a way of understanding social phenomena, a style of dress, a form of expressing their feelings, an assessment of current politicians, a manner of communicating with representatives of the existing government.

4.4. The rebirth of the functions of a group of communities that obey politics.

They, on the contrary, are out of obedience. are going crowds who start disorder: mass popular unrest, which is an expression of protest against the authorities. Riots are the most primitive and wild form of political activity of the masses of people. They are accompanied by a violation of the regime of life, the order of traffic, a violation of the functioning of all support systems, and develop into vandalism. In the event that the authorities are unable to stop the riots, the crowd does not stop at the blood and attempt on the life of everyone who, for whatever reason, seems fit for it. The most cruel mockery of a person, the most brutal murders known in political psychology, were carried out by the crowd. The explanation for this is that the crowd is formed on the basis of individual passions and completely loses all the subjective, personal qualities of its constituent people, and even more so the qualities of individuality.

A family, which is primarily threatened by political instability, gives rise to mafia- a secret criminal family organization that uses methods of violence. The mafia carries out illegal, criminal influence on persons, state and public institutions and organizations in order to achieve illegal economic, political or personnel advantages. The ancestor of the concept of "mafia", Gentile, claims that it originated in antiquity and became a means of protecting one's own dignity, a support for the weak and a guarantee of compliance with human laws. The mafia helps its members with methods of terror and violence. This interaction of the family with society is not typical only of Sicilians, Calabrians and Neopolitans. In Russia, there is no clear division of mafia members into fratellos (brothers); capo (head, chief), consigliari (advisers), but the system of family, tribal, kindred support, protection from state power by the "call of blood" is present. In the event of a weakening of political power or, on the contrary, its excessive strengthening, it, family support, comes to life again along with the most ancient superstitions. Members of the family, clan, community are bound by mutual responsibility and the most primitive mechanisms of protection of "us" from "them" are put into action.

Rice. 6. Regeneration of the functions of political communities, causing doubts in a political person.

Population, realizing the danger to himself of a political crisis, defends himself from ethnic, socio-economic and other problems uprising- mass armed uprising against the authorities. From a psychological and political point of view, the decisive role in provoking it is played by the inadequacy of socio-economic changes, into which the bulk of the population cannot “fit in”. This happened under Tsar Alexei, when copper money was issued instead of silver money and thereby caused mass starvation deaths. Then began a massive outflow of golotby to the Don, Volga, and then the uprising of S. Razin. It was attended by Mordovians, Cheremis, Tatars - the entire population of the state, in which the authorities violated the norms of cooperation and interaction "each with each."

Rally, as a premonition of the danger of a political crisis, is collected for a limited time, but as a rule, develops into demonstration- political action organized on the basis of jointness in order to expand its influence to the largest possible area. Demonstration is a spatial formation of individuals. The decisive factor in the passage of demonstrations is the character of the people participating in it. The habit of performing a demonstration in a certain way requires a long period of preparation and education of the participants. That is why the demonstrations in Russia after 1991 became violent and poorly organized.

Theme 5. Destruction of the "political man" in the struggle of the political society with the pre-political one.

Confrontation of political and pre-political society. In the state at all times, two opposing groupings of communities coexist simultaneously: political and pre-political. This is a confrontation between two incompatible philosophies of life, organizations of life that are fighting each other not for life, but for death. The struggle between them goes on with varying success. During periods of political crisis, i.e. weakening of the political community begins to dominate pre-political society. Then a lot of people, former citizens of the state, cheat on it and move into the ranks of criminal communities that take care of their security and safety.

The main reason for the confrontation between the political and pre-political community is a different attitude towards the state. Many people, deceived by the state, do not agree to live according to its norms and rules, which give advantages to some and deprive others of any chance. The fight is conducted by all available methods. Indirectly: members of pre-political communities regenerate the main political communities by infiltrating them. Directly: they create parallel pre-political communities that enter into direct competition and even war with political communities. Pre-political communities have their own, criminal meaning of life, their own life values your life goals. The fundamental difference lies in the fact that pre-political communities organize the efficient consumption of use value, but are unable to organize its efficient production.

The emergence, spread, strengthening of pre-political communities is one of the most severe sufferings of the state. Theoretically, it is possible, and international practice shows that the competition between a political society and a pre-political one often leads to the creation of criminal territories on the site of former states - the defeat of a political society. The political person suffers the most from this development of events. To support a political person, it is necessary to understand his ideas about who a person is, what is the value, what are the mechanisms of his behavior, how is the influence on human behavior organized and what is the content of his consciousness?

An open attack of a pre-political society on a political one took place on September 11, 2001 in New York, and was called an act of terrorism. The pre-political society has grown stronger thanks to the efforts of many pre-political communities pursuing a policy of extremism in relation to the state. The main tasks of extremism is to counter any form of political power, and main goal Terrorism is the destruction of any political power. Terrorism will exist under two conditions: a) as long as its roots exist in the form of at least one of the 16 types of extremism, and b) when the modernization of power will not keep up with the changes in society. Such conditions were created with the beginning of global changes.

Terrorism is not an isolated phenomenon caused by the tactics of fighting “someone with someone”. And this is a challenge to state power and an attempt to create a society without a political system and without political power. This is a struggle against the existing world order, in which extremism cannot use heavy weapons, the open movement of large masses of armed people, and publicly declare their claims to power. Opportunities of this kind are created only by the state and are still only in the hands of legitimate authorities. Temporarily.

5.1. Perversion of the activities of policy makers.

5. Blatnyak appeared in the mid-1920s on Solovki. Blatnyak denotes the aristocrats of the penitentiary world, recognizing only the laws of thieves, and rejecting all other laws. They despise all non-thieves, including criminals. The thieves form a kind of closed club, which has an unwritten charter and law. For example, according to the old tradition, a thug does not attack a single woman with a child, or, while in custody, does not take away the rations from another prisoner. Any violation of the law is discussed collectively, and the guilty person is most often expelled from among the thieves or sentenced to death. It is not the one who wants to become thieves, but whom the thieves accept at the suggestion of one of them. The candidate goes through, often, extremely cruel tests. Nationality and religion does not matter.

Blatnyak penetrated into all spheres of the life of political society in the form of thieves' jargon. The dictionary of the modern criminal environment contains over ten thousand words and expressions. Although 300-400 jargon words are enough for a blatar to communicate. The thieves' jargon dictionaries are of educational interest only. They cannot be used as teaching aids for people who romanticize the world of thieves. Fenya is akin foreign language: You can't master it just by reading a dictionary.

In the 20th century, about a quarter of the population of Russia went through prisons and camps, where criminal laws ruled and still rule. People who came out of prison unwittingly brought from there and spread in society the thieves' jargon, which in Russia in the 20th century became something like French for the nobles of the 20th century. The country from top to bottom, from government officials to TV commentators, speaks in bad thieves' jargon, not realizing that this is the language of the enemy. It is the language of an alien worldview, an alien life position, an alien way of life hostile to political society. In an intellectual and moral sense, the use of criminal jargon is a betrayal, something like selling ammunition to your opponent right on the battlefield.

6. Dogmatism- one-sided, schematic, ossified thinking, operating with undiscussed truths. At the heart of dogmatism is blind faith in authorities, the defense of outdated provisions. Dogmatism primarily infects politics and science. Criteria system is not developed. Philosophical positions are absolutized and create rigid boundaries that guide science along a given path. Some scientific theories are absolutized, others are persecuted.

It is dogmatism, as a social disease, that is the main brake on the development of science and human society. Dividing the world into good and evil, people v into friends and foes, dogmatism at the same time inspires that for him there is no sphere of the unfamiliar, the unknown. Dogmatism clearly asserts that it knows what hell and heaven are, what communism, the rule of law, is. In reality, all nature changes every minute, and the changeable future from the point of view of reasonableness (perfection, optimality) is uncertainty, secret, secret, unfamiliar. This is indicated, among other things, by the factor of chance, which determined the theory of probability. The illusion of dogmatism fetters the search initiative, because religions link a better future only with paradise, conservatism conserves everything bad. Dogmatism is not limited to suggestion, but reinforces suggestions with threats. Dogmatism forms the most dangerous, worst mentality, which rejoices, for example, when an enemy is humiliated, in fear and suffers (subordinate, weaker, a citizen of a different race, nationality, etc.).

7. Chauvinism best described by N.S. Trubetskoy. The positions that a person can take in relation to the national question are quite numerous, but they are all located between two extreme limits: chauvinism on the one hand and cosmopolitanism on the other. There is no fundamental difference between chauvinism and cosmopolitanism. These are two different aspects of the same phenomenon. The chauvinist proceeds from the a priori position that the best people in the world are precisely his people. The culture created by his people is better, more perfect than all other cultures. His people alone have the right to excel and rule over other peoples, who must submit to him, adopting his faith, language and culture and merge with him. Everything that stands in the way of this final triumph of a great people must be swept away by force.

The cosmopolitan, on the other hand, denies the differences between nationalities. If such differences exist, they must be eliminated. Civilized humanity must be united and have a single culture. The uncivilized peoples must accept this culture, join it, and, entering the family of civilized peoples, walk with them along the same path of world progress. Civilization is the highest good, for the sake of which it is necessary to sacrifice national characteristics. The psychological foundation of cosmopolitanism is the same as the foundation of chauvinism.

It is a kind of that unconscious prejudice, that special psychology which is best called egocentrism. Another kind of false nationalism manifests itself in militant chauvinism. Here the matter boils down to the desire to spread the language and culture of one's people to the largest possible number of foreigners, eradicating any national identity in these latter. But the originality of a given national culture is valuable only insofar as it harmonizes with the mental image of its creators and bearers. As soon as culture is transferred to a people with an alien mental structure, the whole meaning of its originality disappears and the very assessment of culture changes. The main fallacy of aggressive chauvinism lies in ignoring this correlation of any given form of culture with its specific ethnic subject.

8. BlackPR spun off from the institute of "public relations". All specialties in PR categorically deny their involvement in black PR. Serious public relations specialists are experiencing this situation very hard, and explain it by the fact that real PR and high-quality media can only exist in a democratic society, which has not yet developed in Russia. Therefore, it is too early to talk about the emergence of a full-fledged client for PR agencies in the Russian Federation, both in the political sphere and in business. Hence the black PR.

Those who do not deny "black PR" with humor set out, for example, the technology of a PR attack: 1. Drawing up a virtual portrait of the "client". Any information about a competitor is collected and the most vulnerable spots are found. Corruption, bribery of judges, betrayal of state interests, etc. are collected in one folder. They do not disdain secrets of their personal lives, unconventional inclinations, hobbies and individual qualities: pride, greed, selfishness. 2) placement of the "portrait" in the press. The media plan of "black specialists" contains, as a rule, illegal actions, payment in "black cash". At the same time, good personal relations with the editor-in-chief are most valued - it is easier to negotiate this way. 3. Opposition to rivals. They perfectly understand that the opponent has his own connections with the media. If there is, it is necessary to agree on the "blocking" of response articles, that is, the publishing house receives money (about 100 thousand dollars) with the condition not to print counter-materials. Another option for "blocking" is the conclusion of long-term contracts for the placement of your advertising. 4. Accompanying the "victim". Conducting a course of "shock therapy", black masters keep their finger on the pulse of the victim: how he reacts to the information flow, what steps he takes. Every week, the headquarters hold a meeting, set goals and tasks, and adjust areas of activity. 5. The end of the story. The indignant public begins to call the poor fellow "hammered" by PR people to account. Well-known public and political figures speak out on a problem that has received a wide response in society (not without the initiative of "puppeteers"). The "heavy artillery" represented by the federal or local administration is being prepared for the decisive blow. 6. Curtain... Hundreds of thousands (!) of people who are educated, educated and qualified in the world are involved in such "activities" during the election period.

5.2. Perversion of the work of a group of communities - executors of policy.

1. Banditry- a crime against public safety under Art. 209 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which consists in: a) the creation of a stable armed group (gang) for the purpose of attacking citizens or organizations, as well as the leadership of such a group (gang); or b) participation in a stable armed group (gang) or in attacks carried out by it. The very fact of organizing an armed gang is recognized as a completed crime, even if the gang has not committed a single attack. Participation in a gang is also a completed crime. In Russia, during the political crisis, banditry became, according to researchers, a “social power market” that covered the first, new Russian entrepreneurial one. When it became possible to make money on anything, banditry, extrapolated into social life, became a "terrorist bureaucracy", a specific form of social management. Bandit ethics, bandit laws and "concepts" became the Russian variety of "Protestant ethics". The society had to be managed somehow - that's why the bandits appeared. Life began to be controlled according to the laws of the "zone". Society has adopted a gangster ethic.

Banditry openly exists under the name of "roof" and is engaged in protecting the entrepreneur from the authorities, a competitor and a bandit, is a weighty argument in negotiations, establishes the necessary connections, transfers bribes, intercedes during disassemblies and beats off "grandmothers". Roof - a kind of tax for the right to work in the territory controlled by the "owner", the one who "holds the bump" in the area. The amount of tribute is determined either as a fixed amount or as a percentage of the profits. Tends to develop into full control of the business through authorized persons, or even in the alienation of the business into the ownership of the bandits themselves. The basic principle of the roof: the "huckster" in life owes the "right guys" and is obliged to "endure".

The bandit "roof" is never looked for - it always comes by itself without warning. Each market, urban area, each type of illegal business (begging, prostitution, drugs, gambling) is controlled by its own group. For his money, as a rule, a “delovar” (i.e., an entrepreneur) can only count on the fact that he will not be terrorized by several groups at once. Today banditry is being transformed into a legal business everywhere.

The existing "roofs" can be divided into two main types: gangster ("blue") and state ("red"). "Red roofs", in turn, differ in departmental affiliation. They are “bureaucratic”, “Cop”, “COP”, “Chekist”, etc. The “Cop roof” appeared and gained strength in the era of the “tipping point” of pseudo-reforms, marked by an unprecedented increase in the state apparatus, the expansion of its rights and, accordingly, the responsibilities of business entities

Researchers note the stages of the construction of "roofs" in Russia: 1986-1989. - the emergence and formation of gangster ("blue") "roofs" over the cooperators. 1990-1993 - mass process of "protection" of medium business in the conditions of privatization. Use in the form of "roofs" of private security companies. Merging crime with big business. 1994-1996 - big business finally goes under the "roof". The emergence of “red roofs” and the displacement of “blue roofs” by them. Creation and use as a cover of various associations and funds to support veterans of law enforcement agencies. 1997-1999 - complete displacement of the monopoly of "blue roofs" from big business. Most businessmen begin to use the services of both types of "roofs". 2000-2002 - firms begin to acquire several "red roofs" at the same time. The most common combinations are: customs - FSB, tax police - police.

2. Shadow economy, interacting with the state in economic and social processes, does not pay taxes on the income received as a result of this interaction. According to the most conservative estimates, since 1992, about 50-70 billion dollars have been exported from Russia annually, which is comparable to the annual volume of Russian exports and is 2-3 times higher than the country's foreign trade balance. $102 billion is said to be working capital shadow economy of Russia in 1991-96. Other figures are also called, many times larger than those given above.

The main circle of the shadow economy is export-import operations. The range of export commodities that make money: aluminum, cobalt, nickel, ferrous metals, oil and gas. As a result of an illiterate or malicious policy of exporters, Russia annually loses up to 20-25% of foreign exchange earnings from exports. This was in 1994-1996. from 14 to 18 billion dollars a year.

But the shadow economy also includes an openly criminal economy, which includes the trade in weapons, drugs, alcohol, prostitution, begging, racketeering, illegal migration, etc. The shadow economy has given rise to phenomena colloquially referred to as "black market", "black PR", "black cash", "black court", "black electoral technologies", etc., which are not discussed, not taken into account, not controlled due to their complete inaccessibility for researchers. The shadow economy is financial view"guerrilla warfare against the state" and its institutions, including both economic methods and methods of physical intimidation. No one officially declared this war, no one admitted to it, and due to a misunderstanding, the shadow economy is not understood as a war against the authorities.

Rice. 7. Perversion of the functions of political communities, leading the political person into confusion.

The subjects of the shadow economy form a kind of pyramid. At its peak is the criminal, criminal part - "authorities" and their work force- drug dealers and weapons, racketeers, bandits (robbers and hired killers), pimps and prostitutes. There are also corrupt representatives of the authorities and administration. In terms of numbers, all these individuals make up, according to various estimates, from 5 to 25% of the entire pyramid and have significant power and influence. This is clearly a criminal, anti-social part of the economic sector.

The middle part of the pyramid is formed by shadow business executives (entrepreneurs, merchants, bankers, small and medium-sized businessmen). These people are the motor economic activity Russia. It is they who are able to act in a normal society as the basis of the middle class. market economy. Today they are forced to go "into the shadows" mainly because the costs of their activity under the "rules of the game" created by the authorities in the economy exceed the corresponding benefits and incomes. Against the backdrop of the wholesale plundering of the budget, calls to "pay taxes and sleep peacefully" look like a mockery. It should be noted that, compared with the beginning of the 1990s, law enforcement indeed, they are more successful in fighting racketeering (at least in its most "limitless" manifestations). But until now, the gangster "roof" provides small and medium-sized entrepreneurs with greater guarantees than government agencies.

The third group is represented by hired workers of physical and mental (intellectual) labor: they can be joined by small and medium-sized civil servants, in whose income, according to available estimates, up to 60% are "gifts" and other little-disguised requisitions from entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens. For this category of persons, unregistered activity is secondary (informal) employment. Their occupation in itself, as a rule, is not illegal, but due to various circumstances (legal and economic), these occupations are removed from the law "into the shadows." In this way, we are talking about potential allies of shadow companies of the second group. In total, the "pyramid" has 30 million people of the economically active population of the country, producing more than 50% of Russia's gross domestic product.

3. Hazing widely known in society as hazing and harassment of young soldiers by old-timers. It is generally accepted that hazing is an indispensable attribute of the army, known from time immemorial. Many researchers believe that hazing is the only way to rationally organize the army, to control young soldiers who are insensitive to other methods of influence.

"Other ways of influence" in the Soviet army disappeared in 1958 with its reduction by one million two hundred thousand people, and the virtual abolition of punishments for war crimes. Then the soldiers disappeared in the barracks, and “young”, “pheasants” and “old men” appeared. The “young” is obliged to do everything for the “grandfather”: peel potatoes, wash the floors, stand in fine clothes, rob and beg while on leave, give the booty to the “grandfathers” and fight. Globalization made its contribution to the development of hazing in connection with the introduction of technically sophisticated weapons into the troops. Most of the recruits are not able to master it, and suffering from an inferiority complex, they create a vicious system of values ​​- hazing. Others argue that hazing refers to a vicious system of values, where the value of a person is determined by signs that do not depend on the quality of the individual.

Hazing has gone beyond military units, infected schools, recreation camps, sports teams. According to professionals, the essence of school bullying is the gradual transformation of a “stranger” (newcomer) who enters this community into “one of their own”. This transformation of "alien" into "one's own" is achieved by the most sophisticated system of cruel tests (bullying, humiliation, beatings, requisitions, performing hard and dirty work for "grandfathers"). The existing elements of hazing are: dividing people into “us” and “them”, registration, alcohol consumption, strict distribution of personality status, arbitrariness, setting debtors on the counter, extortion, forcing them to do work for themselves, gambling, the presence of common girls.

4 Sabotage withdrawn from official circulation, although in Russia it is often used publicly. There are reasons for "withdrawal": the term was used by the Regulations on state crimes (SZ 1927, 12:123) and was included in UK-26 (Art. 58-14). His mention is comparable to the mention of "the devil at night", because the punishment for sabotage was "up to and including execution." The term acquired a legal connotation in 1919 due to the refusal of civil servants, specialists and peasants to cooperate with the new government. The newspapers of that time wrote: “Officials of state and public institutions who sabotage work in the most important sectors of people's life are declared enemies of the people. ... their names will be published ... lists of enemies will be posted ... they are outcasts and have no right to mercy .... they are declared under a public boycott .... whoever does not want to work with the people has no place in the ranks of the people ... ". Much later, E. Che Guevara argued that: “Sabotage is an invaluable weapon in the hands of peoples leading a partisan struggle. Organization of sabotage is the civilian underground aspect of partisan activity.

Sabotage is alive. In October 1999, slogans appeared at the Vyborg Pulp and Paper Plant: "Long live sabotage!" Today in the Russian Federation they began to talk about "computer", "military", "economic", "moral", "political" sabotage, without discussing the full depth of this phenomenon. For example, in the press in July 2001, the newspapers write: "The Deputy Prime Minister exploded: Why are you slipping this waste paper - this is uniform sabotage!" Due to the brutal suppression of sabotage, he disguised himself. It was he who determined the low efficiency of labor, which "killed" the USSR. The mass sabotage of workers was disguised in drunkenness, absenteeism, sitting in smoking rooms, fake sick leave, postscripts, deception of labor raters, difficulties with the implementation new technology and technology, and other "folk art". Sabotage continues in modern Russia in the form of unwillingness and inability to qualitatively and quickly build, cultivate fields, produce modern quality products. At the beginning of the 21st century, the Yugoslavs were building in Russia, the Turks were harvesting bread, the Hutsuls were felling the forest, and the Finns were making roads. The country does not work well, because several generations of Russian citizens were punished with labor, and then they are rewarded with labor!

5.3. A perversion of the work of a community group spreading policy.

13. "Black Electoral Technologies" entirely built on undermining the faith of citizens in the justice of the political society. The Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation was forced to publish the book “Information and Psychological Security of Election Campaigns”, ed. Brushlinsky A.V. (killed at the entrance of his house in January 2002) and Lepsky V.E. (M., 1999). They cite the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, where the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power is its people, and the highest direct expression of power is a referendum and free elections. They write that the widespread use of dirty electoral technologies poses a real threat to the loss of power by Russian citizens and the interception of these powers by various groups that manipulate voters in the interests of their corporate goals.

Black electoral technologies are based on the latest achievements of science that study methods of changing the consciousness and behavior of a person without his control. That is why legislation, as an extremely inertial system, which is served by deputies who are poorly versed in the science of manipulating the motives and actions of people, cannot oppose anything to the substitution of elections by manipulating the minds of citizens.

Non-specialists think that electoral technologies are reduced to dirty technologies, believing that these are: negative campaigning, campaigning not “for”, but “against”, litigation, bribery, planting and concealing ballot papers, blackmail, bribery, administrative pressure, etc. P. platitudes. In fact, the list of platitudes is long and resembles an arsenal civil war: these are administrative technologies from redrawing constituencies to direct pressure on voters. Moreover, much more powerful and not harmless means are used. Indirectly, this is manifested in the de-ideologization of elections, i.e. in their content poverty, the lack of fresh ideas, the similarity of the programs of the candidates, the use of extremely abstract slogans.

All this: signs of the substitution of the conscious - the unconscious, political thinking - pre-political emotions. If we compare the danger of such a substitution with the danger of a direct lie, then this is a comparison of the danger of radioactive radiation (which is invisible) with the danger of getting hit with a fist (which is obvious). All commercial and political pressure on the behavior of the masses of people is entirely based on the mechanisms of the psychology of the unconscious. The vast majority of voters only suspect that they are all objects of manipulation of their minds and behavior.

14. Sectarianism- a collection of various religious sects that are at odds with the official church organization. A sect is a doctrine that creates a closed group that opposes the official church. This definition is based on the qualifications of the Soviet era. However, as early as 1827, “falling into sectarianism” began to be punished in Russia as a criminal offense. Moreover, it could not even be a religious group of people who are isolated, closed political, literary, and other like-minded people. The attitude towards sects that never call themselves that is always debatable. Until 1928, sectarians were perceived as victims of the tsarist regime and the official church. In 1923 there was even a secret circular proposing an end to repression against sectarian organizations. However, in 1928, N.I. Bukharin laid the foundation for the fight against sectarianism, as the main enemy of the Soviet regime. Among them were the Mennonites, Baptists, Evangelicals, Adventists, eunuchs, Khlysts. He stated that the sectarians unite more young people in their ranks than the Komsomol. (Savin A.I., Infernal enemy. To the Protestant churches in the Siberian press 1928-1930 "Sibirskaya Zaimka. 1999.)

15. Thief in law- a person belonging to the underworld, observing the thieves' law. Otherwise, he is a recidivist professional who has never worked anywhere in his life and lives according to the laws of the criminal world. This law requires him to obtain money for living by criminal means, most often by theft. A thief in law is forbidden: to start a family, to kill (although in exceptional cases, during a thieves' showdown, he is obliged to defend his life himself). The thief in law does not go to a wet business: for this there is special people who, at the direction of authority, are obliged to carry out the sentence as soon as possible, if this concerns a representative of the underworld who has violated the thieves' law. A thief in law must be a teetotaller. For him there are no nationalities. Besides, they are all out of politics. They are forbidden to steal from their brother, inform, use drugs. According to the old law, a thief in law should not be at large for more than a year.

Most experts believe that thieves in law appeared in the early 30s. They say that the huge, numbered army of prisoners in the camps needed their generals, in the levers of internal control. The appearance of leaders was welcomed by everyone: both the administration of the camps and the prisoners themselves, especially the political ones, who suffered from the criminal fraternity. Only after the Great Patriotic War, the order of thieves was called organized crime and war was declared on them. By the end of the 1950s, only 3% of the members of the former order of thieves remained in the USSR. With Perestroika, the renaissance of thieves in law began, which changed the meaning of "thief in law" and the "law" itself. According to official data, there are more than 100 thieves in law in Moscow alone, and there is information about 400-500 lawyers in file cabinets.

The Order of Thieves has created a whole state in a country where, according to the written rules, absolutely all the behavior of its members is regulated. Ingredients: boys (deniers, sympathetic to thieves), sixes (general utilities, security), lightning rods (taking responsibility for the actions of a thief in law), bulls (direct executors of punishments for a thief in law), torpedoes (suicide bombers of the underworld performing a task at any cost, even at the cost of their lives), omitted (roosters, daisies, wafers who do all the vile work and are deprived of absolutely all rights): all this is the camp servant of thieves in law. They keep the peasants in subjection, people who are far from criminality, who have been convicted for the first time. Signs: playing cards: tertz, point, seka, rams, bura are required - if you are not a player, then in best case- man. Cards are the arbiters of thieves' destinies: in one night some become rich, others were ruined, maimed, killed, made into a rooster or parashnik. But they continue to be played, therefore they are obliged to do this. Thieves' jargon, which in its power is comparable to another foreign language.

"Raspberries" have a connection with the help of a messenger who is untouchable. Letters are encrypted, one of the varieties is thieves' jargon. There is the concept of a "road" - a thieves' communication channel, through which experienced criminals receive comprehensive information in prison on any issue and any person during the day in any place. Occupations: more than thirty "kinds of activity" - burglars, snifers, teddy bears, hijackers, gopniks, liquidators, pickpockets, sharpers, puppeteers, farmazons, pancake bakers, etc. However, the traditional classification of the occupations of thieves in law has undergone significant changes under the pressure of globalization. The ideology remained, the occupations were new.

Organization: the thieves' clan resembles a huge enterprise with powerful capital, experienced personnel, regional offices and bylaws. Manages the company thieves gangway. It has its own cash desks: camp and free. The Order of Thieves is developing in parallel with globalization. He spends huge sums on economic espionage. High-class specialists, most of whom received knowledge (and titles) at the schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the KGB, the GRU, conduct an “X-ray” of factories, concerns, insurance companies, MP, LLP, LLC, receiving all the data about the object. A dossier with information about the capacities of actual activities, assets, monthly and annual turnover, profits, the car of the head and his favorite cigarettes, as well as all the “compra” are placed on the table of the “godfather”. The analyst notes all the weak links and writes down the recommendations.

16. Betrayal- the problem is that someone (a person, a group of people, a nation, a country) makes one or many people believe in himself, and then betrays this faith, endangering the lives and fate of those who believed him. The issue of the nature of betrayal has not yet been resolved, due to its extreme human significance and complexity. The study of the problem began long ago, with an analysis of the act of Judas Iscariot, and has not stopped to this day. (further according to S. Mikhailov. Justification of Judas, or the Twelfth wheel of the world chariot. Tablets.)

The alleged reasons for betrayal are self-interest- receiving bribes for betrayal (thirty pieces of silver), envy- Jesus did not leave people indifferent, for his words penetrated into the heart of anyone who was able to listen, disappointment- the unfortunate betrayed the one whom he considered an untrue messiah who deceived all hopes, satan's machinations- Satan entered Judas, surnamed Iscariot, and he went and spoke with the chief priests, how to betray him, true faith in Jesus and his teachings– Judas was the only one of the twelve Apostles who sincerely believed Jesus and who did not forget a single word of his prophecies. It was faith that pushed him to betrayal, for he was the only one who understood the meaning of earthly life and, most importantly, the death of Christ: Jesus gave the world a chance, and this chance consisted in his death. Faith and skepticism in conflict: Judas reasoned that “..if Jesus is indeed the Son of God, then my betrayal will serve to fulfill his prophecy and death through crucifixion and resurrection on the third day. If he turns out to be a deceiver and a false prophet, then let death be his punishment for deceit.” Direct indication of Christ- "…Who is it? Jesus answered: the one to whom I, having dipped a piece of bread, will give. And having dipped a piece, he gave it to Judas Simonov Iscariot. etc. However, many modern traitors do not think so deeply about the motives of their crime.

Nevertheless, the issue of betrayal is archaic for a political society. Therefore, prof. Sergeants V.F. in 1993, in the wake of the collapse of the USSR, for the reasons of the betrayal of its leaders, he wrote the book "Character and its destructive behavior (Phenomenology of betrayal)", where he pointed out that betrayal is a conscious evil. Citing as examples of betrayal the life of the hero of the novel M. Gorky Karazin, and the life story of the revolutionary provocateur E. Azef, he repeats the words of the Gorky character: “Only those thoughts are tenacious and effective when they are charged with feeling .... However, by itself, not fertilized by feeling, thought plays with a person like a prostitute, but is completely incapable of changing anything in a person.

Later analysts (for example, M.A. de Budyon, “The Fall of Russia”, Apologia for Betrayal) also write that a betrayal was committed against the masses in the USSR. But if a separate unconscious individual can have any response to betrayal, then for the mass as a whole, it is the only one - reciprocal betrayal. The level of betrayal is determined by the number of individuals who have become victims of this betrayal, and its highest level is the one at which the entire state is the victim. The persistent use of alcohol is, among other things, a kind of veiled protest of an unconscious individual against those in power. Betrayal is no longer perceived as an extreme vicious act. In the service of their state, public duty: many traitors in the civil service work for anti-state structures. Others, having left the civil service, do not consider it vicious to use access to state secrets, methods of work to serve in anti-state formations.

Betrayal as a rejection of faith in one's country, in one's people, in one's own state, in oneself makes people unable to distinguish between virtues and vices, ends and means, facts and fictions, in general, to distinguish between one's own and another's. Therefore, according to some analysts, perhaps in the XX! century, a new civilization will emerge that has preserved the Russian language and the Russian phenotype, but it will have the same relation to the former Russia as present-day Iraq to Babylon, or Ancient Egypt to the current Arab republic in the Nile Delta.

5.4. Perversion of the activity of a group of communities that obey politics.

9. Drug business- gives rise to a whole strategy of counteracting the political society, consisting of phenomena with the root "narco": drug market, drug chemistry, drug culture, drug music, drug philosophy, drug religion, etc. The drug business claims complete and unconditional power not only over the personality of each of us, but also over society. As an economic phenomenon organized business, from the point of view of morality and law, is always an organized murder. The annual volume of drug sales in the world is at least 300,000 thousand tons. The income of the drug mafia in the world is estimated at a colossal figure - 600 billion dollars. Money is the most significant force. US spending on the anti-drug campaign is $1 billion annually.

Protecting society from the drug business is more expensive than protecting against a nuclear strike under the Star Wars program. Humanity has never had to solve such non-traditional problems before. The situation is becoming more and more catastrophic. According to US photo intelligence, from 1988 to 1996, opium production in the Golden Triangle (Burma, Laos, Thailand) and the Golden Crescent (Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan) doubled. It is not possible to reduce the area under crops of drug-containing plants because of the insurmountable resistance of drug groups and peasants. The drug business is making full use of the scientific and technological capabilities that underlie globalization. Laboratories for the production of drugs are located in truck vans (70 kg of cocaine per day), the share of synthetics MDA, MDMA is growing rapidly. In the initial period of development, drug production technology used kitchen meat grinders, sieves, etc., then modern production carried out in highly professional clandestine laboratories. 7-9 cents are invested in the production of one pill of "ecstasy", and it is sold in bulk for 8-15 dollars.

The success of the drug business comes from the inability of the authorities to control their own territory, the fear of the authorities of criminals, political instability, the excessive pace of global transformations that destroy the old institutions of power and do not have time to create new ones, the collapse of traditional social institutions, the corruption of the authorities, the liberalization of foreign trade activities, the lack of control over precursors (components without which the production of drugs is impossible), economic crises, and most importantly: the sympathy of the population for the opponents of the authorities (among whom the drug business is hiding), which even makes it difficult for the special services to work.

As a result, in Russia, starting from 1965 to 1999, the number of officially registered people who fell into drug addiction increased from 10 thousand people. up to 2 million people. If in 1992 there were 19 thousand crimes related to the drug business, then in 4 months of 2000 - 78531 (12% more than in 1999). Do not think that the drug business intends to continue to feed the hooligan or gangster environment. Globalization has created such conditions for it that in general it is about real power in the country and in the world. In the future: the likelihood of a complete transfer of power into the hands of the criminal community.

According to the UN, drugs account for 70% of all criminal organizations' profits. It is alleged that the drug mafia exercises total control over society, up to the fact that it contains drug treatment clinics and institutes (probably with a secret intention to control the developments of scientists). It is alleged that every fourth Russian bank launders drug money that is used to purchase production facilities and real estate, and not only to lobby for certain laws, but also to create political parties, maintain clinics, support theaters, symphony orchestras, finance orphanages, etc. d. According to researchers, the purchase of shares Russian enterprises in the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation in 1996, 900 billion narco-rubles were spent. And in 1998, the annual budget of the drug business in the Russian Federation exceeded the milestone of 3 billion dollars.

10. Sex industry- this is crazy money received by some people for the desire of other people to be an animal for a few minutes. This is the payment for the “fleeing” from a political society to a pre-political one. Only on the Internet, according to the most understated estimates, it is 1.5 billion dollars and 450 million users. According to other data, out of 450 million Internet users, 60 million daily go online to various pornographic and erotic sites. Local research shows that 2.1 million French users (27%) regularly visit adult sites. In general, the pornographic sector of the Internet economy is the most profitable. Turnover in this sector reached $1.5 billion in 2000, and by 2003 it will be at least $3 billion.

The porn industry hides behind a “rating” screen, but in fact behind this screen there are millions (!) of real people literally destroyed psychologically and physically in its “production”. Most of the destroyed did not even have time to find out or understand what happened to them. The millions of people who serve as material for the porn industry are victims sacrificed on the altar of a pre-political society. They sacrifice their main human traits in order to be the “live material” of porn publications, porn films, porn Internet, porn spectacles, porn services. The material is the life of prostitutes and porn stars turned inside out. In a mockery of society, the porn industry defies its most sacred rules, forcing children aged 10 and under to act as such material.

In fact, the entire porn industry is a covert form of human trafficking. In all countries of the world, it brings the greatest income after drugs and weapons. According to the US State Department, about 700 thousand people become victims of the slave trade every year, mostly women and children. Between 45,000 and 50,000 people a year are smuggled into the United States alone. According to other sources, up to 4 million people fall into the hands of slave traders annually, and the turnover of this "business" is about 9 billion dollars a year. The collapse of the political society in Russia led to the fact that, according to the CSCE, after the collapse Soviet Union about 10 million (!) residents of the CIS were sold to brothels in Europe. On the territory of Russia, travel agencies, marriage service bureaus and private individuals are engaged in the export of live goods. Most often, instead of the easy work of a governess in one of the chic houses on the Adriatic coast, the girls are waiting for the trunks of cars in which they are transported across borders, a dirty Asian brothel, hard sex, contagious diseases, beatings to a pulp, blood, miscarriages, hunger.

According to psychologists who carry out rehabilitation treatment of girls released from captivity, almost driven to insanity, it is very difficult to wean them from the habit of eating paper, lime, sand, nibbling doors and window sills. It turns out that mechanical chewing distracts them from memories. The international sale of women for the sex industry is a type of slave trade that has become deeply rooted in Russia in recent years. Its scope has acquired a transnational character and is one of the main sources of income for international crime. It is most actively developing today all over the world and mainly because of the extreme weakening of political society. Moreover, the porn industry is vigorously exploiting the achievement of a political society for its purposes. So income from the supply of erotic stories and pornographic pictures to handheld computers and other mobile devices in 1998 amounted to 1 billion dollars, and by 2003 this figure will reach 3 billion. The new market, according to experts, has great prospects, as the number of users of wireless devices is growing rapidly and soon fierce competition will unfold in this segment of the wireless market.

11. Vandalism- desecration of buildings or other structures, damage to property on public transport or in other public places (Art. 214 UKRF). This is just one of the forms of destructive behavior of people in the form of deliberate destruction or damage to someone else's property. Like all other forms of extremism, known since ancient Rome, the term was put into circulation during the French Revolution. There, vandalism is defined as a state of mind that causes the destruction of beautiful things, in particular, works of art. In England, a vandal is considered to be one who intentionally or out of ignorance destroys the property belonging to another person or society.

Due to state ignorance or malicious intent, the damage from vandalism is not given due importance. Although it is known that in the United States 200 thousand people are arrested annually for vandalism. And 15 thousand people. for arson. In Canada, 37% of Torontonians and 56% of suburban residents cite vandalism as a significant problem. The financial damage from vandalism in the Netherlands is 4 million dollars a year, the London Underground has a loss of 20 million dollars, and, in general, the damage from vandalism in the United States is estimated at 1 billion. dollars per year.

In Russia, in St. Petersburg, from 1989 to 1991, losses from the collapse of payphones by vandals increased 4 times. On Moscow railway in 1992 alone, 12,360 seats were destroyed, 73,800 sofas were damaged, 49,800 square meters were broken. meters of glass. In St. Petersburg, 30% of the costs in the housing and communal sector are accounted for by the elimination of the consequences of vandalism.

Vandalism has no gender: in 1995, more than 30,000 women were arrested for vandalism in the United States. It is wrong to consider vandalism as an exclusively teenage phenomenon: according to the US, among those arrested, 25% were over 25 years old, and in Germany the proportion of vandals over 21 years old is 48.4%. Vandalism has no race, nationality, social class, is not caused by emotional problems, personal maladaptation, reduced intelligence. H

Experts consider vandalism as revenge, as a game, as a way to acquire. It differentiates between vicious, ideological and tactical vandalism.

12. Hooliganism - a gross violation of public order, expressing clear disrespect for society, accompanied by the use of violence against citizens, or the threat of its use, as well as the destruction or damage to other people's property (Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Lawyers argue whether hooliganism acts as a motive or act, is the object of hooliganism a public order, which is understood as a set of relations that normatively determine the behavior of people in the process of social life? It is assumed that hooliganism is (basically) a manifestation of the “I” ignored by society, which results in very specific actions, for which the subject must bear criminal and other liability. On this basis, many believe that it is advisable to exclude the article “Hooliganism” from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Ivanov N., “Hooliganism: Problems of Qualification”,

Most specialists working in the system of education and upbringing do not think so. In their opinion, hooliganism is committed most of all by that group or person who is currently weak, depressed, oppressed, or considers himself to be such. A bully is a mask put on out of a need to compensate for the feeling of unfreedom. Historically, it turned out that since the beginning of the 1920s, there has been an unusually strong growth of hooliganism in Russia, sometimes turning into banditry. They talk about the subculture of hooligans, which is expressed not so much in verbal expression as in behavior. This subculture of the underworld successfully recruits young people into its ranks. The socio-economic conditions in which young people are placed limit the choice of ways for survival to the limit. This means that compensation for social humiliation will occur due to the growth of hooliganism, homelessness and banditry, and that there will be more and more marginalized communities (According to V, F, Lurie. "From homelessness and hooliganism to thieves' culture."

Hooliganism is developing, expanding, and today they talk about political hooliganism, and hooliganism on the Internet. The Internet, as a public platform, is becoming an object of hooliganism thanks to political technologists, in particular, the publication of preliminary election results “exit polls”. There are examples of "adult pictures" being shown on a computer news server because a skilled attacker has altered the server's alphabetic and numeric associations. It is extremely difficult to catch a "pest" in order to accuse him of malicious hooliganism.

Conclusions: Dialogue with a political person. Confident? Or doubters? Or confused?

The overall picture is bleak. The potential interlocutor is depressed. He comes to a situation of dialogue, having passed through the thickness of political and pre-political communities. In the interests of his security, man was forced to identify himself with each of the social environments where fate threw him. This means that he either voluntarily accepted or actively imposed on him the meaning of life, life values ​​and goals of life, which made him “one of his own” in a pre-political society.

This tactic of behavior is due to the many dangers that threaten him, crowned by - terrorism. Officially, terrorism is the commission of explosions, arson or other actions that create a danger of death of people, causing property damage or other socially dangerous consequences, if these actions are committed in order to violate public safety, intimidate the population or influence decision-making by government bodies, and also the threat of committing the specified actions for the same purposes. (Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). In fact, terrorism is the apotheosis of the triumph of the superiority of a pre-political society over a political one, a secret society over an open one, a criminal society over a civil one. In essence, terrorism is the substitution of political instruments of power for pre-political surrogates based on the physical suppression of an opponent: torture, murder, bullying. If political decisions, actions, from economic to military, are regulated by state laws, then pre-political ones are determined by the will of an illegitimate group of people who oppose the law openly or covertly.

Terrorism does not need to be looked for in the reports of foreign chronicles - it is "at our doorstep." Just one example: contract killings. According to the official (meaning underestimated) data of the law enforcement structures of the Russian Federation, if in 1993 - 1995 600 - 700 such murders were committed annually, then in 2000 there were already 386 of them, and in 2001 - 327. There are only a few political murders - for example, murder journalists Dmitry Kholodov and Larisa Yudina, Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Polyanichko. The concept of "murder for hire" was introduced only in 1995, when the number of "contract" murders in 1993 - 1995 annually amounted to 600 - 700 cases. And back in the 80s, only 20-50 cases of "murders for hire" were considered per year throughout the country. Even according to official figures, it is clear that pre-political communities rule in Russia: in the Russian Federation, on average, 34 contract killings are registered per 10 thousand people, while in the USA - 9. It does not matter that, according to unofficial data, 30 thousand contract killings are committed in Russia. murders per year. This is a war of a pre-political society against a political one.

Terrorism is the resultant action of all 16 forms of extremism in virtually all pre-political communities living a secret life. All pre-political communities, to one degree or another, adopted the experience of the criminal community. They, who had no previous convictions, did not recognize the thieves' law, but lived according to "concepts", agreed with violence as a form of existence. Although they do not follow the traditions of the old criminal world. They moved to business area ethics of conflict resolution, competition from the criminal environment. The use of fraud, deceit, corruption, the use of criminal slang in the underworld, business, and politics is universal.

Due to the retreat of the political society, life in the country is regulated according to the rules and norms of behavior of the thieves' "law" and gangster "concepts". An alternative state appeared social institution. Extremism actively counteracts the mechanisms of social control by the state, and has its own control mechanisms in the place of its deployment. Organized crime: bandits, thieves in law and shadow businessmen become a state within a state, filling all the niches from which he left state control. by the most profitable business they consider power.

The arsenal of terrorism is growing along with the scientific and technological revolution. In addition to beatings, torture, poisoning, murders with bladed weapons, sophisticated scientific and technical methods appear, such as remote explosions, the use of poison gases, even technospheric accidents based on the latest information and other technologies. This is what has turned terrorism into the main opponent of any legitimate government that mistakenly considers the use of violence only its right and duty.

It is encouraging that, having “plowed the bottom of life”, having listened to the Fuhrers, authorities, gurus, Batek and other leaders of pre-political communities, a person needs even more a normal explanation of the causes of what is happening and options for eliminating these causes. The topics of the meaning of life, values ​​and goals do not seem to him an excessive luxury after living in an environment where human life is not highly valued and is determined by random factors. A political person knows that he is still alive, thanks to carefully guarded from everyone - his personal meaning of life, his values ​​​​and goals. Therefore, he agrees to discuss and strengthen the qualities that give him such a consciousness that he goes through all the trials of life.

The identification of types of political behavior and participation helps us understand how the political behavior of an individual can be realized. Based on the analysis of existing patterns of people's political behavior, we can predict the future reactions of society to the steps that the government plans to implement.

For a more accurate and reliable forecast, we need to determine the criteria by which we will single out the typology of political behavior and participation.

To begin with, consider the refusal of citizens to take part in the political life of society. This is also a form of human participation in politics and is defined as passive political behavior. Sometimes it is also characterized by the word “apathy”, but this is not entirely accurate, since the concept of “apathy” contains an element of disappointment, which is always emotionally colored and leads to a person’s complete indifference to everything that happens around. Thus, apathy is the result of an ongoing process, and passive political behavior is characterized as the process itself. In addition, the concept of passivity is semantically neutral, while apathy is the result of experienced negative emotions.

The reasons for passive political behavior may be different: a) a low level of cultural or social development; b) an authoritarian political system that is not interested in other political behavior; c) disappointment (or disagreement) in political institutions and the goals they set for themselves; d) rejection of a particular political regime; e) political boycott as a variant of an active political position.

More common is verbal political behavior, the essence of which is the discussion of politics, political situations, the actions of political leaders at the level of everyday communication (in transport, in line, in the kitchen with friends, etc.). This is an interest in politics at the level of conversation, which does not at all imply that a person expressing an opinion (even the most radical one) will agree to implement it by action.

The next level is electoral behavior, which is characterized by delegation of authority. By electing someone, a person delegates his powers to him. Thus, he influences the course of the political process. Therefore, participation or ignoring elections, voting "for" or "against" are interpreted as forms of political behavior.

Another level is active political behavior, which involves the participation of a person in the activities of political parties, organizations, support groups for candidates in elections at various levels, lobbying their own or someone else's interests.

At the same level is the so-called institutional behavior. This level primarily includes policy administrators who are not involved in public policy, but have a direct influence on the political decision-making process (for example, managers, ministers and other officials in the government).

The last level is direct action or unorthodox political behavior. All other levels thus fall under the definition of "orthodox political behavior", i.e. included in the political system, allowed by it. In this case, direct action includes all types of political behavior that go beyond what is permitted in a given political system (strikes, demonstrations, revolutions, etc.).

In addition to the typology of political behavior, its forms are also distinguished, which help to understand what and how drives a person in his actions in politics. Having understood why this or that person participates in politics, we ask ourselves how, in what forms, he does it.

Political experience testifies to a huge variety of forms of political behavior - from familiar and traditional (ubiquitous) to unusual and even shocking. Each person, as it were, chooses his own role in a gigantic "political play". What political roles (usually expressing forms of political behavior) are most often found in the political life of society? There are always several of them.

1. Passive consumer of political information. His role in politics is reduced to the simplest reaction (positive, negative, indifferent) to ongoing political events, phenomena, processes. This role does not imply noticeable political activity, special rituals and efforts. Thus, a passive consumer can receive political information arbitrarily (through a constantly working radio, random conversations in public transport, etc.). In general, it is difficult to imagine modern man, which would be absolutely closed to the penetration of any political information.

2. Voter. This political role is played not only on the days of elections or referendums. It involves some political activity both before the elections (by searching for an answer to the question of who or what to vote for), during and after them (by analyzing who did win after all). In playing the political role of a voter, a person, as a rule, goes to the polls and, in order to make his political choice, is interested in political information. In the countries of the so-called stable democracies, the majority of the population plays just such a political role. So, according to some reports, in the UK, up to 62% of the population limits their participation in politics by going to the polls.

3. Group activist. This role is reduced to actively defending the interests of any group. The group activist understands, realizes and formulates its interests better than other members of the group. Such people can act as "ringleaders" of strikes, various kinds of pickets, spontaneous rallies and demonstrations. They are not professionally engaged in politics, but it plays a prominent role in their lives. Group activists often stand at the origins of various kinds of social movements, but later, at the stage when systematic organizational work is needed, they usually step aside.

4. Party members. This political role fixes a highly conscious and reasonable attitude towards politics. By joining a political party, a person chooses not only a way to spend his leisure time, but also declares his political position. This choice is not so simple, since a political party is created on the basis of a certain system of values, it presents its vision of the world in general and the problems of this society in particular. Consequently, the choice of a political party requires a person to have certain knowledge and awareness of his political interests, activity, and conviction.

5. Party functionary. This role can be not only political, but even politicized. The person who performs it, one way or another, seeks to make a political career for himself. He devotes most of his time to the affairs of his party. He takes on certain special functions - writing program documents or organizational work, promoting the ideas of the party or recruiting new members. This political role can be performed not only on a voluntary basis, but also professionally. In a democracy, party functionaries very often run for election to representative bodies of power and, if they win, combine their role with that of a deputy. The role of a party functionary requires a person to have a constant interest in politics, high degree awareness. It is often said about him that he is "cooked in politics." And rightly so: politics becomes a constant background for him in his life.

6. Professional. This political role involves the professional performance of functions in various political institutions and, above all, in government bodies. It could be professional activity in the state apparatus, in elected state bodies, leading party structures. Using the terminology of M. Weber, we can talk about politicians "by profession". They, in addition to their passion for participation in politics, also have material rewards in the form of wages. There is almost no room for chance in choosing such a political role. It is based, as a rule, on an absolutely rational choice. After all, we are talking about a profession that cannot be called massively popular and easily accessible. To acquire it, you need considerable perseverance, ambition, a conscious desire, and besides, special education.

In addition to these, there are a number of other forms of political behavior. We have here described only those that are most often encountered in the political life of society. But let's not forget that there are forms associated with the use of violence, involving armed struggle. The modern English researcher A. Marsh proposed calling them political crimes. He attributed to them sabotage, partisan actions, hostage-taking, politically motivated murders, wars, kidnappings, revolutions. As you can see, A. Marsh interprets the concept of "crime" in a broad sense. For him, this is not only something that does not fit into the framework of legal codes, but also something that goes beyond the normal political life, violates, and sometimes destroys it. Modern political practice, unfortunately, is still full of such examples. Let's also not forget that the danger of committing political crimes especially increases in conditions of political instability and the socio-cultural crisis of society. Against this background, people are prone to radical "surgical" methods, striving to immediately and permanently solve all urgent problems. But what is good in medicine does not always fit in politics. Moreover, such actions can turn into a big disaster. They not only do not contribute to solving problems, but also lead society into an even more blind alley. That is why it is so important to know the typology and forms of political behavior and political participation of citizens in the life of society.